
Chapter 30

“What is she?”

“Scum, sir.” Cam’s voice was beginning to get louder, rising in pitch.

“You think lesbians are scum?”

“Yes, sir,” she lied.

“Why do you think that?”

Cameron had stood there in that position, in the hot sun for the past half hour, listening to Charlie berate her, admonishing her, contradicting every answer she gave. She’d tried to second guess him, to give him the answers she thought he wanted, but he always came back with something different, something new.

“Because the Master Trainer told me that was so, sir,” she threw back at him.

“Am I always right?”

“Yes, sir.” Anger was beginning to creep into her voice.


“Because The Master Trainer told me he was, sir.”

“Am I a god, then?” he asked.

“Yes, sir. The Master Trainer is God,” Cameron conceded grudgingly.

“What would a dyke know about God?”

Cam stopped. “Sir?”

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