
Chapter 26

Riva’s cheeks heated even further. Now she’d made it sound like she hadworked something out with Daisy, all because she’d gotten weirdly defensive about the way she’d been thinking about her. Thatwas going to come back to bite her. Either she’d have to get Benton to accept that she wasn’t going to make out with a girl after all—when he was so obviously thrilled by the idea that she would—or she had a very uncomfortable conversation with Daisy ahead of her.

“This isn’t what you think,” Riva tried. She could explain this, maybe admit to him that she hadn’t actually set anything up. Maybe she could promise to talk to Daisy, though—and what did it mean that her heart began to pound at that thought? Was it fear? Or something else, like excitement?

“Oh, it’s cool,” Benton said. “I know you’re not a dyke. It’s not like you’d ever leave me for some chick.”

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