
Chapter 7

By five o’clock everyone I needed to talk to had either commented or declined out of a sense of ‘There but for the grace of God go I’, except the one person who counted—the infamous sheriff.

“Sandi, I am supposed to meet three of my bridesmaids at six for a fitting. It has been like putting a camel through a needle to get these three in the same place at the same time. But I haven’t heard back from the sheriff,” I said, sitting on her desk as she played Solitaire on her computer.

“Say no more. I am waiting on a few late calls myself so I can catch your phone. When he calls, if he calls, I’ll let you know.”

“You are a godsend. I will come back by the office tonight if he doesn’t call so I can add it into my story,” I said grabbing my purse and shutting my computer down.

“I owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it,” Sandi said waving her hand as I rushed past her desk. “Just remember this when I need a baby sitter.”

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