
Chapter 22

MagnesiumFlare: Mara, he must weigh nine stone at the outside, and his Dad is six foot something.

TaylorNotJones: Sure but if your mate goes to a comp like you and his old man is an office drone, your mate’d have the better right hook.

MagnesiumFlare: I really don’t think that would be a good idea.

TaylorNotJones: Why not? He tried it before and failed?

Ryan pauses.

He doesn’t actually know. Hell, he doesn’t even know how long Alex has been on the receiving end of John’s drunken anger. Since his sister died? Or was that why she killed herself? To get away from that family? Or is the mess even anything to do with Lizzie at all? Is it specifically Alex, or does John hit his wife too? Did he hit his daughter, before she removed herself from the equation? Is Alex’s mother involved?—And if she is, how much does she know and allow?

His cursor flashes at him.

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