
Golden Trio 3

"So Harry what do you think of the Wizarding World? How is your first impression?" began Matthew as he guided the younger boy further into the Alley.

"It's all so fascinating, I would have never believed that magic is real. I felt my whole life like something was missing and now it's there. But at the same time, I am a bit scared about the expectations people have of me. After all, I am just Harry, not some amazing dark lord killing hero. The other Students will probably have far more knowledge of Magic than me, after all, I never knew of magic until today." Replied Harry while blurting his whole bandwidth of emotions out.

"Haha, don't worry 'just' Harry", joked Matthew, "I like you grew up in the non-magical world, in the muggle world like wizards call it. And you won't be behind the students who grew up in the magical world. They grew up with magic, for them magic is something like radios, cars or a stove is for us. Magic is so normal for them that they don't have the fascination we possess. The Students you could be behind are rather the ones like me the smart book-loving ones, they will absorb every piece of this new kind of force in their lives. As for you being 'just' Harry. Don't worry too much, although you will have to live with their stares and awed expressions, you will find also true friends who will give you a new home, and learn who you truly are."

"You are probably right." Replied Harry visibly relaxed as we arrived at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

"That's our first stop, Harry. You can buy your robes here. I would recommend you to buy yourself some free time clothes. Your Relatives seem to be disgusting humans, to only give you hand downs. Just keep them in your Trunk while you stay with them and they wouldn't know. Your parents probably left you enough money for this kind of stuff. I will get you a Trunk while you are there, lets meet here again when we are finished." Explained Matthew while smiling.

After Harry entered the store Matthew headed to the trunk store where he bought his trunk and got for him a regular trunk with expanded inside, anti-theft, and shrinking enchantments. 20 Minutes late he arrived again at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions where he waited for a few minutes until Harry also came out.

"Got your clothes? Good. Here this is a trunk with expanded insides and some safety measures. There is also an enchantment on it that lets it change its size on command. See that way. Put your clothes inside and we head for our next stop." Explained to Matthew as he shows Harry how the trunk works and store his new clothes inside.

They continued in direction of Slug's and Jigger's Apothecary, but suddenly Harry had a strange question. "Are there different kinds of Wizards?" asked the boy.

'So he still met Draco. Seems he will land in Gryffindor.' Mused Matthew while he decided on how to reply. "There are a certain group of Wizards who have this kind of view, that these so-called Pureblood Wizards are better than Wizards and Witches like me or your Mother born from non-Magical Parents are, well lesser than dirt to them. They even have a Slur for it. They call us 'Mudbloods', unfortunately, they have a lot of political influence and ingrained these views into the common life in the Wizarding Worlds. Many of the Purebloods Families were followers of Voldemort and managed to buy themselves free by pleading they were controlled through a spell. You probably met someone from a pureblood family since only them would talk about this kind of stuff while meeting someone." Explained Matthew.

"So that's how it was. Wait you just said Voldemort's name? Aren't you scared?" asked Harry as he realized it.

"From What? Like you, I grew up in the non-Magical World and don't have that fear ingrained in me. They didn't say his name back then because Voldemort cast a Taboo on his name and was able to locate people who would say his name. Usually, after saying his name a group of Death Eater would arrive and attack you. Death Eater is how his followers are called." Replied Matthew half-amused and half-serious.

They arrived at the Apothecary where Harry bought his school ingredients. Matthew's discount made his shopping much cheaper. Next, they headed for Flourish and Blotts where they would buy Harry Schoolbooks.

Matthew also picked up a collection of books as he did for Hermione that would introduce the Wizarding Worlds Customs and Common Sense to Harry. He also picked additionally some books that would give Harry a good foundation for the school topics especially Potions.

"You should read these books and your school books before the Lessons begin. So you are prepared. Although it's not required, it will help you. Especially in Potions. The Potion Teacher is famous for picking on Students who don't belong in his House Slytherin. And often quizzes new students to scare them. He is actually a good guy but he needs to keep up a facade that he is partial to them because of politics." Explained Matthew as they left the Book store.

"House? Slytherin? What's that about." Wondered Harry while starring at Matthew.

"Hogwarts has four houses that Students get sorted into based on their Character. They are Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and the House I am in Ravenclaw. Slytherin is a rather complex house because of Politics. It's the house where Voldemort and most of his Follower were in. I wouldn't go there if I were you since many of their children are there now although some of them are also decent and got sorted there because it fits their character." Answered Matthew dutifully.

"How do I get sorted?" asked Harry,

"That's a surprise. Don't worry where you get sorted, every house has its advantage." Replied Matthew while comforting the younger boy who got a bit worried again.

Afterward, they had a bit of time and Matthew invited Harry to a nice break at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. As they finished their Ice cream they headed for Ollivander's Wand Store.

"So this is the last thing on your list and probably the most important one. Your Wand. You should go yourself in since it is a rather important and personal choice. You will probably also learn something about your parents there since Mr.Ollivander remembers every Wand he ever Sold. Oh and buy a Wand Holster, since a wand could like a gun accidentally fire off if you are not careful. A Holster will prevent that." Explained Matthew as he sent the boy into the old Store which existed since 382 B.C.

He waited here for a while and wondered whether would Hagrid or Harry would arrive first since it was slowly time for their meeting. After a while, Harry once again left the Store and arrived outside.

"So do you have your Wand Harry? Good. Oh, it seems Hagrid also arrived." Exclaimed Matthew as he spotted the Half giant. "Harry I will leave you here. We will meet each other on the Train. If not then-latest in Hogwarts. Keep your Trunk shrunken with you so your relatives can't do anything to your Stuff." Said Matthew as he was about to leave.

"Yes, see you in Hogwarts. And thank you for your help." Replied the younger boy happily.


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