
Golden Trio 1

Saturday, 27th July 1991

After enjoying a nice breakfast with his Parents, Matthew got ready and left their family Home in Bloomsbury early in the morning. The moment he was out of sight, he looked for an empty place. With a simple cast of "Homenum Revelio!" he made sure he was alone and unobserved. Once again he opened a blue swirling Portal and traveled to the back alley of the Leaky Cauldron, with the help of two jumps again.

His Portal traveling Method had some advantages compared to Apparition and Portkeys, for one he didn't get uncomfortable because he didn't have to force his body through a small wormhole created with magic, and for the second reason he wasn't trackable with the common Wizarding methods. The Ministry and capable Wizards had spells to follow Wizards through Apparition and Portkeys. But that was because this traveling Method was so common in the Wizarding World and they developed Spells for that a long time ago. His Portal magic was uncommon if not unknown for them, so they couldn't track him through it and were unable to follow him until they knew of this trump card. Apparition and Portkey wards also didn't work on it.

Unfortunately, his Portal had a far smaller range than the other method, until he found more data or invested a lot of time into the research he would have to live with this disadvantage. For now, he was completely happy with his method since he did not need more distant travel at the moment, but that would change in the future. So one of his next goals should be at least to study the Portkey spell. This was a method that wasn't as risky as Apparition since there was no danger of splinching.

He arrived at the Back Alley of the Leaky Cauldron and entered the Alley once again through the muggle entrance. The Leaky Cauldron was filled with people this time, after all, it was once again for the Students to do their Hogwarts Shopping since their letters arrived this week. First, he shortly visited Gringotts where he took some Wizarding money from his nicely filled vault, although he wasn't rich he would be able to live comfortably at the moment with his current income. But for his research, it was far from enough but it still helped.

After his visit to Gringotts, he headed for Slugs and Jiggers Apothecary where he filled his potion ingredients up with materials for classes and his personal research. He always needed at least a basic collection of different ingredients in his trunk for every situation. And his Discount helped him to finance it.

Next, he visited a second-hand book store to take a look if he was able to find any interesting books he didn't read before or if he found any books with some useful notes in them. After he only found some spell books that he already knew but had some handwritten notes in them, he paid for them and was about to leave the store, as the door opened and a group of redheads entered it.

Matthew instantly greeted the Twins:" Hey Gred and Forge nice to see you. How are you Holidays?"

"Hey, Matthew, nice to see you too. You know how it is." "Some pranking here some preparations for the next year there." "But pretty normal.", replied the twins in their famous twin speak, their answer earned them a stern glare of the motherly redheaded women behind there.

"FRED AND GEORGE! I don't want any more Letters from School about any of your Pranks this year. You should make yourself an example on Percy and focus more on your studies." Berated Mrs. Weasley them.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley nice to meet you. I am Matthew Mason a friend of the twins. Although I am part of Ravenclaw we still are good buddies." Introduced Matthew himself politely.

"Nice to meet you, dear. I hope the Twins are not too much trouble for you." Replied Mrs. Weasley with a smile.

"Not at all. They are actually pretty entertaining. Any you underestimate them too much they actually must have a big gift for Potions and Spell creation with all the Pranks they created themselves." Answered Matthew while praising the Twins with the truth before their Mother as his eyes fell on the other Person that followed them. It was a young Redhaired boy that had a bit of dirt on his clothes," Oh you must be Ron, Fred, and George's younger brother. Hopefully, we will see each other in Hogwarts this year."

"Hullow. Yes, I will start in Hogwarts this year." Replied Ron in his typical way.

"Well nice to meet you. I think you will enjoy Hogwarts. It was nice to see you all but I have to continue now since the list of things I have to finish is still long. Bye. See you on the train guys." Said Matthew as he left the Store.

His next stop was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions where he bought some new robes for School and new dress robes since he outgrew his last ones and he once again was invited to Slughorns Yule Ball this year. After putting his newly bought goods into his Trunk he headed for the Quidditch Supply store where he bought the new Nimbus 2000 so he could study the flying enchantments on it this year.

Last but not least he headed for Flourish and Blotts Book store where he needed to buy his new school books for this year. As he entered the Store he spotted a girl with light skin, bright brown eyes, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth. But she looked pretty cute and would most likely grow up to be a Beauty. She was currently trying to convince two adults, based on their clothes non-magical, to buy some more books. This was clearly Hermione Granger another member of the famous Golden Trio from the Harry Potter Books and her parents.

Matthew approached Hermione and her Parents and introduced himself, "Hello nice to meet you. You must be a new Hogwarts Student. My name is Matthew Mason I am this year a third-year student in Hogwarts."

"Hello, I am Hermione Granger and a first-year Student. And these are my parents Dan and Emma Granger. What do you want from us." She introduced herself with a slightly bossy tone, but you could see that she was actually nervous.

"Good day to you too, Mr. and Mrs. Granger. You are probably non-magical based on your clothes and Hermione's interest in so many basic books. I would like to recommend you some books that are extremely useful for First-Generation Wizards." Explained Matthew as he continued the Conversation. He explained the general Situation of the Wizarding World to the Grangers and recommended them some books that would help especially Hermione with the Customs of the Wizarding World since she was basically entering and studying in another country with different customs. He explained all the things his parents would have liked to know.

He spent a good while with the Grangers in the book store before he needed to complete his own shopping, "So that's all you need to know at the moment. Since you like Books so much Hermione you really would fit into Ravenclaw, we even have our own Library and the older students study with the younger ones once a week. You would make many friends there." He explained as he tried to recruit her.

"But Professor McGonagall said that Gryffindor was the best house in Hogwarts even Professor Dumbledore attended there, and he is the current greatest Wizard." Replied Hermione.

"Hahaha, that is so typical for Professor McGonagall, she always tries to recruit the promising students into her own house. Although Professor Dumbledore was in Gryffindor he would have fitted into all Houses, and there are many I would even say more famous Wizards in other houses. Many of the prominent figures in the Ministry and even most Ministers were for example in Hufflepuff. While Ravenclaw had many Inventors in it, for example, the Floo Powder Network was invented by a Ravenclaw and our head of House was even an unbeaten Duelling Champion. And Merlin himself was a Slytherin. So every House has its redeeming Qualities and Prominent Figures, but the greatest disadvantage in Gryffindor for you is their Students. They are rather loud and enjoy more trouble, it is rather hard to find a quiet place to study or read there since most of them will rather want to do something else. But I am sure you will just find the Place where you fit." Finished Matthew.

"Hmm, you are right I will see where I land since I don't even know where I will be sorted yet or how. Could you tell me?" she asked while trying to make puppy eyes.

"Haha, Sorry no. This is a surprise for every new student and nobody will tell you. Well, I have to go now. Don't be a stranger no matter in which house you land. After all, we are friends now." Replied Matthew as he began to leave.

"Yes, we are friends. See you in Hogwarts." Said Hermione with a beautiful and happy smile as she watched him leave.

'Becoming Hermione's first real Friend. Check' thought, Matthew, as he left the store and headed for the exit of the Alley.


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