
A New Name

Felixa could see the man had lost half his weight in these few days he was not fed properly. He has aged a decade and his hair has greyed. She still didn't feel any pity for him.

"I know she's not your daughter!"

Before Felixa could say one more word, Maximus' conceited voice echoed in the halls. Felixa looked at Maximus with her eyes wide open. She wanted to protect the honor of Wispy's mother but now Maximus is reinforcing that worm's accusation.

[Wispy is not his daughter? How can he say that?]

Felixa fisted her hands. As she was about to confront Maximus, he continued with his tone filled with pride and disgust.

"But a gardener's daughter?" Maximus scoffed. "Who was the gardener? Icabod, son of Galarder?" he asked.

Felixa saw the kneeling man stumbling as he heard that name. She turned to look at Maximus and he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

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