

It's been thirteen hours since Gwen is sleeping, which means her father could be here at any time.

Seeing Gwen's father arriving, I didn't worry, as Gwen already let go of my arm, about four hours ago, and I manage to hide easily in her room.

And so Gwen's father opens the apartment door, and comes straight to his daughter's room, seeing him approaching the bedroom, I hide in the wardrobe.

Hidden away, I can see him opening the door, looking inside, probably to make sure Gwen is okay, then closing it right away.

Seeing that he's going to take a shower, I come out of my hiding place, and sit on Gwen's bed, checking again how she was, and unfortunately, it looks like it's going to take a while for her to wake up.

After a few minutes, I hear Gwen's father coming out of the bathroom, but he didn't come here, he came to his room.

Looking at my watch, I can't help but remember that today is my birthday, meaning I'm fifteen, the same age as when I died in my other life.

I used the excuse that I'm celebrating my birthday with friends to justify not going home.

And so reading on his cell phone, and taking care of Gwen, the hours passed, when it was eight o'clock, I hear Gwen's father's cell phone ringing, he answers the cell, paying attention to Gwen's father's conversation, I hear that an emergency happened, and he's going to have to go to work early.

And so, Gwen's father, dressed, and left quickly, not coming into the room to check Gwen, because at that time, she was supposed to have already gone to school.

And so another hour passed. Looking at Gwen, I see that she finally looks like she's going to wake up.

And so she opens her eyes, and looks at me, with a confused face, and so spends a few more seconds with her looking at me, getting tired of it, I say, "Are you okay, Gwen?"

"I am, but what's going on?, how did I get here?, and why are you here?, not that I'm complaining that you're here, I'm actually happy", Gwen spoke with a confused face, for the questions that she did, but with a blush on her face at the end.

"Don't you remember being bitten by a spider, or even me bringing you here?"

"It's true, now I remember, a spider bit me, and you brought me by car, carrying me, and you even helped me, and so did you", at the end of the sentence, she made an astonished face, and then the her face was quite flushed, she probably remembered, of her asking to change her clothes.

"Gwen, don't worry, I didn't look at your pink panties"

When I said this, her face got even redder, and she hid her head under her pillow and said, "pervert."

Laughing at her reaction I said, "I'm sorry, but you asked me to change your pants."

After a few minutes, with Gwen hiding her face under her pillow, she quickly looked up and said, "I forgot today is your birthday, calm down let me get your present", after saying that, she ran to the her wardrobe, until she noticed something, putting a hand to her face.

"What, like, where are my glasses," she said with a shocked face.

I pointed to her study table, looking where I pointed, she found her glasses.

Putting on her glasses, she made a shocked face again, and said, "How could this have happened, I don't have any vision problems anymore."

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