
Weal and Woe Alike


Being a diligent team of 'pro' players, Danielle and the others didn't leave the game until they were forced to log out along with everyone else.

When the four full-dive pods in the 'Crimson Witches' game room popped open at the same time, everyone was a little exhausted from their endless slaughter of 'pigs' and 'rabbits'.

"Ugh, didn't the marketing say Arcadia will only remain online four hours at a time, and the servers will go 'down' for eight hours after every session?" Nico groaned. "It felt like I was hitting those stupid pigs all day!"

Robin also nodded. "It seems like the time inside the game passed at a much slower rate, somehow… as expected of the genius, huh?"

Looking at the clock on the game room's wall, the two of them couldn't help but sigh.

Unlike Robin and Nico, however, Danielle and Sylvia didn't miss the fact that Emilia had already been waiting for them when they exited the pods.

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