
300. A Father

Ben barges into the room when he hears the baby's cry even though Porlyusica forbade him from entering before she gives permission. The baby's cry makes him impatient, so he just barges in.

He sees Porlyusica cutting the baby's umbilical cord. She is very displeased that he enters without permission, but she just sighs and lets him be. Then Ben approaches the baby as Porlyusica passes the baby to Levy.

"Let me see my son," says Ben.

"Uhh, it's a daughter," says Levy.

Ben's face darkens and images of his daughter growing up appear in his mind. She will find a boy she likes and then one day she will get married to a boy he doesn't know. This is the reason why Ben is worried about having a daughter.

He can't even imagine letting his sisters marry random dudes, not to mention his daughter. His days will be filled with worry and anxiety because someday his daughter will suddenly bring a boy home. He has done many things to prevent boys from approaching his sisters until they're of age, now he needs to add his daughter to the protection list.


"SHUT UP! YOUR WIFE HASN'T FINISHED HER LABOR," shouts Porlyusica angrily.

"Eh? She hasn't finished?" asks Ben dumbfoundedly as Levy leaves to clean the blood on Ben's daughter's body.

Ben gets silent and looks at Mira resuming her labor. There is still another baby inside her belly, so they are having a twin. Mira is having a hard time, so Ben approaches her and holds her hand to support her.

He keeps his mouth shut during the labor to not disturb anyone. Mira is holding his hand very tightly that it will break if he is a normal person. Luckily, he is not, so he will still be able to hold his babies normally.

Sometime later, the 2nd baby finally comes out and Ben can see something between the baby's legs. He smiles brightly because the 2nd born is a boy. Now, the images of playing games at night, playing football, building a car, training with his son, and giving advice to him about girls appear in his mind.

"Mira, we have a daughter and a son at once. This is great," says Ben at the tired Mira.

She smiles and weakly says, "You're right, this is great, but I feel very tired."

"I got you," says Ben as he flows his magic power to Mira.

Ben has done long research on Healing Magic using the data of Wendy's Magic. He can't make the same spell as Wendy's Sky Dragon Slayer's Healing spell. But he can make a spell that only he can use as a Sun Devil-Dragon-God Slayer.

He has a very strong life force because of his Sun Magic power. That strong life force can be used to heal his wounds at a fast rate. His healing will be faster when he gets exposed to sunlight. In the past, he could only use it for himself, but now, his research makes him able to use it on others, and that's what he uses on Mira.

Mira gets energized fast and the pain from her labor disappears soon. Her stretched belly even return to normal along with her internal organs that transformed when she was pregnant. If not for her chubbier body, no one will believe that she has just given birth to a twin.

Porlyusica who watches it just sighs and says, "I can't even get surprised anymore. Anyway, your babies are healthy, too healthy even, as they are bigger than normal babies. It's quite rare for twins to get that big because the nutrition was split between the 2 of them. But well, that's a good thing, so don't worry. Congratulation on giving birth to a twin safely. You are now officially a father and a mother."

The old woman smiles as Levy & Lisanna bring the twin. Levy puts the baby girl on the bed beside Mira, while Lisanna gives the baby boy to Ben. Ben lowers the baby boy, so Mira can see him while lying down.

Both their babies have the same hair color. They have bicolor hair with dark blonde hair at the base and it turns white as it reaches the tip. Ben doesn't know how that is scientifically possible for natural hair color, but this is a magic world, so it must be magically possible.

Their skin tones are quite different as the girl has darker skin just like Ben while the boy is paler like Mira. The girl also has a pair of sharp eyes like her father, her iris is also yellow, and her face resembles Ben so much. The boy resembles her mother with calm blue eyes.

"Hmm, they are just like both of you except for the hair. Appearance wise, the boy is like Mira-nee, while the girl is like Ben-nii," says Lisanna.

"Fufufu, she really looks wild like her father, while he looks kind like me," says Mira while looking at her babies.

"Wild? Do I really look like that?" asks Ben while tilting his head.

Everyone doesn't say anything and only looks at him. Rather dark skin, short spiky blonde hair, sharp jawline facial features, sharp eyes with slitted yellow irises, tall & muscular body, longer & sharper fangs than normal humans, and a bone-chilling devilish smile. All his physical traits only scream manly and wild, but they don't say anything.

"Have you thought of names?" asks Lisanna to change the topic.

"Of course, that is the most important thing, after all. We have thought about it every day, and have come up with so many names. We even needed to make a tournament for the names so we could select the best ones," says Ben smugly.

"To-tournament? For names? Just what were this married couple thought?" asks Lucy while sweatdropping.

Well, they've just thought of too many names for their baby. But they could only select one for boy and one for girl, so they made a tournament-like game to select the best names. They've selected the names that they like the most through that game.

Porlyusica suddenly opens the door and everyone outside enters the room. Well, not all of them because the room is small, only some people like Makarov, Ben & Mira's family, and some people who move faster like the S-Classes and S-Class candidates.

"A twin?" asks Wendy in surprise.

"Yeah, a girl and a boy," says Ben.

"So cute," says Bella while flying with Carla to look at the babies closer.

"WOOH! We have new family members. New men!" says Elfman cheerfully.

"Only one will be a man though," retorts Gray.

"Such cute babies. They look just like the both of you," says Erza.

"Congratulation, Ben, and Mira. You have taken one step further in your life now. Your family has grown bigger and you have bigger responsibility too now," says Makarov.

"Congratulation, both of you," says everyone there happily.

"Thank you, everyone. Please take care of us and our children too in the future," says Ben & Mira.

"Ah, that's right, what are their names?" asks Erza.

"Oh right. Let me introduce the babies to their uncles and aunties," says Ben while picking up his babies.

"U-Uncles?" asks the young boys with twitching mouths.

"A-Aunties?" asks the young girls with worse expressions than the boys.

"Yeah, we are friends, right? So we are like brothers & sisters. That's why for my children, you are their uncles & aunties. Even Wendy is their aunt because she is my sister, and most of you are older than her, so you are uncles & aunties," says Ben with a big smile.

The young boys & girls get stabbed in their hearts while Wendy just laughs bitterly because it's true. Makarov & the older ones sigh because they know Ben is messing around with his friends.

"Stop teasing them with a fact and just tell us the kids' names," says Makarov.

Their hearts get hurt more when they hear that and they even cough some imaginary blood. Ben knows it's time to stop, so he tells them his babies' names.

"My girl's name is Ariel, meaning the God's Lion. As for my boy, his name is Gabriel, meaning God's Hero," says Ben while smiling widely.

On this day, 27th August, year X788, Ariel Cooper & Gabriel Cooper are born.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 335 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 346 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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