
60. Top 32

The exam continues and the E-Class students keep winning their battle even when they fight with S-Class students. In the end, all E-Class students passed to the top 32.

Now the students have half an hour to rest before fighting for the top 16. Ben tells his students to just rest and restore their MP. Half an hour is enough for them to restore their MP fully because they didn't use a lot of MP.

After half an hour, the tournament starts again. Now the defeated students are watching the matches to learn from the battles. Some even make notes about the strategies used in the matches.

The top 32 are dominated by S & E-Class students. There are 11 students from E-Class which are all of them. The S-Class has 13 students left after 7 of them got defeated by E-Class students.

The remaining 8 students are from A-Class which has 4 students, B-Class with 2 students, C-Class with one, and surprisingly there is 1 D-Class student.

The C & D-Class students are very lucky in previous rounds to fight with some weak D-Class students. But now they won't be so lucky because all their opponents are very strong.

The matches' random drawing starts and the results come out. 3 E-Class students will fight with B, C & D-Class students each. 2 E-Class students will fight with A-Class students. 4 E-Class students will fight with S-Class students.

Then lastly, 2 of them will fight with each other. These 2 are Ron who uses Fire Magic and Dito who uses Telekinetic Magic. Both of them are quite strong and often spar with each other.

"Dito, let's settle this! We have 9-9 scores, so whoever wins this battle will be the winner in before we graduate," says Ron while grinning.

"Sure," Dito grins too.

The match started, and the ones who come up are Dan & Cya. Dan will fight an S-Class student, while Cya fight a B-Class student. They walk calmly because they know that their top competitors are not other classes' students, but their classmates.

Cya can win her fight easily against a boy from B-Class who uses Earth Magic. She uses her water magic to blast the boy to the barrier before he can even start his spell.

Dan also win easily like Cya against an S-Class boy. He shoots his bullet magic at his opponent before the S-Class boy can make his spell. The S-Class boy uses speed magic, but he isn't fast enough to make his spell.

The next matches are for Olive, Parka, and Yorki. The Olive will fight against a C-Class student, Parka against a B-Class student, while Yorki against an A-Class student. The three of them also win easily in their battles.

Olive uses her Sound Magic to make her opponent sleep before he can even move. Parka transforms into a muscle giant and it already makes his opponent give up. While Yorki moves very fast with his lightning magic to avoid his opponent's Ice spears then KOed his opponent in one punch.

There's no problem in the E-Class students' battles. Even the ones after that who fight against S-Class students also win easily. Then finally the last group come up. This is the time for Ron & Dito to fight.

There are Gea & Felice too in this group, and they fight with S-Class students. There's also an S-Class match between 2 S-Class students in the last arena. Even so, all eyes are pointed at Ron vs Dito's match, not on the S-Class match.

"Ron, Dito, don't fight yet and wait for us to finish! It won't be long," says Gea to Ron & Dito.

Ron & Dito look at each other and reply, "Sure."

The S-Class students who will fight against Gea & Felice get angry. But looking at their classmates' defeat, Gea's words seem to be right. Now they looked down and clench their fists in frustration.

Ben just smirks from his seat and says, "Heh, look at their cheekiness. They've learned how to play with their opponent's emotion."

The matches started soon after that, but Ron & Dito aren't moving. They just stand and look at Gea's & Felice's fight. Those 2 really win easily and very fast. They defeat their opponents before they can make their spells again.

Then after Gea & Felice finished their battles, Ron & Dito start their battle. Ron covers his hands & legs with fire then runs toward Dito. While Dito covers his body with telekinetic energy and float in the air.

The other students are impressed at Ron & Dito's speed when forming their spells. Their speed is impressive for students who have just learned magic for a year. Even the adults are impressed by this.

Ron runs to Dito while Dito lifts many small rubbles that spread all over the arena from the previous battles. Dito then sends the rubbles to Ron, so Ron stops and uses a defensive spell.

Ron spins his body and makes a spinning ball of fire to protect himself. The rubbles hit the fire and the clashes create some small explosions. When Dito's attacks stop, Ron also stops his defensive spell.

"What's wrong, Dito? You know that long-range attack like this is useless to me now," says Ron while smirking.

"Heh, I'm just testing the water," replies Dito while smirking too.

Dito then covers his whole body with more telekinetic magic. Now he exudes a white aura and his eyes also glow white. Then he fly to Ron who also runs toward Dito with fire on his hands and legs.

They meet and grins before sending a punch to each other. This is their favorite combat style, direct combat like a man. Although they often use long-range combat with other students, they always fight directly in their battle.

Ron & Dito send punches & kicks to each other without defending anything. They get more excited as the battle goes on, and they exert more strength and speed. Their clashes create booming sounds that spread all over the field.

The audience gets drawn by their battle that seems very interesting. The students are shocked by their power and endurance. They don't know how they can have such strong attack power while having strong defense too.

"I hope they don't go too far and hurt each other too much," says Olive with a worried tone.

"Don't worry, they know their limit. They also won't hurt each other badly. They're good friends, after all," says Dan.

Both Ron & Dito keep sending punches & kicks while defending or taking the attacks with their body. They get hit many times, but no one of them wants to go down and keep trying to stand.

They keep fighting for 9 minutes, just 1 minute away from the time limit. They have many injuries and get very tired now. They look at the time and then look at each other.

"Let's end this fast, Dito," says Ron.

"Yeah, let's use all of our power," says Dito.

Ron & Dito distance themselves and charge their magic. Then they run to each other with their fully powered punch. Their punch meets with each other and creates a bigger impact than the previous clashes.

They get into a stalemate and both of them have the same thinking. They each send an uppercut to each other and hit each other's jaw. It makes them flung upwards and fall to the ground.

Both of them lay on the ground and try to stand up. It is very hard for them to stand up with their injuries. Then after trying many times, the one who can stand up is Ron. Dito can't stand at all and he faints.

Ron raised his hands up and the audience roar in excitement. This battle looks like a final for them. Ben also smiles seeing no one of them give up until they can't move again. They already have the mentality to be great mages.


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1. Chapter 90 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 101 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

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