
Chapter 7

"In a while, a son of King James will appear in a Carriage..you need to join it and after an hour, an assassination ambush will happen. it's a chance to prove yourself and get recruited" I said to them before turning invisible, I'll stay around them as the live stream is following me.

They looked around to find my figure.

"I'm just invisible, I'll be following you around...introduce yourself as a travelling mercenary"

They nodded and waited for the carriage to appear.

When they appeared in their view, they started to pretend to walk in the same direction as the carriage..when the carriage is about to pass by, Rimuru in his human form waved his hand to the coach to stop them.

"Why did we stop?" a voice sounded inside the carriage.

"Your Highness, a kid stopped the carriage"

The door of the carriage opened and a man about 19 went out.

"Your Highness, You don't need to bother with this...I'll talk to them." The captain of the young man's guard talked after seeing him coming down the carriage.

"I'll do it, I'm getting bored sitting here anyway," The man said and smiled at Rimuru

"little girl, why did you stop our carriage?" Ace can't help but laugh out loud, He succeeds in stealing the man's attention.

The young man got stunned at first at his weird dressing then recovered immediately.

The young man smiled as if nothing happened

"Mr., did I say something funny?" he said with a smile while his Guard Captain was about to unsheath his sword with a frown on his face after seeing Ace's disrespectful attitude.

"Your Highness, this man dares to laugh at you..you should enter the carriage and I'll deal with this accordingly," The Captain said.

"Don't be like that Jahed, they're probably from a foreign country."

"so Miss., Is there something you need from us?" The young man asked again at Rimuru.

"Ehem.. first of all, I'm a male. We're a travelling mercenary group, I just want to ask which place this road leads to?" Rimuru intervened as his appearance still have some effect in lowering their guard.

"Male? I see.." The young man said as he realised why Ace laughed.

"I'm Ace, the one reading with a covered face is Kakashi, while this one is Rimuru," Ace said while pointing at Rimuru on the last name of his introduction.

"I'm Justine, this road leads to the Capital of the kingdom of Merah"

"Can we go with you? don't worry, if some bandit attacks..we will help you" Rimuru said

"Your Highness, you can't do that! What if they have an ulterior motive!" The captain, Jihad immediately protests.

"Just trust me on this, they won't do anything bad" Justine replied. He only said that we won't do something bad, not that we don't have an ulterior motive.

{This man has an inborn ability to sense those people with ill motives towards him, only people he trusts know about it.}

'That's a useful ability

The captain complied as he completely trust Justine, after all..his Highness never got wrong, if he says they're good..then they're good, it's a trust that was built through his time serving the prince.

Kakashi, after hearing Justine's reply stopped reading and looked at the prince with interest, obviously..he also noticed the hidden meaning.

I feel the urge to tease him and I'm the type that listens to my urges. I went behind him and whispered in his ear

"good job, truly an elite ninja"

Kakashi almost jumped in shock but I pressed his shoulder to stop it. Although I just started cultivating, unsealing my abilities as a deva seems to have some effect on my body. I noticed that my mind got sharper, I became stronger, faster, and keener of my surrounding.

Although I stopped him from jumping, Justine still noticed Kakashi's reaction. The moment he put down his book, he already got the prince's attention.

"Is something wrong Mr Kakashi?" Justine asked, Ace and Rimuru also looked at him after hearing Justine's question.

"He'e teasing me again" He answered

"Who?" Justine asked with a confused expression but the other 2 seems to understand what Kakashi meant and laugh a little.

Sighhh, I'm supposed to be hidden during the mission..is this his revenge? If I don't show up, it'll be harder for them to gain Justine's trust.

I deactivated my invisible and Jehad, after seeing me unsheated his sword..pointing it towards me. Good lad, Safety of the Prince is the priority..despite seeing my appearance which has some weird effect of stunning people, there is no hesitation in pointing a sword at me.

Justine's POV

I saw someone suddenly appearing behind Kakashi.

I didn't stop Jehad's action as that man managed to hide.

Although I can see him, I can't wait to feel any presence..as if he didn't exist. He's either stronger with a wide gap between us or he has a technique that allows him to do that. If he has some ill motive, we won't even know what hit us.

"Hi!" the mysterious man said, I got stunned seeing him smile but I was forced to calm myself. I was taught to control and hide my emotions well since young.

Ash's POV

"Hi!' I greeted him with a smile

"You are?" He asked, he manage to control his facial expression but can't control his ears from being honest.

"I'm Ash, sorry for hiding...people tend to get distracted when I'm there"

"I can see why"

"Just ask the others if you have any questions. Your guards are distracted, that's not good" I turned invisible again.

Justine looked at his guard who was in a stupor, although Jihad is better.. he was also in a daze with his sword still pointing at me.

"Sorry that you have to see this" Justine said with an embarrassed face while bowing, what a good kid.

"Don't worry, we can understand well" Robin answered.

"We should talk while walking," Justine said

"Sure" Rimuru.

'System, turn Rimuru into the host of the live broadcast'

Rimuru paused for a while then continued when Justine looked at him with confusion but ignored him after a second thinking it might be because of me.

They continued chit-chatting while I think of my plans for tonight.

{More like the harassment you will do to Kakashi tonight}

'It's called training'

After an hour, an ambush happened. Robin already activated the sensor 10 mins ago while Kakashi stopped reading and is on guard already. If they acted like they know something is going to happen, the others might get suspicious of them.

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