
CHAPTER 47: A bit interesting

~ 1 week later ~

I had been training harder lately, with my 'core' creation going smoothly. I have about 9 of them created, which meant my energy reserves were 9 fold greater than someone of a similar level. Crazy isn't it?

The process became much easier each time I created the last. However, they still took a decent amount of time to make. Averaging 30 minutes, but it was getting shorter each time, so I didn't complain much, but the pain didn't.

Other than that, I got a bit more in my home so far. I had my own CPU setup, which was custom built out of spare parts from Oscorp. It ran extremely well, given that I only used scrapped parts to make it. It had around 64 gigs of storage and 8 gigs of ram and could barely support 2k res.

This wouldn't be possible without my knowledge of building these things, especially with my enhanced intelligence. Theoretically, it shouldn't be possible to build it regardless even with the parts I acquired, which was why I merged some of them together to create better parts. Sure, I may be a cheapskate for not buying my own, but I am a religious thriftier, bite me.

Though, the things people throw away are ridiculous, but that's besides the point.

Earlier during the week, I checked my status as I do daily now, only to find a new section to where my power level/estimation of my power should be, but I found that it had been replaced by a 'energy modifier' option instead.

It calculated my current 'max' power with an equation like this '7,549 tons x 1 trillion x 9'. After about a couple of seconds, I figured what the other two were apart from my lifting power.

It was my energy reserve value, which was around 1 trillion per core, multiplied by the nine cores I had created. When the system made this little thing, I was actually a bit impressed. It simplified my power and showed how it came about dealing with the multiple energy cores I had.

" +1 again for you system! "

-Thanks Zane :)-

Now with all that said. I also got a bit of thrown away equipment from Oscorp, which were mainly flasks and other equipment for synthesizing certain 'things'. They questioned me about needing things like this, but I told them it was for my advanced bio and chemistry science project. They bought the lie, and I was thankful.

However, things weren't all that well. When it came to my core modifier, it never grew past 1 trillion. No matter how much I trained my body, they remained at a trillion. This was a massive issue. But it was one that made sense. The cores weren't for increasing my maximum reserves, but to store it instead and to make it efficient. I knew the method that I created was a tad bit too perfect, but I planned to fix that issue, for now it wasn't that big of a problem.

Next were some interesting things I found on Oscorp. As employees, we can choose which site we can work on and what they were planning to build, but the catch was that they let us sign a contract of confidentiality, so if we leaked any info on the project, we as workers, would be theirs to deal with.

Initially, I didn't really care much, but my curiosity got the better of me. I did some digging(hacking) on their projects in the past couple of years. Most... were mild experiments solely for enhancing humans like the failed 'green goblin' but it was called 'EH' instead, others was to cover up certain drugs and other things that could end all of New York, potentially the world if given enough time.

But after scouring for a couple of minutes, I stumbled on a project called 'SM/PP', next to it marked 'F' which meant it was a failed project. Curious, I clicked, read and continued from there.

" Holy shit... "

First off, what if spiderman wasn't entirely an accident?

What if he was meant to be bitten by that mutagenic spider?

What if he was the perfect subject for this experiment?

" How in the hell is this even possible?... "

" This is some Johan Liebert stuff... No, some O5 council shit "

Yes, you get the implication. Essentially, peter's life wasn't supposed to even be his. He was supposed to be Oscorp's first perfect 'meta mutant', but it failed when the parker had an unexpected gene that caused the Spider's powers to bond with him, so he only reaped the benefits and not the disadvantages.

They anticipated that the gene would allow parker to acquire the abilites, but they didn't expect it to resist the effects of his mind being changed as well. So they let it go and called him a 'failed' one.

' This was crazy... there could be others here that were like peter. Clearly this isn't the same marvel story that had regular peter interaction, but there was a being so intelligent that he/she/it manipulated millions if 100s of millions that this was an accident. '

This was way to crazy... and fun. This being might have been in a timeline of spiderman, and no one knew about them, but that changes here. After all, I am an outlier to this universe.

" System, we might have a little mystery on our hands "

-It looks that way. Might as well give a bonus for this-



DESCRIPTION: Find the one that manipulates from the shadows.

REWARD: Sword of thunder, ??????????

FAILURE: You get called a dunce for a month, and heroes knowing of your existence.


" A little harsh for a penalty, don't you think so system? "

-Hahahahaha, NO-

" Sure... might as well reap some benefits along the way there "











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