
Hidden Agenda


[Truth Eyes-Reading Vision- had been activated]

Gin activated his attribute, using its reading vision ability as he waited for the three to come at him.

He had a carefree look on his eyes for a moment, before retracting his fighting stance. It left the three in a confused state which became even more confused as they saw Gin turn his body around and... started to run away from them.


The three were now baffled.

They saw Gin was readying himself from their fight and they even felt the seriousness surrounding him but here they are, chasing him even though there's no place to go.

For a moment, they thought Gin became scared and decided to retreat as much as possible.


That was only a second earlier as they now saw Gin face them, also running towards them.


Gin's chains produced sounds as he stretches them while moving forward. Seeing that he was closing the distance at them, he leaps through the air, trying to test something.


Gin thought it wouldn't work not until another guy jumps at that air, trying to do the same thing as him.


Seeing that what he was thinking works, Gin confronts the man in the air but instead of fighting him head-on, he used his wind element to fly and leap higher which makes the other person fall to the ground.

The man was surprised as he thought he would grab Gin to make him fall but he was the one in that situation instead.

He knew receiving damage would be there when he falls from the ground, letting the inevitable outcome happen.


But, Gin wouldn't let the chance to escape. He used his wind element and moved near the man, before flying at the top of him.


'Tsk, smart bastard.' The man said inwardly, thinking that Gin would use him as some sort of object for him to land properly on the ground but he knew he couldn't do something to it so he just let it be.


Gin stop using his wind element and started to fall from the man, who convinced himself that he was right.


'Oy, oy. You thought I would just leave you?' Gin mused before he moved on the air, doing a full black flip with his feet aimed at the man's head.


The man was shocked for a moment before he tried to use his hand to defend himself, but Gin's feet were already near his eyes making it impossible to dodge it.

All he could do is wait for the inevitable outcome to happen.



'That's one.'


Clouds of dust scattered, making the audience outside surprised.

The man, who falls down from the air, accumulated a lot of damage as his head was been hit by the ground that it soon bleed. He can't move, making him paralyzed in his place.


And the only thing he could see is Gin's yellow eyes staring at him menacingly.


After a few seconds of waiting for the dusts to disappear, the two could see Gin punching their comrade everywhere. He was breathing but being called alive in that situation wasn't the right word anymore.

"You… Stop what you are doing!" The leader of the three shouted.

Gin stopped his hand mid-air before glancing half of his at the leader. He began to stand up from beating the guy before wrapping his chains at the neck of the guy.


The leader shouted before he started to run at Gin, together with the other guy, who was doubting his mind of fighting Gin.

From what they knew, he was only using his bow but it was far from what they were expecting. He gained confidence when Gin picked a chain, which is far from the bow but now they're seeing him using it very well.


After Gin had wrapped the chains on the guy's neck, he looked at the leader's face and saw it was slowly turning into distorted.

"Step a little more and I'll break the neck of this guy." Gin threatened with a cold tone.

After giving the threat, Gin widens his arms and the man being wrapped with it becomes more suffocated

"Cough! Cough!"

The spectators watching the scene become frightened and it was visible on their faces, while Nancy was different as she was smiling in her seat.

"Cough! Ugh...!"

Gin slowly moved back from his position while holding the man with his chains, at the same time, watching the two who are following back.


As he moved back, he used his elbows to hit the man's eyes, nose, and face until it became unrecognizable.


The two could only watch Gin using this method to their friend as they were afraid that the threat earlier would come true, resulting in them refraining from running.


But, what they didn't know was Gin only misdirecting them hitting the man's face as he was only releasing the chains on its neck. He needed to do this so that their attention was only focused on the hitting but not on the chains.

Besides, he was making it thought to the spectators that whoever messes him in the future would receive the same treatment as the man on his grasp


Gin glanced his eyes below and saw that the chain was almost unwrapping. It would only take one more undoing before it would release the man.


Gin looked at the leader of the group before releasing the chain in his hand.

But, before leaving the pitiful man, Gin looked at the man's face for a moment before giving it a hard punch, leading the man to be unconscious. 


"You... Your mine!" The leader shouted, seeing the chance he had been waiting for.


Yet, amidst his shouting, Gin remained cool and unfazed.

'This bastard is something else. What is his plan now?' The leader mused inwardly while continuing to run.

He moved his one big arm at the front, aiming to touch Gin's head.


He thought he could make it seeing Gin's confident self but the only thing he caught was air, and Gin simply moved on the side to avoid it.

"Why aren't you using your attribute?" Gin asked before bending slightly down, eyeing the other member of the leader.

Gin slightly tilt his head on the side upon seeing the other member having a terrified expression, before he sprinted towards him.


The man tried to defend himself but it only took a few evade before Gin eventually made a huge blow by using his hand to bring the man down.


Putting the man down, Gin began to punch it many times before making sure to himself that the other guy was unconscious.


Gin throws a punch for the last time just for safety before standing up, waving his hand to remove the intact blood, before facing the last man.

Gin formed a frown under his mask as the guy was acting strange,

"Why aren't you using your attribute?" Gin asked the same question once more while maintaining his eyes activated, seeing if surprise or a hidden plot was just around the corner.

"You… If only you understand me…"

The leader spoke in a low voice with a displeased face.

Gin tilt his head at the side before he saw the leader start to run towards him.

He was unsure why the man wasn't using his powers from the start and decided to check it out himself.


Gin focused his sight on the stats and felt the thing he was seeing was not true.


Gin deactivated his eyes once more and tried the same process, but the truth was there already.


Then, he began to let out muffled sounds.


It was like that first but it soon turned into a chuckle, making the man stop from running.

"Haha... Hahaha..."

It quickly turned soon into laughter, which resonated in the whole training ground.

"Hahaha! Wha— Hahaha! What the hell is this? Hahaha!"

Gin continued to laugh, receiving weird expressions from everyone. Even the leader was looking at him weirdly.

"Haha... Hah, hah... That was a good laugh,"

It took a full minute before it stopped.


Gin let go of his playful aura before he continued with a cold tone, "But that laugh doesn't change I will stop beating you up. It's better to show you that you shouldn't disturb my peaceful time."

Gin spoke one last time before running towards the man, who was forming a distorted expression on his face.

'T-this guy is a… psychopath. Leader, just who did you mess up with?'


The man saw Gin quickly close the distance between them and tried to defend himself, but he knew it is all useless.

'Useless attribute!'

The man shouted inwardly before he received bombardments of punch from Gin.


The punching continued and the watchers could only do what they do best.

To watch.

The one thing they only wanted right now was for Gin to stop punching the pitiful guy but he just continued to do the same action for half an hour.

At one of the places where the instructors are watching, Nancy could be seen smiling faintly with satisfaction before moving her gaze at some of the leaders.

Emma, beside her, looked dumbfounded at the scene she is watching on the ground.

'Is that a newbie I just saw? But, he felt like a rookie for some reason.' Emma concluded inside her head, 'Although the way he battle is rough, he could be a gem if polished.'

Emma paused as she moved her head at Nancy, 'And the way he battles is the same as my guild master...'

"Although we don't have a contract, I know I could trust you guys, right?" Nancy spoke calmly as she drew an angelic smile on her face.

It was a smile that earned a lot today.

"Y-yeah, Nancy. Of course! I'll give my t-two dungeons to you…" The one leader spoke weakly, regretting that he shouldn't have bet in the first place.

After he goes down, he would surely beat the guys himself who are now being escorted towards the infirmary room.

The others followed and nodded nervously. They were also regretting their decision on joining the stupid bet.

Nancy smiled wider before she stands up from her seat, leaving the words, "Then, I'm glad having a bet with you guys. I'll go now."

Nancy paused, "Emma, you remember their names, right?"

"Yes, guild master." Emma paused, "You should not worry as I remember each and everyone who joined the bet."

Emma smirked as she was happy to squeeze the other power guilds, making this simple bet a great outcome for them. A high stakes for a high price.


Nancy nodded her head before she leaves the room, with her heels reverberating inside.


Just by walking, the others held their breaths and waited for her to just get out.


The door creaks with both Emma and Nancy leaving. Their steps were confident as they move.

On the other hand, the leader's faces inside the room became distorted as all of them grumbled in their places.

"I only got one dungeon now! Fuck. Can please someone what are the names of that useless guys!"

"Fuck! I will lose my one and only Eagle! That fucking guys!"

Each leader was enraged about the performance that the three were shown, leading them to curse their hearts out.

After I beat the last guy from the ground, I swiftly moved my ass to get out of the training room.

I'm all tired and all but right before I opened the door, I remember the guy's attribute making my weariness lessen.

[Penis Enlarger]

I still can't help but produce a smile on my face, no matter how many times I saw it.

It's just funny. I mean, why would the system give that kind of attribute. Was it misplaced or intentional? Does the attribute wasn't a gift sometimes and was bad? Is it sometimes bad or others are just unlucky?

Many thoughts entered my mind if I thought deeper about the possibilities of having powers given to us.

How funny...

I looked at the window of the training ground earlier and saw that it was almost night. Some newbies started to go to their rooms or explore the stadium more.

I was on the former side.

Thinking about the action I did inside the training ground, I knew that consequences already appeared. No, before the fight happened, consequences are already fated to happen.

But, if I look at it on the positive side, I also gained an advantage from it. I just didn't show off for me to be popular.


The Seats would blacklist me from their list of suspects when the event on the tutorial happen.

I don't know if they're already finding the archer they fought with but it would keep me safe for the time being.

Everything that relates to me at that time and this one would be useless for a certain amount of time.

Thinking about it, I smiled.

I silently walk with my head slightly lowered, not even bothering at the gazes of the other people that they were giving to me as I walk past them.

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