
Chapter 22: A Hike Through The Hill, Part 2

Jackie dashed forward with Azeela right beside her. She was frantic and her mind just went blank.

“Slow down, Azeela. Watch your step!” she cried, fearful of another mishap.

When Jackie got to the fallen trunk, she clambered over and saw Nabeela sprawled on the branch-strewn ground. She was crying and holding her arm.

She looked around and noticed a cut branch sticking out from the fallen log. A hiker must have tried to pass and inadvertently cut it at an angle, leaving an edge.

Jackie saw blood and the last time she was in such a situation was as a Girl Scout during camp in her school days -- panic set in!

Azeela climbed over the fallen trunk behind her.

“Auntie Jackie, I’ve got a first aid kit in my bag. My mummy packed it.”

Jackie quickly got a hold of herself and clasped the bag from Azeela. Despite the urgency, she couldn’t help noticing the irony of it -- the little girl handed her a Disney backpack emblazoned with the image of a cheerful duck giving a thumbs up!

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