
Training and Flight

With my new life officially off to a start, I fall asleep as it has been a long physically, and mentally exhausting day. Awakening I find myself still in the same cave and I slide out and into the outside world. Inside the cave, I'm bored as I really don't have much to do as civilization isn't around for quite a long long time. I thought about sleeping through the time or something but what are the chances I'll see dinosaurs again.

I might as well enjoy it while it lasts, and with that in mind, I climb down the mountain. I didn't mention this before but when I transformed into the t-rex, some organs were missing and I was still the same size as before. The only thing that kept me alive was of course my immortality, so realizing this I need to train my shapeshifting ability.

I didn't mention this before either but I got used to my new body rather quickly because I instinctively knew what to do and how to do it. About my memories, I can remember some things but not really anything about my personal life. For example, I know some history but don't remember how or where I learned it, I also remembered I was blind before.

That's also how I knew this was the Jurassic period, but moving on from that I need to upgrade my shapeshifting ability. Doing that will require me to take different shapes, an example is when I transform my tentacles into spikes.

My current goal is to transform into a bug, I can do that but I can't do it fully some parts would still look like my true form, and also I can't change my size yet. So I would just be a giant deformed bug, so to transform into a bug, I need to max out the shapeshifting skill.

In order to level the shapeshifting skill up, I need to transform into different creatures, and I have the perfect one in mind. I can also transform with my imagination if I wanted to however, transforming into a creature I created in my imagination would require me to have much better skill in shapeshifting based on the complexity of the shape.

An example of this is when I turned my tentacles into spikes which is something much much smaller than transforming my entire body's size and shape. Now about the creature I have in mind, it's the brontosaurus in front of me eating the leaves of a tree.

'Okay me you are awesome, you got this just focus', I thought to myself as I began to focus on changing my shape, imagining myself growing bigger, my neck expanding, my body taking on the appearance of a Brontosaurus.

As I finished I opened my two eyes and noticed I did indeed grow slightly taller, and looking around myself and the appearance was a tad bit sloppy. As I could see some parts still looked like me but just in the shape of the Brontosaurus. I needed to focus on getting the general shape and look of the Bronto before I started focusing on the size part it would seem.

I start focusing again and when I reduced my size I had better control of the appearance of the shape I was, so now I looked exactly like the Bronto in front of me except I was still the same size as myself. For now, it seemed that the closer I was to my original size the better the shape looked and was easier to control. Before when I was a bit bigger it was a bit difficult to move around but now it was easier.

Training my shapeshifting is gonna take a while it would seem so I'll see how long I can sustain a form without turning back. With that in mind, I kept the appearance of the Bronto as I explored my surroundings a bit more. Not going too far away from the mountain from which my cave home was located.

As I was near a sizable lake I started to feel pain, like I was being stretched in all directions all once. Having a theory as to what caused the pain I turned back to myself and the pain stopped.


<Shapeshifting leveled up, shapeshifting now level 2>

Well, that's good news, and since I didn't have the ability to currently tell time I have no idea how long I maintained the form, and I did think about counting and doing math afterward to figure it out but I didn't wanna do that. I also have a theory that if I can stay transformed while maximizing my current shapeshifting skill level it should level up again while hopefully increasing the amount of time I can stay transformed.

This time I transformed into a t-rex but I was bigger than before, even when I turned into the Bronto the first time. I did notice before but didn't really think much of it but it's getting dark and I don't know much about dinosaurs so I have no idea if more dangerous dinosaurs come out at night. I turned around and started running home, as I have legs again I don't slide, well I wasn't sliding before but I thought of it like that but how I moved was I used multiple tentacles to move around.

Considering I didn't really have a front, back, or sides to myself moving around like that wasn't strange. As I approach my cave I enter, but this time I don't sleep as I don't know if sleeping will cancel out my transformation.

I just stayed awake all night, and I didn't feel tired at all really but at the first light I felt the pain return and I shifted myself back.


<Shapeshifting level 3>

As the notification sounded I went outside of the cave and walked to one of the corpses of the Argentavises. I started to shift into one of them, and I was actually only a bit smaller than them. As I shifted into one of them I increased my size to the max of what I could currently do, and I was big I could tell just by standing.

As with all the other forms I took I just knew how to move, and with that, I took off into the sky. Flying was unlike anything I have experienced so far, well maybe not as I am an immortal shoggoth but still it was pretty cool. I could feel the air blow onto my face, I looked below to see the scenery and it was breathe takingly beautiful.

The clouds, the greenery, the tiny dots of creatures I could see from up here. As I took in the scenery I saw something of similar size to myself in the sky, it was a Quetzal. It was only slightly smaller than me, and I returned my attention back to flying.

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Over 1000 words this time people.

Noodleminecreators' thoughts
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