
Pressed So Close, They Became One (smut :3)

As they fell asleep, Shun dreamt of stars, of singing, of his lover by his side. It was one of the best dreams he ever had. Their fans cheered for them, and they were holding hands. Then he was backstage and they were making love. Even in his dreams, Suu Jin was a perfect lover. Fingers, lips, everything was beautiful.

Until another set of fingers glided up his back. Pulling away from the kiss, he looked over his shoulder to find –

“Prince… Prince Peter?” His blue eyes widened and the brunette leaned in to kiss him.

Too shock to do anything, he just froze.

What was Prince Peter doing in his dream?! He had not dreamt of him for awhile and he was… he was naked with Suu Jin! Looking over to the pinkette, green eyes stared at the brown haired prince.

“Ah Jin,” Shun quickly tried to explain, “This… Prince Peter… Uh, I don’t know why…”

“Ah Shun,” Prince Peter spoke up and he turned to the prince to see he was naked.

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