
Many names

«The Church sent an official statement,» says one of the secretaries working for me. Oh, rather than for me, he works in my place.

Even though I need to become less lazy and learn the job, especially now that I might need to do it in Ignis's stead.

«Yes?» I say, rummaging through the correspondence. So boring; everyone is inviting me to parties and events, but I'd just stay in my chambers and play with my baby.

«They want to test his Highness. Also, the naming ceremony should be held before the war becomes more savage. Now might be that right moment.»

«Laurentius will become the Crown Prince officially, with the title and all the perks of it, only after the naming ceremony, right? It's a way to greet babies into this world, and they can have titles and properties only after being assigned a name.»

«Yes. The Church will choose one of his Highness's names.»

Everyone has the right to choose, I guess.

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