
Prophetic words

A few days after the announcement, I receive a visit. Adelphium, the High Priest, comes to congratulate me.

I can't sense any insincerity; he doesn't seem to mind how we ghosted him during the celebration of the anniversary of the Church.

«I'd like to invite your Majesty to visit the Temple. When your health allows it, of course!»

«I can come, but I doubt my husband will follow.»

«In fact, I invited you only,» he chuckles. «I'd like to talk about matters of the soul.»

«Oh, all right, then.»

«The King is too busy to think about our spirits. I would never ask for his time for this... But the Queen has the duty to bring peace to Alba.»

«Indeed. I need to bring peace, but it's difficult,» I say. «I'm currently under protection because of a few attempts on my life. I thought it was normal for a Royal, but this is something else. Someone is trying to get rid of me... for reasons I don't fully understand.»

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