
The plan

Sure! Why didn't I think of it earlier?

I can't get married twice. So, the easy way to get out of this situation is to convince the King I'm already married. I just need a volunteer to pose as my husband.

To do this, I need to talk with my family. If father vouches for it, the King might believe I really am not an unwed maiden anymore.

As Ignis suggested, I spend all the time someone is at ears' reach... complaining.

I moan about how much I miss my family. I even say I'm worried the King might hurt them if they ask to meet with me.

I'm so annoying that the voice reaches the right path, and someone with decision power hears. It works, so I am indeed allowed to meet with my father.

Duke Bursio isn't someone you can easily say no to, by the way. He has a big fief in the south-eastern region. Some of his vassals do frequent the court.

Even though retired from social life, my father isn't a fallen noble. He still has powers.

As such, I can finally meet him.

«Father!» I exclaim when he crosses the door. «I thought we wouldn't see each other ever again!»

I try being as loud as possible so that the guards hear and report. Pay attention to this: a lady left to herself becomes very, very difficult to take care of.

«That man didn't even look for a lady in waiting, father. It's a scandal. How can you accept seeing your daughter treated like a prisoner?»

«I don't accept it, Veronica,» father replies. «I just can't barge in there and request for you to be released. You have been accepted as the future Queen. The Council voted this morning. Now they will set a date for the celebration and...»

«No,» I sigh. «You can't allow that.» Now, my voice is low and desperate. «What will happen if I'm found out?»

«All of our family will be eradicated,» he replies. «It's as simple as that.»

«I need to get out of here.»

«It's not as simple as saying it, daughter,» he sighs.

It's the first sign of his own worry. He pretended to be coping with this situation, but my father is still a human being. He has emotions, and sometimes he does fail at hiding them.

«I'm sorry for being a source of trouble.» If it weren't for me, we'd be at home now. Happy and safe. «And for causing you to worry.»

«It's not your fault, Veronica. None of this happened because of you... Rather, my political neutrality made you the perfect person to sit on the throne in such a difficult period.»

«So, they were expressively looking for someone that didn't want to get involved?»

«So I was told.»

«Oh, father, I might have an idea about how to get out of here without getting married to the King.»

«Don't do anything on impulse, Veronica. This place isn't as safe as home.»

«I can't get married twice, father. If you tell the King that I already am married, then he will let me go!»

«I can't lie to his majesty: it's a capital offence. And we would soon be discovered because...»

«I'm sure you can find someone that will pose as my husband. Our house is a cosy place, and our riches should be enough for a man to accept being a son-in-law. I'm sure...»

«Daughter, don't waste your time. I can't lie to his majesty because he already knows everything about you. He knows you have no interest in getting married at all and that you rejected the few proposals that dared being sent to your address.»

«Oh,» I moan. «He investigated me? Isn't that so unfair? I don't even know his name.»

«It's Aurelius. You have been chosen to marry King Aurelius.»

«But no one asked me, father.»

«It's a difficult situation for Alba. As such, the law permits some drastic measures to stabilise the crown's position. Ordering a noble's daughter to marry is among the possible courses of action. We can't stop the King from his intent.»

«Father... What if I am married now?»

«Now? Marriage needs at least two witnesses and an official, either from the court or from the Church. Do you think anyone is willing to help you now? King Aurelius has gained all the powers; he's unstoppable now.»

«But if I can do that... Can I have your authorisation to marry? That's also needed, right?»

«In fact, that's the only obstacle for your marriage, right now,» father admits. «I haven't signed yet. And I won't until you agree to it.»

«And the King allowed you to do so?» I wonder. «Wasn't he supposed to be a cold-blooded tyrant?»

«I need to stay neutral for the marriage to work out the way the Council and his majesty decided. If he kills me, then the Bursio family will be yet another enemy of the Nerva dynasty.»

«Oh, I understand.» I nod, even though I'm not very clear about it. I'm a noob in politics.

I was never taught, and everyone just assumed I would never have contact with the other nobles.

It's different for my siblings, but I am the next Queen of all the mages that didn't surrender to the Church. Oh, what would even happen with that position if I were to marry the King? Would it be passed to the next in line? Or can I have two titles at the same time?

«I have a headache,» I whine. «I wish I could just flee anywhere.»

Still, one good news exists. Father hasn't signed yet.

«I think you should sign, father,» I say. «You should sign, but you should give the paper to me and not the King. I need your declaration first, and then I'll find a way to make me an unmarriable woman.»

«You can't just marry the first man you meet out there, Veronica!»

«But I can find someone suitable... I... I met a trusted person, father. If you believe in me, you won't regret it. After all, what's the worst that could happen? I'd just fail, and the King would have me as his new Queen.»

«What if that person hurts you, Veronica? I want to meet with him before...»

«There's no time. Will you be able to come here again?»

And, also, there's no way Ignis hurts me. Not if a tenth of that gentle kid survived inside him.

«I will sign, Veronica,» he concedes. Then, he starts writing the declaration at my writing table.

I was allowed paper and ink, for some reason. I didn't spend much time writing, though.

Will the King be displeased to hear the girl he chose doesn't know anything about poetics?

Not that it matters anymore. I won't waste a single thought on a man that didn't want to see me. He doesn't even know my face, for goodness's sake.

«You will leave the capital, father, won't you?» I continue. «This way, the King won't be able to force you to sign another one of these permissions. Then, we will meet when I get out of here.»

«I will wait at an inn, Veronica. I'll send my carriage back empty, and we'll go back together. As for the man that will sign the marriage certification... I think he should come with us too. We'll convince him to sign a divorce once you're safe.»

«All right.»

Thanks to luck, my father won't give up on me.

«Also, pay attention to yourself. Do not lower your guard, ever.»

«Yes, father. You didn't waste money when you hired a fighting instructor for me.»

«Your mother will kill me if I don't bring you back,» he comments, as if to shift the blame on something else. Not on his fatherly affection.

«Thank you, father. I won't make trouble anymore, I promise!»

«Oh, you...» he says, pretending to be annoyed. Yet, a minuscule tear at the corner of his eyes makes all his efforts vain.

I walk to him and hug him. His familiar scent makes me remember all these years where I could hide in his arms every time something didn't work the way I wanted.

«You might have spoiled me a bit,» I admit. «But it doesn't mean I won't find a way out of any situation.»

I will sign the marriage with Ignis, and then we'll run away until the dust settles. We will wait for the King to find another bride, and then we'll consider whether to divorce or annul the marriage.

Ignis said he will find the witnesses and the officer. I just need to resist a bit longer and follow his lead out of here. Once the King hears I am already married, and the certificate proves it, I will be free to go.

Just in case, I'll flee before the King has time to decide whether to execute me or not. It will be all right.

«See you soon, father,» I say while accompanying him to the door. «Greet mother for me, please. I'm not sure I'll be allowed to see anyone in the future!»

The guards at the side of the door sigh. They're getting bothered, aren't they? I'm starting to like getting on people's nerves.

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