
Chapter 34

Alexander called Lydia(Branwell) and Isabelle to help with the whole Alpha situation, while they met up with Lydia (Martin) and Derek.

Lydia (Martin) told them about Scott and what happened at the Lacrosse field.

While Derek spoke up"So the Alpha bit him, he is making a new pack."

Alexander nodded and said"Yup, but for what reason.We don't know."

Lydia(Branwell) turning to Derek spoke up"Do you guys have any suspicions on who this might be?"

Derek shook his head and with worried tone replied"No idea, the only one who would know is Laura, since she might have seen the attacker."

Laura was still in coma,so they didn't have any possible suspects for this.

Alexander nodded, while Isabelle added"Some of my contacts told me that Gerard is in the area."

Derek let out a growl and his eyes turned blue, Alexander muttered"Calm down, we will get him."

Derek slowly calmed down and nodded, while Lydia (Martin) spoke up"So should I still keep an eye on Scott, I mean he might come to my party this Friday."

Alexander nodded and replied"Just tell us he has any issues, I am pretty sure he is going to freak out soon."

Lydia(Martin) nodded, while Isabelle asked"Isn't Friday a full moon."

Derek sighed and said, "I will try to talk to him and maybe warn him."

Alexander nodded and replied"Yeah, it might be a good idea.Since Gerard speaking around is not a good sign, if the boy is clueless about the world he is in."

Derek agreed with that, while Alexander turned to Isabelle and Lydia(Branwell) saying"We have to look around for any signs of this new Alpha."

Isabelle and Lydia(Branwell) nodded.

The next day Scott awakened early that morning to find he had sleepwalked all the way into the woods in his boxers and had fallen asleep again in a coyote den. He was found and chased through the woods by the Alpha, forcing him to jump a fence to get away, where he fell into a neighbor's swimming pool while they were watering the garden.

That very day during the Lacrosse match once again Scott showed abilities way beyond anything human,while his friend Stiles was now suspected he was really a werewolf.

At the same time Lydia didn't have any interest in the game, since the boy was using his supernatural abilities against normal humans.Atleast she had to give it to Jackson,who achieved it through his own effort.

Thus she just faked excitement for new friend Allison's sake, who seemed to have slight interest in Scott.

Also Alexander spoke to Chris about the whole thing, so Chris nodded and said"I will keep an eye out."

Alexander nodded and added"Also inform Kate about Derek being here, I think it is time for these two to meet and clear the air."

Chris agreed and replied"Let's hope everything works out."

Alexander muttered"Me too."

While Chris also questioned"So this newly turned werewolf is crushing over my daughter."

Alexander nodded and answered"Yup, keep an eye out the boys emotions will be going haywire."

Chris frowned and muttered"A teenage hormone driven werewolf, wonderful."

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