
I'm in Trouble

"Really! You are taking part in a talent contest!" said Joy in excitement.

"Yes… I am Joy," replied Bubble.

"Are you worried about something?" Joy asked changing his expression a little

"No! It's just… first time in my life I'm taking part in a performance. Just a little stage fright," she smiled.

"Don't worry Bubbles, your mom will be there," he said looking towards Heart. "Cadence will be there, and maybe Twilight will be there too."

She chuckled as well in response. She understood what was his meant when he said maybe. Twilight is like a busy filly. Always dipped into books. That's why he was doubtful.

"I wish you would be there too," she said.

"Me too! But there's still six years before my mom will finally let me out of the castle," he sighed and looked towards her "This fact sometime really annoys me?"

"Joy~" Heart said as she rub his cheek with her front hoof. "Don't be upset. She's your mom and she knows what's best for you."

"But why can't I leave the castle?" he started to sound a little cranky

Bubble embraced him before he could notice this. He felt his worries fading away as she did this. As always she knew how to calm him down. He returned the hug and then she released him looking at his face and chuckling.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"You looks really cute like this," he blushed in response.

Both mother and daughter giggled at this.

"Just do your best Bubble! I know… you can do this!" he exclaimed.

"Thanks! I'll try!"

"Hi Bubble, I've an idea," his looked towards her and smiled. "Let me help you practicing for your performance here, in my room."

"Yes, that seems like a pretty good idea," her tune became excited as usual. "Let me dress up then!"

She went to her room. After a while she returned wearing a gorgeous dress. She was wearing a dark pink vest and a light purple skirt. He looked towards her with amazement.

"How it looks on me?" she asked.

"It… looks… amazing on you," he said and smiled brightly.

"Thank you my sweetie," she said.

He rubbed his neck hair and blushed at this. After that he sat on a chair. His babysitter sat on a chair beside him. Bubble stood at a distance from them. She smiled and looked towards them.

"First you'll come on stage. So go outside and come in my room as you're coming on stage," he said.


She went outside the room but didn't come in a while. Joy stood up from the chair and called her. He saw that she was standing just at a little aside from the door entrance.

"Why aren't you coming?" he asked.

"How could I? Nopony called me on the stage?" Heart smiled and giggled at this.

"OOOOOOH… Alright! I'll do this."

He then stood in front of the chair he was sitting on and announce loudly.

"Fillies and Gentle colts. Our next performer is a talented singer. I now call her so she could charm you with her melodious voice. Put your hooves together for Bubble Heart."

Then Joy quickly ran to the chair and sat on it. And started to clap for his friend. And so did her mom. Bubble came on the supposed stage holding her pink mice with her aura. She looked towards the Joy and her mother and smiled confidently. She started to sing the song.

~The time has come for me

To choose my own destiny

I'll be the number one

And everypony will be proud of me

I'll become a pony I want to be

I'll become a pony I want to be~


"Wonderful!" Joy clapped happily "amazing!"

Bubble sang a very amazing song. Her voice was more than melodious. It was magical. Bubble looked towards her mom and then towards Joy and gave a sigh of relief.

"You're awesome Bubble." He exclaimed

"That was because you and mom were in front of me. What will I do in front of whole crowd?" She said worryingly.

"You'll do awesome anywhere and I know it. All you need to be confident on yourself." He went towards her "Now do you want to play some games." She chuckled at this

"Alright! Let me put that dress back now!" She said and went to her room.

She came back to Joy's room. Joy had put out some toys. One of his favorite was a toy sword and a knight armor replica.

"Somepony please save me from the beast." she said standing behind a stuff monster toy.

"I'm coming. I'll save you my lady."

And then they began to play seemingly without any worry on their mind. Heart Sparkle was sitting beside them and was watching them with delight. She remembered of those days when she was a filly herself. No worries on the mind as there is no worry in the world. After all they were still children. Why they'll worry about something. But something was teasing Joy inside. First time in his life he thought that being limited to a castle is not a very fascinating thing. He wanted to go out. For at least this once to cheer his friend. But he wasn't going out of the castle. At least for six more years when he would finally became a teenager.

It was almost evening now. Another day had been passed.

"Bye, Bye Joy. See you tomorrow." said Bubble leaving his room along with her mother

"See ya!" He replied

In no time his mother came to his room. She saw that he was on his bed. His expressions were telling that he's upset because of something. She came closer to him and lift his face up.

"What's the matter my joy?"

"Mom, you knows that Bubble is taking part in talent contest."

"That's a good news my son! So why are you so sad?"

"Is there any way I could…" He whispered

"What was that?" She asked

"Is there any way I… I… I…"

"Oh Joy~ My shy son~ I'm your mom. You can tell me anything?

He was unable to ask her about whether he can go out or not. Even though he knew the answer. He wanted to request before his mother to let him go out only for this once. At last he spoke out.

"Mom! I think I should go to sleep now," said Joy.

"What! But why? Don't you wanna come to see the sunset?" she was surprised.

"No mom! I'm too tired for that," he yawned.

"Alright sweetheart! So rest now. Goodnight!"

Joy laid on his bed and closed his eyes. Celestia put the blanket over him and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight mom," he whispered.

After that Celestia silently left the room. She was having strange feelings about her son. She thought that sunset and moonrise were his favourite things to see. So why he didn't came to see them that day. After doing her task Celestia went back to her bed chambers. This night she was feeling very odd about something. That was not usual when Joy deny to come with her to enjoy the moonlight. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Joy opened his eyes. He thought everypony must have been slept till then. He silently went out of his room. Walking enough carefully to not wake anypony up especially his mother Princess Celestia. He headed towards a certain room. He went close to that room and knocked at the door.

"Hey Twilight! Are you still up?" he said.

(Knock knock)

"Twilight" he said again.

Then suddenly door opened and a sleepy Twilight came in front of him.

"Can't it wait till…" she looked who was at the door as her eyes opened wide "PRINCE JOY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING…" Joy quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

"Hey! I don't want to be caught here! Okay!" he said.

Twilight nodded and signaled him to come in. Joy went in the room closing the door silently. Then Twilight asked him

"Now! Will you please tell me what's going on here?" she asked.

"Twilight! I need your help," Twilight was surprised but also a little glad. She thought what type of help he needed this time of the night.

"Can you do me a favor?" he asked in requesting tune.

"What did you mean?" Twilight asked being more specific.

"Here is what I need… and make sure my mom didn't get any clue about this," he told her all about his problem.

"You're sure you wanna do this. You can talk to your mother instead," Twilight said.

"Talking to her about this always go same every time. Please for just this once," Joy begged to her.

"Alright! I'll do what I could do," she said.

"Thank you very much Twilight," he hugged her in thanks.

Twilight smiled and wrapped her front leg around his back.

"No problem at all," Twilight replied.

He silently went back to his room. Luckily nopony saw him. He laid down on his bed and smiled. Waiting for next day eagerly he went to sleep.

Next day Joy woke up. After he had breakfast a worrying news brought to him by Cadence. His babysitter Heart Sparkle was ill. She suddenly came down with the fever last night. Joy quickly went towards her quarter. He knocked the door. Bubble opened the door. On her face there was only worry.

"Joy, mom's very sick," said Bubble.

"Don't worry Bubble everything will be fine," he said stroking her mane softly.

He came inside. He saw that Miss Sparkle was laying on a bed and a nurse was standing beside her bed. Nurse had light blue coat, pink mane and had a nurse hat on her head. She was happy to see him.

"Joy… glad to see you," she said in low voice.

"What happened Miss Sparkle?" he said as he came closer to her.

"Nothing much bad *cough* Just caught a little fever. But I've took medicines and I'll feel better soon," she replied.

Joy and Bubble looked towards the nurse with sorrowful eyes. She smiled and put a hoof on Joy's shoulder.

"Don't worry children, Miss Sparkle will be fine till afternoon," said Nurse.

"Sweetheart will you bring me some Apple juice," Heart said to her daughter.

"Okay mom!" Bubble went to kitchen.

"Listen Joy, you've to help me. Convince her to go to talent contest. She'd worked hard for this and now she's just leaving it because of me," Joy was worried when he heard this.

"Here is juice mother," said Bubble as she came back.

"Thanks dear!" she said as she hold the glass. "JOY" she nudged him a little.

"Alright Bubble! Are you prepared for the talent contest?"

"What! Joy my mother's sick. How could I leave her like that?" she said worryingly.

"Look Bubble! You've worked hard for this. I was also eager to see my best friend to win this contest. How could you just leave it?" He asked placing a hand under her chin.

"And don't worry about me dear. Nurse Care Soft will be here to take care of me," she said reassuringly.

"But mom!" she looked towards her mom and then towards Joy "Alright! I'll do this mom," she said in slightly doubtful tune.

She started preparation. She really wanted to take part in this competition and also was confident to win. But two persons who were gonna be her courage when she would be at the stage, couldn't come along. Joy was helpless in this case as he was unable to leave the castle. She was happy that at least her mom will be there but now she was also very sick. What would she do now? She was very confused but also didn't want to be disappointment for anypony. Especially for his best friend Joy. So she decided to go there and do for what she had prepared for.

Bubble was ready to go. She was standing on the gate of the castles along with Cadence waiting for Twilight. On other hand Joy was in his room with his mother. She luckily didn't have much to do that day so she decided to spend the rest of the day with her son. When suddenly Shining came there.

"Ah Joy, Twilight is calling you in the gardens," said Shining.

"Alright, can I go mom," he asked looking towards the Princess.

"Off course you can son!"

And with that he and Shining went, presumably to the gardens to see Twilight.

Celestia was really surprised. She was sure that something was going on between her son and her student. But she didn't know what. But she wasn't much worry about this. Twilight was interested in her son because of his mysterious species. Or was that something more. She smiled lightly as these thoughts came to her mind.

On other hand Bubble, Cadence and Twilight were on their way to the contest camp. Twilight looked beside her. There was nopony to be seen. But she was still smiling. Cadence looked towards her and asked.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!"

Cadence rolled her eyes and they continue their way to the camp. Once they reached there Bubble went to back stage and Cadence and Twilight sat on the chairs which were nearest to the stage. Twilight sat on a seat. Cadence were about to sit on a seats which was beside her. But Twilight quickly said.

"No, no Cadence! Don't… sit here. Somepony said me to safe a seat."

"Really, who exactly?" Cadence asked in sarcastic manner.

"A friend of mine!"

"Alright Twilight!" she was quiet surprise at her behavior.

So they sat there and looked forward for the turn of Bubble. They saw many performances one after another. Many of them were impressive and many weren't much. Some of the good performances include athletic feats, playing melodious music through instruments, and some amazing magic tricks. At last this was turn of Bubble Heart. And narrator announced her name.

"I now invite a rising star in singing, a melodious unicorn at the stage. Put your hooves together for melodious Bubble Heart."

As she approaches the stage with full of her grace. In her pace there was a little lack of confidence but she was trying her best to cover it. All the hall sprout with the noise of claps.

"Yay, Bubble Heart!" Cadence heard a recognizable voice

"JOY!" She looked beside her seat. There was no one. "Twilight did you heard Joy's voice."

"Cadence, stop all this. She's about to start."

Bubble looked around. There were so many of ponies looking straight to her. Maybe hoping for a best performance from her. In front seat there were her best friend's cousin and her friend. She became upset because of some reason. She was unable to sing. She tried to loud her voice. But couldn't.

"The ta… time has… come!" She tried to sang the first verse of the song but in vain

Then suddenly she felt something in her mane. She felt as somepony was stroking her mane softly. She moved her eyes around but there was nopony. Then she heard a whisper in her ear.

"Don't speak out loud Bubble. It's me; Joy," it was really his voice. "I came here just for cheering you up," she was listening him clearly "I'll explain you everything but first get yourself together and do it. I know my best friend can't give up so easily. Just remember no matter what happens everything will be alright."

"Oh no! Her stage fright is taking over her!" said Cadence worryingly.

Bubble forgot about the song she had prepared specially for this performance as another song just came to her mind. A whole new song. A song which she was going to sing now.

"Fillies and Gentle Colts. This song is dedicate to somepony special," her usual excitement was returned in her voice.

~Lala… lalala la… lala lalala la

Your weird chit-chat, and random speaking

I find them so appealing

They make me happy, they make so glad

Whenever I feel bad

Who makes me stop worrying

You're the one, you're the one

Makes me laugh when am crying

You're the one, you're the one

You're the only one

I don't know why but I just know that

If you're by my side, then I'll be alright

I'll be alright, I'll be alright

Sometime when I scare and world seem so lonely

You made me feel live again

I just can't stop smiling, laughing, and glee

I know you'll never let me give in

Who makes stop worrying

You're the one, you're the one

Makes me laugh when am crying

You're the one, you're the one

You're the only one

I don't know why but I just know that

If you're by my side, then I'll be alright

I'll be alright, I'll be alright

I know I'll be alright~

As she finished the song all the hall filled with applause and sounds of cheering her name. Everypony seemed so much charmed and excited by her song. She gave a bow to the crowd as narrator came to the stage.

"Was that magical or what?" he exclaimed loudly.

The crowd answered with noise. Then suddenly a bright light appeared under skirt of Bubble. She just got her cutie mark. She got it almost at the age of eight. She jumped with happiness. But looking at the crowd she decided to save her excitement for the moment she would show this to her mother. So she went to back stage again.

Twilight looked at the seat beside her. She whispers slowly.

"Yeah, she did it!"

But there was no answer. She moved her hoof to and fro to feel his existence but he wasn't there at all. Cadence noticed that Twilight was acting a little weird. She at last asked her clearly

"Twilight! Are you feeling okay?"

"Ye… yes I'm Cadence?" she said and looked around in confusion.

"So stop acting like that. Prize ceremony is about to start," Cadence chastised Twilight.

At last price ceremony was started. She came at second position. But still she was not so disappointed. She took over her fear and got the ultimate reward of a cutie mark. She was very happy and this was all because of her friend Joy. But where he was? And why he was invisible? These questions were teasing her so badly. She just hoped that she'll know everything after returning home.

She came towards Cadence and Twilight and show them her cutie mark. It was a purple five pointed star. Between every two arms of stars there was a light pink small heart shaped bubble. They were so happy for her. But Twilight was worried about something.

Suddenly Bubble felt as somepony is standing beside her. She quickly understood who he was. She looked towards Twilight and smiled.

"He's here. Don't worry now!" she whispered to her.

Twilight sighed in relief. Then all three of them headed back to castle. Cadence noticed that Twilight was acting really weird all the time. She said somepony was coming for who she was saving a seat but nopony came. She was looking so nervous all the time. And time when she heard Joy's voice and she was sure she had heard him but Twilight didn't pay attention to what she said. She was definitely hiding something.

As all of them reached in the Castle. They felt as something passed from near them. Cadence quickly said.

"What was that?"

"What's what?" Twilight said smiling slyly.

After a little while they saw that Joy was coming out of the gardens. He looked so happy. As he did something wonderful. Bubble smiled to see him. She was eager to know about what was going on. As a guard came there.

"Prince Joy, Princess wants to meet you in your room instantly."

All of them gasped. Most of all Twilight and Bubble. Twilight understood that somehow Princess came to know about her and Joy's planning. Bubble didn't knew much about this so she was even more worried. All four of them went inside the castle. The come along with Joy till the door of his room. Joy slowly entered the room.

"Come in Joy," he heard the voice of his mother but not in that usual soft tune but in very serious tune

<I'm in trouble> he thought as he entered the room.

He saw his mother was in front of him seeing him in very concern way. At a little distance there was Shining Armor lowering his head in shame. He knew that today his mother was going to be very angry at him.

"So where were you've been?" her tune was very serious.

Bubble, Twilight were very scared at what was going to happen now. Cadence was still confused about everything. But by some hint she knew that Twilight has something to do with this situation. Her sweet little cousin was in trouble? And she couldn't do anything about this. Could she? And so Bubble and Twilight. Were they going to stand and see what just about to happen?

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