

It was a wildly unorthodox idea. Ridiculous, even. But given the new streak he was on, he couldn't help but smile at the thought. 

'It really has been a long time since I've painted anything…'

Ryu sat down abruptly, his mind slowly entering a state of incomparable peace. 

The Four Arts. Calligraphy, Painting, Music, and Domain. 

He could once be considered a master of them, at least by Sacrum standards, but much like most everything else, he had directly abandoned them. 

Honestly, the only reason he had picked them up in the first place was because he had heard tales of mortal masters of these arts suddenly one day reaching enlightenment and breaking free of their mortal shackles through these disciplines alone. 

Maybe those tales were nothing but nonsense, or maybe he hadn't reached a deep enough level of mastery to reach such a level, or maybe it was just that he never truly gave his all to these Four Arts. 


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