
9. Studying.

Amber was meditating quietly on the floor while I was repeating the hand signs for ember over and over trying to overcome the sloppy skills I had. I could feel the energy in my stomach try to mobilize slightly but I wasn't going to try to blow off fire moves in the house. Not only that but I needed to get the timing right or I could end up hurting myself.

I didn't feel like burning my stomach, throat or mouth. I would probably need to get myself some Rawst berries to eat which helps burns by pulling out the fire energy or whatever in the wound helping soothe. Don't really think putting burn spray in my mouth sounds good.

Curious I grab the manual for fireball, this one has 5 hand signs, but it also need a certain amount of energy I know for a fact I probably don't have. Like mp cost for magic you need a certain amount or you won't be able to cast a spell. Same thing for Grand Fireball which had 7 hand signs most of which matched the regular Fireball I noticed.

Fire Punch and Flamethrower both had a couple matching hand signs, both needing 7 hand signs. If I recall correctly the Chidori in Naruto that Kakashi made also needed hand signs at first but then they slowly stopped using them. Fire Punch reminded me of that.

I also took a glance over the other manuals. I was pleasantly surprised by the body training manuals, well besides the fact that I didnt need to buy the first 2. The c-class body training had everything the first two did and more.

The reason I was surprised was because it had detailed schedules for training, timed perfect for every day of the week including rest days, it even had suggested meal plans for, poor, average and rich spending. It didn't just cover body training either, it had suggestions for hand sign training, practicing of moves such as martial arts, sparring, and practicing elemental moves.

It was a very well put together manual that I would indeed be using. I would of course check on my communicator and get some more varied information as there were training videos I'm sure. But this saved me a lot of time.

I pulled out my communicator, luckily I could still access the internet in my internal world. So that was awesome.

I started browsing trainer videos people had posted. Of course you weren't allowed to give away moves but basic training was fine.

Seems pretty much everything was the same as the training manual, there were some thing left out but that was natural. Might have saved some cash not buying the manuals but it didn't bother me much. It had items that were also suggested to buy such as certain training gear.

I'll start the training tommorrow, need to buy a few more things today before going to do that. Also I need to read over the martial arts manuals and see if I need anything for those.

Turns out indeed I did need more items like wrist and ankle wraps so we don't get hurt, striking posts, or a specialized dummy which I was curious about. Apparently it could stand up on it's own and take a beating. They however wouldn't last long if weapons were used on them or elemental moves. They were good for martial arts training though.

I made a list on my communicator to make sure i bought everything i needed and wouldn't forget. Some of the markets had ready to eat meals you could also buy which would save me time. They were kind of expensive though.

Making sure I had everything we needed with a sigh I looked at my bank account before calling Amber.

"Amber, we have some shopping to do for the training we are going to start tomorrow" I tell the girl before tucking my communicator in my pocket.

Amber's eyes pop open and she quickly stands up

"How's the meditation going?" I ask strapping on my ball belt and grabbing my trunk.

"It's slow. But I've got the hang of it, it's not that hard." She says grabbing my hand as we appear in the forest outside of town.

"That's good, I'll read it later on as I need to learn to meditate, once you get the hang of it you can start wearing the fire crystal necklace. I just don't want it to be waisted into the air because it's expensive so the more energy you can absorb the better. Meditation is supposed to help with that." I explain. A 10,000 consumable crystal is not to be used rashly. But it should help with our energy reserves.

I had learned there are low-mid-high energy rankings. So for example a Low E rank energy you could use maybe 1 or 2 E rank techniques before becoming exhausted, mid rank is 5 techniques and high rank is 10 techniques of the same rank. Then you move up once again, D rank fireball, if you can use that move then you are officially in the D rank element category.

If I wanted to know exactly what rank a fighter was I needed a tool to measure the energy in their body or take them to the hospital and have them scanned.

It doesn't take long to reach the city and head right towards the fighters market.

I pull out my communicator and look up my list. I also grab a cart. "Hand and wrist wraps, along with ankle and foot wraps." Luckily they aren't very expensive. "Weighted vests for running, going to have to see about how to get the striking posts. It was advised not to buy the ointment as the oran berries in the food would alleviate most of the pain. Jump ropes, weights or a total gym."

Sighing I blow through even more money before heading up to the front counter.

"Do you guys have deployable striking posts, and then the automated training dummy." I ask.

"We do, how many do you need?" the worker asks.

"How much is each item?" I ask hoping it wasn't too bad.

"$500 for each automated dummy and $100 for the deployable iron striking posts." The worker says looking everything up.

"2 dummies and 2 striking posts then please." I request.

"The deployable striking posts can only be deployed once so male sure you put it in a place you want to keep it, as for the dummies they have a cleaning function so they need to be hooked up to a water source occasionally to be washed. They also need to be charged, the basic functions allow them to leave the charging station and walk a certain distance they can also defend slightly and stand up when thrown down. They have a small ability to throw punches, kicks, and struggle including notifying you when they are 'knocked out'." The assistant explains coming back carrying 2 small silver cylinders and 2 small black boxes. "The dummies come with a hose attachment for a sink or outside spigot."

Everything together comes close to about 2 grand but that's fine. I didn't know the dummies had all those extra features. I also didn't know those were the premium dummies instead of the basic dummies I would learn later on. SCAMMED!

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