
5. Internal world.

Heading out of the store with my new necklaces in a small box in my pocket to keep the energy from leaking we head to a nearby store to eat some lunch.

I had already blown almost half my funds and it had only been an hour!

But it was worth it I suppose.

Well if you discount the fact that I spent 20 grand on 2 consumable crystals.

However it would help immensely with increasing Amber's fire energy reserves and my own when I decide to swap over and check that out.

I ordered myself a nice bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, if this world didn't have bacon I would have been devastated. Amber got a steak with Rawst berry glaze.

"After lunch we will go and set up camp, I want to look over some of the manuals that we bought." I tell Amber over my sandwhich.

"Okay master!"

"You don't have to call me master, you can call me by my name." I tell her.

"Oh, but I like to call you master! I've waited for a long time to meet my bonded one." She says with a small smile.

I just shrug. "Alright you can call me what you want."

After we finish eating we head for the town gates. I would rather not slip into my internal world inside of the town.

The entire town had large stone walls surrounding it and a massive front gate, this was to keep ferals and other things out of the city.

There were of course guards with some Fighters stationed around all in fancy equipment.

The area around the town had mostly been cleared of trees, but there was a large forest nearby.

That was exactly where we headed.

Once we reached a bit into the trees I stopped and turned to Amber. "Alright, what I'm about to show you isnt allowed to be mentioned to anyone. Do you understand?" I ask.

Amber gets a serious look on her face. "Yes master I understand."

Grabbing her hand we both vanish from the forest and end up in an entirely new area.

There are only two things here, some grass and a large pond. I can see sunlight as well but the land kind of comes to a halt after a while showing just a foggy wall making up a large patch of land with just grass and the pond.

"Amazing! Master where are we? How did we get here?" Amber asks looking around in shock.

"This is a special ability of mine. So we aren't going to mention it to others as they might try to snatch me up and experiment on me." There are no male fighters after all only female so I would indeed probably be snatched up.

"I understand, I won't say anything." Amber nods.

"Good, this will be our home." I tell her pulling off my bag and grabbing out the new base I bought.

I find a nice spot near the pond and set it down before clicking the button, it pinches me and takes my DNA which pisses me off. My communicator let's me know that i have been registered as the owner.

It scans the area and we have to move back before it rapidly starts to expand turning into the small fortress like base. Heading over to the side I pull out a hose like tube and drag it to the pond where it starts to suck up water.

"Base is currently charging via solar energy, power levels at 100%. Water intake has started." my communicator notifies me.

Grabbing my bag I head inside to look around with Amber.

The base has two floors. The first floor was set up like a normal apartment, a living room, kitchen, storage area for items, and the bathroom.

The upstairs was where the beds and staff were at along with a place to store clothes and other items. There are even pop out bookshelves, tables and chairs, even a safe.

It was a nice looking place honestly, better than most apartments and places I had seen in my previous life. Way cheaper too.

"Let's put up our clothes then we can look over the meditation manual, the fire crystals are expensive and I don't want to waste them without being able to properly absorb the energy inside." I tell Amber and head upstairs to unpack some of my clothes into the closet.

"Um master?" Amber asks fidgeting a little bit.


"Can we share a room?" She asks nervously.

Man she moves quick. "Sure I don't see why not I suppose." I press a button outside the room and the walls and furniture shift a bit as the bed doubles in size along with the rest of the furniture.

"Oh thank you master!" Amber suddenly says lunging at me at planting a kiss on my lips in excitment.

Ah good stuff. I give her butt a little squeeze and get a moan into my mouth in return.

Pulling back I address the girl. "Alright lets get settled in we have a lot to do after all."

She frowns a bit in disappointment but I give her another quick kiss and that vanishes into a smile.

"Still need to buy some groceries, get you some more clothes, I need to see if the kitchen has pots and pans." I explain unpacking the manuals and putting the on the small bookshelf. Then putting my clothes in the closet.

I didn't get to look at everything in the fighters shop either as I was afraid i would blow all my money, i didn't even look at all the fucking techniques because of the same reason. i need to make sure we have proper food and household items before blowing anything else.

Luckily the place came with basic kitchen utensils, pot, pans, plates, bowls, silverware, cups.

"Well now that we have everything unpacked let's head back into town and grab some food for the fridge. Maybe look around a little more." I grab my bag.

"Okay master!"

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