
Chapter 2: Meet Legendary Warrior


The day before, Chihane saves Akira and the girls.

Chihane is waiting in her room at night, sitting on her desk, tapping her finger. She is waiting for someone to come, then she hears. Someone came into her room, but not someone she was waiting for.

Her assistant, Milah, has black wavy hair with black glasses and silver-red eyes, her skin almost white as snow, and she wears a Red Kebaya. Enter her room,

"Ah, Milah... why you here thought you already back home?" Chihane ask. Milah smiled at Chihane as Milah shook her head and replied.

"Nah, I notice, you aren't home, so I come back here... still waiting for that guy?"

Chihane nods as she sighs and replies. "Yeah, this is his first time in town."

"You, think, he might be lost his way?" Milah reply.

Chihane crosses her arms under her breast, making it bigger than it already is. "It might be..." The red hair looks outside the windows, staring at the Black moon.

"Ah, I remember something!" Milah shouted as Chihane looked at her. "Do you know, That Ugly bastard being murdered in the street with his bodyguards this morning?"

Chihane raises her eyebrows and is surprised at this news.

"That bastard is already dead?!" The red hair yells as Milah nods. "How? No one, I mean no one! dare to harm or even touch what crime that he has done."

Milah nodded and clapped her hand. "Yes, until this morning, civilian said, there a young man safe a slave girl from that bastard, and belief or not, that young man kills them all without mercy. Well, most of them are dead." Milah smile.

"Wait, you said young man, kill them?" Chihane ask as Milah nod. "It might be him..." Chihane mutter as she looks at the windows and back at Milah. "I think I know he goes..."

"Who?" Milah asks with slight confusion on her face.

"The boy that I have been waiting for! Hurry, we must go. I think I know where he went." Chihane stands from her chair.

"Where?" Milah asks as she follows Chihane to leave a room.

"Where The Bastard keeps his slave," Chihane replies as suddenly she transforms her hands into Tiger's hands with red fur.


Chihane runs Tiger-like in the forest as her assistant. Milah is floating with her Magical boots, following Chihane right behind her. They're going so fast as they also dodge many trees while on their way.

"Why do you think he gonna be there?" Milah asks as she jumps and dodges a log.

"If..... I know him, right... He gonna help that slave girl he safe, and probably, safe other enslaved people." Chihane said as he clawed a tree cut it in half, and passed right through it.

"By himself?!" Milah ask as Chihane nod. "Damn, that kid must be so strong to do that, all by himself." Milah was imprest at this.

"Well, he got trained from my old friend," Chihane said as she cut another tree with her claw. "Damnit, why so many trees!" Chihane yelled in anger.

Milah chuckled at her, and before she said a word, they all saw a bright light far from them. Chihane eyes are wide as she says to her assistant.

"Milah, we must go faster." Milah nod as they both go faster.


Milah and Chihane arrived 2mins later as they saw Akira using an Angelic Cure. Milah is shocked at this as Chihane eyes narrow.

"T-That's... Angelic cure... o-only... An Angel can use that power... is he an Angel? But how? If the Angel is banned by God to touch the Middleland after a war hundred of years ago..." Milah's word got interrupted by Chihane.

"I don't think he an Angle, look." Chihane points to Akira as his hair a glowing bright same as his eyes, but his left side glows bright red, his eyes are black, his pupils are red, the red mark grew long to his neck, his left-hand nails turn to dark dragon claws.

"H-He also has Devil Energy!?" Milah covers her mouth in shock.

Chihane nods at this as she notices something. The tiger woman turns her head as she sees her own shadows; as she turns, she sees the Spiritual Dragon Moon glowing brighter than before. Chihane turns her head back to the glowing teen and back to the Spiritual Dragon moon.

'The moon! It's reacting to him!' Chihane thought as she used a magical eye that transformed her eyes into a red slit from a normal yellow one.

These eyes make her see invincible magic or Energy.

The red-hair woman's eyes were wide open as she saw numerous power around her; she looks her surrounding as she saw.

'Natual Energy... No, Spirt Energy... Why so many of them?' She thought as she looked at the Dragon Moon, which shocked her more. The Spiritual Dragon Moon gives its Energy in one way. Chihane turns back to the glowing hair teen.

'All, the Spirt Energy are toward him... is he doing this without his knowing?' She thought as she finally saw all the Energy gathered around him.

Chihane soon saw Akira's magic cure is done, all the Energy started to form into something that shocked her.

'Spiritual Dragon... Ryu..." She muttered that Milah didn't hear. Milah can't see what is happening right now; Milah can't use the same magical eyes Chihane did.

The Spirt Dragon Form starts to fly around the teen and the sky, then falls right into the teen. Shockwave came from that impact when the Dragon entered his body.

Chihane and Milah cover themself.

"W-What's happening to him!?" Milah yells as they both uncover their face and see, that Akira is back to his normal self.

The teen is down to his knees, panting.

'So, all the Energy... are adsorbing into him to prevent he become whatever form he gonna become... if he uses that power much longer. Ryu is protecting him... why?' Chihane thought to stop when Milah called her.

"Grandmaster Chihane, we must check on them..." Milah said that as the red-haired Woman looked back at the teen and saw three girls, two of them on the unconscious teen boy as the other is still unconscious.

"Alright then, Milah calls the emergency team; I bet there's something more in that mansion," Chihane said as Milah nodded right away.

Chihane disappears in a blink of speed, right to the teens, as she turns back her hands to average human hands and puts her finger on Akira's neck to check his pulse.

"Don't worry... He's just fallen asleep because of low Mana." Chihane said toward the girls.

Asuka and Asagi turned their head as they saw her.

"Who are you?" Asuka asks.

"You can say I know him, and oh, my name is Chihane," Chihane replied with a slightly warm smile.


Asuka and Asagi are scared of everything. They never got separated from unconscious Akira since he cured and safe them. They felt safe when they were closer to him.

Now they are in a Hospital wardroom-like; Milah is also there standing with arms crossing under her small chest. Asuka and Asagi are sleeping right beside Akira's ward bed.

Milah watched the teens as she shook her head and remembered how stubborn these girls were to leave this boy alone while they got some cleaning and new and an actual cloth instead of wearing a dirty, ripped rug, and she was glad when her master managed to convince them to do so.

Milah warmly smiled at this when she saw how peaceful themself was when they slept right beside the boy, then she stared into space with thought.

'These girls... they might be cured after what the boy has done, but their heart gonna take a long time to heal.' Her smile becomes a sad one. 'If GrandMaster didn't save me that day... I probably become something like them..."

She had a flashback when Chihane came to her when she was just a homeless child and offered her hands to help her warm smiles.

Then a device in her pocket makes a beeping sound. Milah takes the device out from her pocket, and it shows small flip phones-like, and when she flips it open hologram of Chihane shows up.

"Yes, Grandmaster." Milah greets her.

"Milah, you can come to my office now; we have something to discuss," Chihane said as she crossed his arm.

"Right away," Milah said as she closed her phone and walked out of the room.


The white-haired teen finally awakens from his slumber ward bed one week later. Akira slowly opened his eyes as rays from the sun shot into his eyes. Blur covers his vision as it when clear, he realizes he is in the Hospital room alone.

"Uh... How long I being asleep....." He asks himself as he holds his's head with his's right arm.

"Not, long..." Akira turned his head toward the voice as he saw Chihane is sitting right beside him with a tablet-like device, and a hologram appeared in the middle space. "You being unconscious for 7 days..." Chihane said.

"7 Days? ..." Sudenlly, Sit up in supperice. "THE GIRLS!" Then he gets hit to the head with a Chihane device.

"Calm down, you Idiot! They are fine. Thanks to you, they are all being cured." Chihane crosses her arm.

"Ow, so where are there?" Akira asks, and he gets his answer. When the girls enter his wardroom, Asuka, Asagi, and behind them is Chihane assistant Milah.

Asuka and Asagi wear the same outfit; they both have white, red, and blue Acadamy Uniform; the lower bottom is the only difference. Asagi wears a skirt while Asuka wears short pants, and the bow around their collar has a different color.

Soon the girls saw Akira. They rushed toward him, said thank you so many times, and gave him a crushing bone hug.

"Thank you... Thank you..." Asagi said that as tears down her cheek.

"Thank you for saving us..." Asuka said she also had the same condition as her sister.

Akira didn't say anything as he hugged them back. He is so glad they are okay now.

Milah and Chihane smiled at them, but soon Chihane interrupted them.

"Now, Akira, do you know why you came here to the town in the first place," Chihane said as Akira broke the hugs with the girls.

"Umm..." He is in his thinking pose, then something clicks on him. "Oh, no, I suppose to meet an old grandmaster last week!" Akira said that as Chihane, and tick vein on her head.

"O-Old?" Chihane ask. The room mood turns intense. As Asuka and Asagi hug Akira back with scaring anime eyes, Milah backs away from her master.

"Y-Yeah.. that is what my master said. 'Akira, you need to learn some knowledge, go to Spirit Town, and meet with this old hag grandmaster, don't worry, I already contact her.'" Akira mimics his master words.

"Listen here, you brat! I'm not Old! I'M IMMORTAL BEAST-MAN!" Chihane yells as the whole room shakes. Akira nods numerously as the room mood back to normal.

"Wait! you Immortal?" Akira asks as Chihane nods. "And you Beast-man?" Chihane nods again. "Are you... The Mighty FLAME TIGER CHIHANE!!" Chihane is about to nod again, but she is hugged by Akira, making the Immortal Beast-man blush red, almost the same as her hair. Asuka and Asagi look at each other when they realize Akira is gone from their grab.

"I finally found one of the Zodiac Warriors!" Akira yelled and hugged her tightly; Chihane blushed, she didn't embrace a male for millennia, and now the record was broken when Akira hugged her.

"W-What is wrong with him?" Chihane asks the girls.

"You are one of his Idols from his childhood, Master-Chihane," Asuka said with a chuckle; she remembered how Akira wanted to meet the Zodiac Warriors.

"I-I see, now get off me, you brat!" Chihane pushes him away.

"I'm sorry, I so excited when I finally met with one of the legendary warriors," Akira said with a chuckle.

"Seriously, did you do the same when you meet your master?" Chihane ask.

"My master? No, no, he is just an old man with life experience." Akira answered her. Chihane chuckled with a slight smirk.

"Let me tell you something; you master is my old comrade from before the wars," Chihane said.

"Wow, he really that old? But how? He not Immortal is he?" Akira asks.

"Do you know what kind of weapon he masters?" Chihane asks back.

"You probably know that already, that he masters all weapons." Akira reply.

"And what's his favorite weapon?" Chihane ask.

"Staff..." Akira replies immediately as his eyes wide open when he finally completes his final puzzle. "My master is... The Monkey King, Sun, right?..."

"You got it right... You said he is an old man. Hmm, he must use transformation to hide his identity."

"GOD DAMNIT OLD MAN! You can tell me when we separate ways! I swear I will beat one day for this!" The females chuckled.

Then they heard a door room open and reveal a petite Elf girl. The girl has slight spikey short black hair, a light skin tone, green-blue eyes, pointy ears, and wears an elegant white dress with a golden line on her side.

Behind her has three more elves; one is a male with spiky black hair, blue eyes, pointy ears, light skin tone, the same as the girl. He wears a black king outfit with a king crown on top of his head.

Another one is a woman with long white hair down to her butt. Green eyes, dark skin, pointy ears. She wears a white queen outfit with a queen crown on top of her head.

The last one is a male. He looks slightly younger than the first male and has long white hair down to his back, blue-green eyes, and pointy ears. Wears a black prince outfit.

Milah bows at them, like Akira, Asuka and Asagi are slightly confused about them. Before Chihane can say a word, the elf girls dash toward Akira, jump, and warp her arms around his neck.

Akira lost his balance and fell to the ground as the elf girl was on top of him. The elves giggle as Asuka and Asagi are slightly shocked. They know she is the girl Akira safe and cured, but what shocked them more when they heard the elf girl say this.

Akira looks at the girl as she also looks at him.

"Thank you for saving me from that bastard, My husband..." The girl said as she hugged him tighter.

"Eh?" Asuka said.

"Eh?" Asagi said

"Eh?" Milah said.

"Ehhhh.....?" Chihane said.

The elves giggle louder as for Akira; his voice is the loudest.

"EHHHHH!!!" Akira yelled as the girl hugged him tightly with a smile.


•To Be Continue•


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