
Padme's Declaration And Ibaar Liberation

John woke up the next day to a bustling station full of people walking around doing their tasks while being happy about being a part of something bigger than themselves.

John was getting ready to go back to Naboo to see Padme's speech and see how the people would react. He knew that they would mostly agree with what Padme is about to do.

So after making sure everything was loaded up in the ships John got aboard a Lucerhulk that he Named The Vindicator. It was loaded with over 300,000 droids, 1,500 Pelicans, 3,000 Warthogs, 3,000 AA-T(Armored Assualt Tank), and 1,500 Liberator class Starfighters, and had a crew of 350. Most of the crew were droids and somewhere non-droids.

John had two other Lucerhulk accompany him on his travels.

Once he confirmed everything was good to go he headed to Naboo where Padme was waiting on him so she can go ahead with the announcement.

After entering Naboo space John took a Pelican down to Theed where Padme was waiting. While heading to the Royal Hanger some of the Citizens looked and seen the ship that was flying over them and remembered that the soldiers who saved their lives were flying those. And soon after an announcement was made that Queen Amidala wanted to address the people so they proceeded to the area where announcements were held and waited patiently while also trying to figure out the reason for this meeting. Some thought it was something to do with the ship they saw flying while some thought it was just another important announcement.

The pelican had landed in the Royal hanger and John walked out from it followed by Kina and Atra. Waiting on John was Padme and some guards.

After greeting each other Padme quickly took John to the announcement area to begin her speech to her people.

Once on the stage like area, Padme began to speak

"My fellow people we have been subjected to war by the Trade confederation resulting in lives lost because of my inability to continue believing we can live in peace while not being bothered by outside Factions. And Although we have successfully defended ourselves we couldn't have done it without the Help from this man" Said Padme as John stepped forward taking off his helmet

"This man was John who helped fend off and drive away the Trade Federation. Many of you may already know him as he owns the Mercenary Company that is established here" Said Padme. Some people began to cheer and chant his name John.

After letting the people cheer for a little Padme proceeded with her speech "And in light of all this the Republic refused to admit that the Trade Federation had invaded Naboo and wouldn't punish them and even blamed Naboo for trying to stir up trouble. This shows how the Republic is controlled by corrupt bureaucrats and the power is in the hands of those with enough money" Said Padme

"So I have decided that from today Naboo shall become independent from the Republic," Said Padme. At first, it was silent then everybody started cheering.

"And so we can defend ourselves I have decided to establish a military for Naboo so we can defend ourselves and prevent such an event from happening again," Said Padme. The cheers got even louder as people began dancing and celebrating.

While this was going on Palpatine had just won the election and was now Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. He thought that his plans were making progress but suddenly got a message that Naboo had left the Republic.

The Senate was in turmoil as they never had a planet leave the Republic and didn't know how to handle this as sending a fleet out would cause people to become suspicious and question their actions. So they agreed to leave Naboo alone for now as taking back Naboo would not benefit them in any way and would only cause more problems.

Chancellor Palpatine who heard the Senate's Decision had no choice but to accept it because he also knew that making a move right now would cause the Jedi to catch on and he didn't need that right now so he left them alone for now.

Back at Naboo, the people were informed that John was also the Leader of The New Order. But the people didn't care and even thanked him for saving their lives and threw a big celebration in honor of John and his faction and hoped that they could be allies.



After the long week of celebrating John had left Naboo much to Padmes displeasure as she wanted him here to help her but also knew he had other things to do.

John was in the Vindicator currently heading to Ibaar to Liberate them. Ibaar was a mountainous, rocky, and temperate planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was under Republic Control and home to the Ibaarians. It was currently undergoing a Famine that was harming the Ibaarians which is why John would go and Liberate them bringing them under his control.

Once out of hyperspace John went to the Hanger are where three Pelicans were waiting for him to head down to Ibaar. John got on the Pelican and proceeded down to the planet to where a small City was located.

A/N: there wasn't a lot of information on the population of Ibaar so Ima just say around 20 million people lived there

As John landed and walked out of the Pelican he had seen people who looked weak and malnourished while some people were sick and in need of care.

As John was looking around the small city a little Ibaarian girl had approached him

"Sir do you have any food for my Mama she hasn't eaten in some days now and is very sick right now," Said the Little Ibaarian

"That's the reason why I am here I have come to bring food to the people of this planet" Said John

The little girl had a happy expression and was about to say something but was interrupted by a young-looking Ibaarian who looked very weak and walked slow. Once she was close she stared at the little girl like she was a little angry

"I am sorry if my Daughter has caused you any troubles travelers as she is a little girl she doesn't know any better," Said the Woman

"It's fine as I have come here for a reason anyways so she is perfectly fine," Said John showing a smile to show her everything was okay

"In fact, while you are here I want to give you this" Said John as he motioned for some droids to bring the crates of food he brought with him.

"This is some bread for you and your daughter," Said John handing them each a piece of bread.

"Sir we can't accept this as we have no money so we can't buy this right now, "Said the woman who hoped she had the money as the bread was looking really good right now.

"Don't worry it is free as the reason I have come here is to Liberate this planet and end the Famine that is happening right now" Said, John

The woman was looking at him and had a confused face because she didn't think she was a bad person but just who was he to be able to liberate a planet. But before she could continue people started rushing over as they had seen John giving away food and hoped to get some as well.

Now in front of John was a crowd of people all begging for food. The droids that were with him had seen the commotion and quickly fixed it by forcing people in two lines. In each line, food was being given out while people were also marking their names down on a small device. John had them do this so he can get an accurate count of how many people are in this small city so Kane's Job will be easier

The people didn't care why they had to give their names as they just wanted to eat the food before it was gone. Shortly after the whole area was crowded and many more people were here to get some food.

John contacted the Ships in space and ordered them to deploy all transports around the planet and distribute food.

From around the planet, many people can see many ships coming down with soldiers in them. Many thought that they were being invaded but then some soldiers pulled out some crates and announced that they were here to give out food. People from all around the Planet were rushing to the transporters as they saw them giving away food. Thankfully the soldiers were armed cause if they weren't the transporters would have been quickly overrun.

After 10 long hours, every person was fed and was thankful to the soldiers who gave them food. The soldiers then explained why they were here and that this planet was now under the control of The New Order. The people really didn't care for the Republic as they did nothing to help with the Famine so they weren't that affected by a change of Leaders.

John then sent out a transmission that was played by each soldier so the people can hear what he has to say. He simply told them that they will be provided food until the Famine blows over and a Government building will be constructed in each City that will give out jobs that pay well and offer assistance to any Civilians. The people were overjoyed at this and started cheering and celebrating how their lives will be better now that they will get food and eventually work to provide for their children.

After making the speech John left the planet and had Kane come and establish control of the planet by building government buildings and sending people out on patrol. He left her there with one Lucerhulk in case anything happens while he went back to the Station to proceed to his second target which is the Planet Lego that is surrounded by 1,000 moons and home to the Angels.

A/N: This last bit of this chapter is information regarding the Planet Lego and the Angels

The Diathim, also known as the Angels as a result of spacers mistaking them for such beings, was a mysterious species of winged sentients who inhabited the moons of the planet Iego, specifically living on the largest moon, Millius Prime. Tall and beautiful, the beings called Angels had six wings and shining white skin. They were regarded as potentially being the most beautiful beings in the known universe.

Lego was a mysterious planet located in the Outer Rim Territories on the fringes of the known galaxy that was surrounded by a thousand moons collectively known as the moons of Iego, at least one of which was populated by a race of beings known as Angels. During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems constructed a laser field that prevented anyone from leaving the planet, before the field was destroyed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, freeing the Iegoans. Located on the fringes of the known galaxy, the planet Iego was orbited by a thousand moons collectively known as the moons of Iego, including Clepresdan, Cobarb, Flitrude, Millius Prime, Rawnde, Uncovalor, and Winlion. Each was as mysterious as the world itself. Lego was a hotbed of life and had both hot and temperate climates and was tropical, steamy, and humid. Its desert surface was covered in basaltic spires and canyons, where reeksa (enormous, ravenous carnivorous plants with sharpened spikes for teeth and deadly thorns along their length that were known to eat humans alive, and whose roots were used to create the only known antidote to the Blue Shadow Virus) grew. Lego was also inhabited by xandu, creatures who flew through Iego's skies on their four wings and used their giant ears to hear prey at great distances, after which they would snatch them up and smash them against rock walls using their two arms and two legs.

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