
Chapter 55: Mission: Start!

Yawning I exited my tent and then went to take care of morning business.

Once it was done I returned, and saw the others sitting around the campfire, beginning to cook breakfast.

Two days have passed since we entered into the dungeon.

It didn't take us long to make it back down here to the 18th floor.

But after breakfast is over and we back up and set out, the real challenge begins.

Large Tree Labyrinth, here we come.


Breakfast came and went pretty fast.

Once it was over we all packed up.

As soon as that was done we set out.

Eventually arriving at the entrance to the 19th floor.

Right after we did so I stopped in my tracks and turned to face the others. "Alright then, from here on the mission from the guild begins." I said.

Everyone nodded.

"This will be our first time visiting these floors. I'm not going to give a long ass speech since that's just not me. But I will say this. Watch each others backs, and remember to stay alive no matter the cost." I said. I then looked at Leonmitchelli. "Leon, what are we supposed to be collecting on this quest again?"

Since I want everyone once again reminded on what our targets are.

"Ten Bugbear nails. Ten Lizardman nails. Five Mammoth Fool tusks, and one Deadly Hornet Shell." Leonmitchelli spoke. "Along with several herbs used for making detoxification elixirs." She explained.

"Which is going to be the easy part." William grumble.

Well he's not wrong. Collecting those monster drops isn't going to be easy. Especially where the mammoth Fool and Deady Hornet are concerned. The former is as big as the Goliath. While not as strong, from the research I've done its hide is thick. As for the latter, its known for killing level-two adventurers with ease and being the guardian beast that separates the middle and lower floors.

This is definitely not going to be easy.

But we've prepared and now we're here so there's not turning back.

"Thank you Leon." I told her. "Alright, move out." I said.

We all then entered the tunnel and started towards the 19h floor.

Officially beginning the quest.


Seeing light at the end of the tunnel in front of us we exited it and found ourselves in a forested area with wooden paths twisting and turning all around us. Along with giant mushrooms and flowers of various sizes along the ground and along the walls.

This truly is a sight to behold.

It really amazes me even now how beautiful the dungeon is, despite it literally being one giant death trap overall.

Oh well.

I guess things are just like that sometimes. Both beautiful and dangerous.

We took a moment to take in the sight in front of us before we got moving.

Taking the path ahead of us we walked down and entered the giant forest.

But five minutes after we did so a welcome party appeared to greet us.

Out of the ground seven Lizardmen appeared. Then out of the tree line, four Battle Boar appeared. A look of rage on their faces.

Lifting the tip of Vortex Vanquisher in their direction I signaled for the others to begin attacking. I myself leading the charge.

Rushing forward I closed the distance with one of the Lizardmen and slashed at its left arm, opening a deep gash in an instant.

Kaijin really did an amazing job.

Vanquisher is sharp and shows no signs of dulling or the blade chipping. Even when I used it against the minotaur's on the upper floors it pierced through their thick skin easily and without fail.

Yeah, I am definitely making Kaijin my personal smith for sure after this.

Ignoring the screams of the Lizardman in front of me I jumped back as it slashed at me with a makeshift sword.

Putting some distance between us I thrusted Vanquisher forward, intending to create a wound on its chest.

But at the last second it lifted up its shield and deflected my attack.

'Not surprising.' I thought.

The monsters on these floors are rated mid to high level two after all.

Seeing me thrown slightly off balance the Lizardman charged forward, intending to slash me across the chest.

As soon as it did I quickly regained my footing and used the base of my spear to block its slash easily.

This is the results of training with the Ganesha familia, and Shakti.

Lifting my foot up I kicked the Lizardman in the chest, knocking it off balance this time.

Once it was I quickly took my spear and stabbed it straight through the throat.

As it stood there, blood spewing out of the wound I quickly removed Vortex Vanquisher and then made a clean cut across the throat, finishing the monster off.

Falling to its knees it disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving behind its magic crystal and one of the drop items we needed to complete our assigned quest. A Lizardman nail.

I moved to quickly collect both of them, while also keeping an eye on the others.

Dodging a slash aimed at her chest Ryuu quickly used her speed to circle behind the Lizardman she was facing and stabbed it right in the chest. She then removed her sword and slashed its body in several different places in quick succession.

My eyes barely being able to keep up.

'She truly moves like the wind.' I thought.

Her alias The Gale is perfect.

Eventually Ryuu stopped attacking and her opponent disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving behind its magic crystal.

As one of the Battle Boar's charged toward him Gaul jumped into the air and then brought both of his fists down atop the beasts head, driving the beast into the ground.

Then before it could do anything Gaul began smashing his gauntlet-covered fists into its head, eventually bashing its brains in.

When the boar turned into smoke Gaul collected the magic stone.

The others made short work of the remaining enemies, courtesy of Ryner and Echidna's magic.

Eventually all was said and done.

Once it was we regrouped.

But just as we did so we saw eight Bugbears appear from the ground, all of their eyes turned on us.

"Back in formation!" I cried.

We all then got in a defensive formation.

Just as the first Bugbear reached us and lashed out towards Ardi.

Blocking the attack with her sword she kicked the beast in the chest, knocking it back.

Though just as she did so six more Bugbears came out of the ground.

"Seems the dungeon is sending a small army at us." Echidna said.

"Then we'll respond in kind." I said. "Ryuu, please take this one." I told her.

She nodded.

Ryuu then began chanting.

Since thanks to her recent level up she received her attack magic from canon.

[Luminous Wind]

{In the sky of a now distant forest. Infinite stars scattered in the endless night sky. Respond to my foolish voice, give me now divine protection of starfire. Give the mercy of light to the one who abandoned you. Come, wandering wind, the wandering traveler. Cross the sky and run through the wilderness, run faster than anything else. Imbue the light with stardust and destroy the enemy.}

[Luminous Wind]

As Ryuu finished chanting several orbs of green stardust appeared in the air around her. Once they did all of them headed in the direction of the Bugbear's in front of us and landed direct hits.

The monsters screamed as they were consumed in blasts of wind and light.

A moment passed before silenced reigned an all that was left on the ground was magical stones.

"Good work Ryuu." I told her.

"Thanks." She said.

As she did so we moved to collect what the Bugbear's left behind.

In doing we found we already got four Bugbear nails and three Lizardman nails.

"We're off to a good start it would seem." Diluc said.

"Yes." I agreed. "But we can't get cocky."

"Oh come on Morax lighten up." William told me. "If what happened just now is all we'll have to deal with on this quest then things are going to be just fine." He said.

'William!' I thought.

Why did you just raise a flag?!

Sighing I shook my head.

"Let's get a move on." I said.

Once I did so we started moving again.

As we did so I hoped the flag William just raised right now won't trigger anything.

I really hope it doesn't.

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