
Deviant Thor Part IV

Fist clashing against Kronos's own, a shockwave erupted outwards and cratering the ground beneath them. Thor plummeted to the ground as it disappeared beneath his feet, only to be peppered by dozens of energy blasts. He used the momentum from the force of the blasts to spin, arm swinging out and a wave of wind rushing out and knocking all the other blasts away.

Landing in a crouch, Thor took barely a fraction of a second to look at his surroundings.

Kronos was floating in the air, large quantities of energy gathering around his hands, ready to be unleashed upon him. Ahead of him, fast approaching was Zuras, fists drawn back and ready to clash against him. But far back, surrounded by dozens of glowing energy balls was A'Lars, he providing long-range support.

Despite the situation, he found himself in, Thor couldn't help but smile at the challenge presented before him. Even if his plan had failed, the Eternals seemingly able to see through his intentions and spring an ambush of their own upon him, he didn't care.

'They've just made it that much easier for me.' Thor thought with a smile, bursting off from the ground.

Zuras was caught off-guard by the speed in which Thor rocketed towards him, right hand clasping tightly around his face. With a shout, Thor launched him through the air, directly towards Kronos, air displacing around Zuras body as he shot through the air. Kronos himself stalled, the energy around his hands dipping before he summoned a shield to block his sons advance.

Thor continued on, landing upon the ground only to launch himself back up towards A'Lars. The dozens of energy blasts that struck against his body didn't so much as slow Thor down as he barrelled through them all.

If it wasn't for Kronos intervening by creating a powerful shield, A'Lars would have been taken out of the fight by the blow Thor threw at him. Instead, it smashed into the shield, cracking massively.

Growling in frustration, Thor braced his feet against the shield and pushed off, flipping through the air and lashing out with a kick to Kronos which struck against his head. It was a powerful strike but not as much as Thor would have liked as Kronos was up and moving mere moments after smashing into the ground with great force.

Yet Thor was tackled out of the air soon after by Zuras, thrown into the air and all three Eternals pooled their energy together. Six energy beams released from three pairs of hands were unleashed into the sky, fusing together and adding more power into one another.

Unable to manoeuvre his body in the air, all Thor could do was raise his guard in an attempt to withstand the powerful beam of energy. As soon it struck him, pain exploded across his body and Thor roared out as he tried to resist against the blast. Yet it was a fruitless endeavour, Thor engulfed by it entirely.

-X- Line Break -X-

To Thor, the sight before him was nothing more than a cruel joke. All the time and effort he had spent, all the hardship their people had endured and look at how close they had come. Only Valusia and Atlantis had remained against their hordes. The rest of the Thurian continent had been theirs to rule.

And now, only Zarfhaana, Commoria, Grondarr and Lemuria were theirs.

It was all just a cruel joke.

The Eternals were now simply watching, no doubt laughing as they watched the Deviants once united tear each other apart for the last vestiges of power available. After all, with Tantalus dead, it had left a big void to fill. Pelops had attempted to take the vacant throne, but with only his brother, Lucian to support him, his position had been unstable.

Phraug had capitalised upon this opportunity, declaring independence and renaming himself Emperor once more. Others had followed and once more, the Deviants were fighting one another rather than their real enemies.

Thor's lips twisted into a deep frown as he looked out of the window.

His body was still injured heavily after his battle against Kronos, Zuras and A'Lars. It was that reason only that things had developed to such a degree. If he hadn't been so badly beaten, he would have crushed any dissension and kept the Deviants united. He imagined if that was the case victory would have been theirs in only a matter of months. After all, it was reported that Makkari had been killed, dozens of Eternals losing their lives in the south as a means to withstand against the vast Deviant horde. The commander of the south, Oceanus being amongst the dead.

That would have been a big blow to the Eternals and would have given the Deviants the chance to win. But they hadn't, the Deviants had been the cause of their own downfall.

'I can't let this continue any further.' Thor thought, fists clenching tightly. 'I have to do something, if I allow the Eternals to grow any stronger, they will attack and that will be the end of our people. I have to do something, I have to unite the Deviants once more. Only united will we be able to survive. Especially if this Donar is who I think he is.'

-X- Line Break -X-

For a moment, Thor was left stunned, watching as Phraug shot upon the ship entering the atmosphere. Watched as it careened to the ground and smashed against it, violently shaking Midgard and forcing him to his knees.

He thought that would be the end of it, only it wasn't.

That was but the prelude to something worse and as Thor continued to climb up the mountain, gazed focus upon the figure he could see stood upon it. He ignored the pain of his body, hands reaching out and digging into the rock, using his handholds to pull him up further, ignoring the protests of his body.

Yet he stopped when he saw the shadow engulf his body, head-turning and eyes widening as he looked upon what had risen up into the air. Huge towering bodies covered in powerful armour made of a mysterious metal. Each of them radiating power beyond anything he had seen or felt since his time upon Asgard.

There were the very figures that Odin had warned him about many times when he was growing up. The figures who struck fear even into the All-Father. The figures who stood as the pinnacle of all races.

There stood before him, were the Celestials.

And then, they fought.

Clashing against one of their own. Powerful blasts of cosmic energy destroyed and reshaping the land for thousands of miles. Casual displays of power that is filled with him awe and even fear at the thought of facing off against them. Their clash was beyond anything he had ever seen before.

Their power is equal to and surpassing the power of the All-Father and Surtur, the Giant with the Flaming Sword.

Yet amongst the Celestials that fought, the one who stood out the most was the one who fought against them all. One clad in golden yellow armour and fought with a ferocity and savagery that did not suit their image of immense power. They were almost like mad beasts like an Aesir possessed by Warriors Madness.

But ultimately, as powerful as the lone Celestial was, he was brought down.

'Nows my chance.' Thor told himself. 'If my instincts are right if Donar is Thor. Then we can help that Celestial. We can save our people. This is the only way.'

Groaning in agony, Thor put his weight in his heels and threw himself up the rest of the mountain, landing upon the top in a crouch. And there, watching the clash between Eternals unfold was Donar, perhaps the greatest foe he had ever faced.

"You are Thor Odinson, aren't you?" He asked, Donar turning to him and for a moment said nothing, just studying him. Then he gave a nod and Thor felt a wave of relief came over him, his instincts had not failed him, a smile coming upon his face. "I knew it."

"And you are too." Thor didn't need to answer, Donar already knew the answer to that. "We're both Thor Odinson, fighting to save our people."

There was something in the way that Donar said it that made Thor frown. He got the feeling he was talking about the Aesir and Thor shared those sentiments. But Thor also felt that Donar did not count the Eternals amongst those he had to save, not like he felt the need to save the Deviants.

They along with the Aesir were his people and no matter what, he would save them both.

"You can feel it, can't you?" But now was not the time to raise such questions, not when he could see the Celestials turning their attention towards the Deviants. "The connection we share. Divided we can't do anything, but together we might be able to do something to stop them."

Thor wasn't stupid, he knew outmatched he was in the fight. Even if he gave his all he wouldn't be able to so much as lay a scratch upon the Celestials. But just as his instincts had told him that Donar was another fragment of Thor Odinson, they also told him of the ability to come together as one. He needed that to save the Deviants and so, he extended his hand to Donar.

They may have been enemies, but they were also Thor, united by their goals.

"Just one question," Donar said and Thor felt a frown grow upon his face. "Why?"

That was simple and he answered without hesitation. "I'm Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard. But I'm also Vingthor, a Deviant."

There was a moment, a pause and then Donar nodded his head. A look came across him, one of respect, one of understanding. Different they may be, but some things about Thor would never change.

And just like that, the Thor's clasped hands, the world around them shifting forever.

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