
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Parental Control

Cordelia was never one for hospital wings.

The dreaded chambers had always reminded her of her father's office. Visually, there weren't a lot of similarities between Arcturus's messy study and Beauxbaton's grand hospital wing, but if one were to observe more than what meets the eye, the similarities were drastic.

While the Black manor was void of any sunlight, the hospital wing's grand windows welcomed the setting sun, its rays almost as golden as the pillars guarding the entrance. The room's jovial appearance, however, was antithetic to its environment.

Much like her father's study, the hospital wing was filled with the pungent scent of blood, sweat, and potions. A deadly combination, one that burdened Cordelia with a sense of dread as her blue gaze raced around the room.

Any thought of her father was one the brunette highly resented, yet it was difficult to evade her mind's murmurs when the boy lying beside her was so much like Arcturus.

Ruby lips and peach blushes were replaced by underwhelming greys and blues. Tousled strands of hair caressed his forehead, the dark brown contrasting heavily against his pallid skin. Even with the golden sunlight and several warming spells, the Dark Lord's complexion was as pale as the Grey Lady's.

The only splash of colour, save for his hair, came from the dried blood stains littered across the sheets.

Even with her expert healing charms Cordelia had failed to stop the wound from healing and had reopened the hole while levitating Tom through the palace.

Madame Brin, Beauxbaton's head healer, had abandoned Estelle as soon as Cordelia walked into the chamber with Tom floating behind her. The elderly lady had thrust two vials of potions into her hands and ushered the Hogwarts champion towards Estelle, muttering quickly before giving Tom her undivided attention.

At first, Cordelia hadn't bothered moving, simply watching the blonde woman work. It wasn't until Madame Brin started undressing Tom that the snake's eyes shifted away from him and towards Estelle.

"Open up, Vaillancourt"

A pink blush dusted across her cheeks as Cordelia held up a spoonful of the potion for the quiet girl. For a moment Estelle looked like she was going to say something, perhaps mock Cordelia for caring so much about her partner, but she decided otherwise and quietly swallowed her potions.

Even after she had put the French girl to bed, Cordelia couldn't fathom watching Madame Brin and chose to tidy the hospital wing's shelves as the elderly woman worked.

"He is stable for now, but needs a lot of rest."

Cordelia took a moment to decipher the healer's heavy accent, but quickly turned towards her and nodded briefly. Her gaze drifted towards Tom as Madame Brin retreated to her office, muttering about potions and charms as she walked.

Tom Riddle looked terrible.

Over the past hour, he hadn't improved much, only letting out a shiver once in a while or turning in his sleep. It occurred to Cordelia that this was the first time in six years she had watched him sleep, it was also the first time she watched him let his guard down.

Without his usual frown and glare, Tom almost looked normal, like a wizard who didn't aspire to commit genocide for a living.

Professors and students alike had come and gone, checking on either of the champions and congratulating Cordelia as they left, yet Tom had not once resorted to his usual sneers and taunts. Several of the visitors had insisted on leaving Tom alone and returning to the palace, but it felt wrong for Cordelia to face the people alone.

She presumed the gold-eyed witch leaning against the hospital wing's doors would try to persuade her much like the others.

"Your parents are here."

Cordelia furrowed her eyebrows at Druella's words, briefly looking over her shoulder to meet the short Black's gaze as she replied.


Druella shrugged, abutting from the door and walking towards the Hogwarts champions as she spoke.

"They said they wanted to congratulate you in person."

Cordelia scoffed at her cousin, tightening her grip on Tom's sheets as she attempted to control her anger.

"So soon?"

A snort echoed across the chamber as Druella finally reached her cousin, leaning against Tom's bed as she replied.

"You should be happy they came."

The statement, while bitter, was true. Most pureblood parents wouldn't have bothered showing up until she won the Tournament, and certainly wouldn't risk being uninvited guests during a task. Which was why Cordelia was full of scepticism.

However, a part of her, a naive, childish part of her, couldn't help but wonder whether her parents truly cared. It was foolish to think Arcturus Black somehow acquainted himself with the beating organ in his chest, but the same couldn't be said for Melania.

Ever since her childhood, her mother had always been there for Cordelia. Before Orion was born, before Arcturus stopped having the emotional range of a skeleton, before Cordelia made friends and met the pureblood community, her mother was there for her.

She wasn't always kind and left several scars, but at the end of the day, Melania was the only person Cordelia truly trusted.


For a moment her gaze lingered on Tom's pitiful form, noticing how he flinched for the umpteenth time due to the cold.

"Let's go."

"You should have been the champion; you should have been the one in that tank!"

Arcturus's voice echoed around the abandoned classroom, his disappointment and anger evident.

Of course, he would want Orion to be the champion. Orion was his son, his pride, joy and redemption, whereas Cordelia was the stain he couldn't quite get rid of, try as he might.

Yet she couldn't help but gulp down a cry as Cordelia leaned against the wooden door, listening in on her family's conversation.

Someone shuffled around the room before Orion scoffed at his father's words.

"It's pitiful how you seem to think I care."

His voice had taken up a cold, unyielding tone, one that drastically reminded Cordelia of Tom.

"It might surprise you, but I'm proud of my sister and I love how far she's gotten. I wanted her to become a champion because I would rather have Cordelia out there than myself."

He paused, making Arcturus scoff at the cowardly words.

"Because I know that while I would have quivered and hesitated, Lia did everything perfectly. And-"

Light clicks echoed across the room, presumedly from Orion's shoes.

"I don't have to be the best person in the room, because I'm proud my sister is that person. And guess what? Lia is stronger, smarter, and a better person than you and I could ever be."

The door suddenly flew open, causing Cordelia to scramble away in horror.

Orion looked furious as his grey eyes met her blue pools, but his frown gradually loosened and fists opened as he noticed something she hadn't; the tears running down Cordelia's face.

Neither of them bothered saying anything as Orion walked forward, embracing his sister as their parents finally noticed Cordelia.

At that moment the Black-McMillan children didn't care about anything around them. They paid no heed to the possibility of someone watching them, or the couple who were watching them. The siblings simply found solace in one another, as they had as children in their sacred circle.

They only pulled away once Melania called out to her daughter, by then Arcturus had Disapparated, leaving his wife to talk to Cordelia.

Melania smiled at her children as she walked forward, greeting her daughter with a light kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Lia, I'm so proud of you, dear."

Cordelia smiled at her mother, wiping away her tears as she replied.

"I'm sorry about father he-"

"Not your fault. Arcturus can be tough sometimes."

She felt the need to correct her mother and exchange some for every, but Cordelia chose to stay silent as Melania shuffled through her purse and fetched a small gift.

"Arcturus wanted you to have this."

Cordelia couldn't help but feel shocked as she accepted the present, nodding towards her mother as Melania prepared to leave.

The older woman pulled her daughter in for a final hug before Disapparating, lowering her voice as she spoke.

"Love is a fool's game, Lia, it will do you well to remember that."

Cordelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but couldn't reply as her mother spun on the spot and disappeared within a flurry of silks and black hair.

"Of course, mother."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

thatfanficwritercreators' thoughts
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