
Chapter Two: Close Calls

If there were one word to describe Cordelia's current predicament, it would be chaotic. The scent that wafted through the air was that of scrumptious hot meals prepared in vast quantities, one that elected happy sighs and content hums at being provided food after a long journey.

The food itself was heaven on a platter, cooked and served, as always, to perfection. A collection of dishes from various cuisines were set up across the four dark wood tables assigned to each house, each table bringing about pleasant memories in every student as they surged forward to find themselves a seat.

A sense of organised chaos hung in the air as bodies adorning sets of various colours moved against each other to reach their destinations, overwhelming chatter reaching unknown octaves and students engaging in mischievous or delirious acts adding to the chaos.

People all around moved against or with the tide in order to spot a seat near their friends, the Slytherin sixth years contributing to the riot by their stubborn, egocentric traits.

Finally, after a minute of bustling around with the overpowering crowd, the pureblood heirs seated themselves near the centre of the table towards the far left. The green tablecloth brushed her knees as Cordelia seated herself beside Ignatius and Aurora, turning towards Druella who was sitting in front of her.

"Do you reckon he'll go on almost pridefully during his speech?"

"Certainly-" replied Cordelia "-if Dippet's one thing it's prideful, and we're all aware of his gloating habits."

The two of them carried on their discussion, including Theodore and Aurora who were seated towards their right. They briefly touched topics like the first day of school and skipping Dippit's speech before they were interrupted by Phyllis.

"Don't even think about it. Sluggy locked the common room due to the stunt you pulled last year."

Four pairs of eyes turned towards the Parkinson heir nestled between Rudolphus and Druella, each of them wearing variations of smirks.

"Now, now Philly, do you really think a mere locking charm will stop us?" Ignatius questioned, always up for a bit of rule-breaking.

"Seriously? It's not even been an hour, and you're already thinking of ways to dock off points?" The baffled expression strewn across Orion's face evoked a series of giggles and coos.

"Runoff and play with your little fifth-year babies Orion."

Cordelia giggled as he tossed a bit of bread at her, always up for teasing her brother. The bread-crumb drew her attention to the dishes around her while also reminding her of her dire hunger.

With their conversation finished, each of the eight snakes piled heaps of food onto their plates, all except the Black ladies, ever the modest and full of etiquettes.

The great hall had returned to its state of joyous conversation as its inhabitants filled up on various delicacies, occasionally asking one another to pass a dish. When they all had been content with their meals, the bowls, plates and goblets disappeared, returning the tables to their pristine, blank states.

"Now that we have all eaten our fill, we can go onto more important matters."

Headmaster Dippet announced as he proceeded towards the podium, taking his place in front of his audience. His receding hairline and awful burgundy robes made him seem akin to a toad rather than their headmaster, but his strict tone and queer stare made his position prominent.

"More specifically, the Triwizard Tournament due to take place this academic year."

Usually, the great hall's inhabitants would be on the brink of falling asleep as Dippet droned on for his welcoming speech, but tonight was different, extraordinary even. The night itself was insignificant, but the words ringing across the hall were more than important. So significant the Ravenclaws had abandoned their books to sit attentively and gaze at the headmaster like a bunch of owls, the Hufflepuffs, usually reserved and respectful, were murmuring amongst themselves and the Gryffindors weren't running rampant (which was a surprise more than ever.)

The snake pit thus stood out from the rest of the hall, for Headmaster Dippet's words meant nothing to them, their esteemed relatives and friends filling them in on the details currently echoing around them. Some of the students clad in green and black glared at their peers for their inferior status and lack of information (after all, if they had known then Dippet wouldn't haughtily drone on) while others conversed aimlessly amongst themselves.

Cordelia hadn't engaged in either of those tasks, choosing instead to critically stare at the only snake paying attention to the speech.

Could it be, is he really a half-blood?

Impossible, Salazar wouldn't have tainted his house with such scum.

But if Riddle wasn't a half-blood, then why was he keenly holding onto every word spewed forth?

He's just kissing ass once again.

With that settled, she turned back into the headmaster's speech.

"The Triwizard Tournament is an illustrious and ancient tradition, one that shall not be tainted by ignorance or blatant disregard of rules; thus I urge each and every one of you not to tarnish Hogwarts' name with foolish fiddle-faddle."

The pot-bellied older man shifted on his podium, taking a moment of silence to emphasise his words before continuing.

"Now, it is my honour to inform you lot the Tournament itself isn't the most compelling thing I have for you tonight."

He paused yet again, but the emphasis was replaced with dramatics, something that drew the Slytherins' attention.

"For this year, there shall not be only three contestants; this year, there shall be six! Two from each esteemed establishment. During the first two tasks, the champions of each institution shall work together to advance to the subsequent task, causing points to be given out for the duo collectively. The points will allow one school an advantage in the final task, which will not follow its predecessors' procedures and will be each champion for themselves."

Anxious whispers broke out across the hall, the Tournament had followed the same pattern for centuries and the new development was beyond thrilling.


The headmaster's cry ceased all chatter as the students peered at him expectantly, surprised that there was more.

"That is not all. The Tournament tends to be hosted at each school alternatively, and this year the host shall be Beauxbaton. Thus, only twenty students, five from each house, will be taken to the competition. Since the seventh-year students shall be taking their NEWTs, only sixth and fifth years will be allowed to participate."

Ignatius shook Cordelia's shoulder as he squealed into her ear.

"We're sixth years Lia! Oh, the possibilities!"

He seemed to be one of the few people who were elated by the new revelation, the rest of the school not taking too kindly to being left out. Screams of protest rung throughout the hall as several people around Cordelia vocalised their thoughts, the Gryfindors were retorting to their flamboyant ways, one going as far as to flick a piece of bread on the headmaster in retaliation to his words.

"Quiet! Anyone who speaks out of turn again will be sentenced to a month of detention under their Head of House. "

The students had no option but to comply, leaving the hall in a state akin to a restrained Niffler: agitated and compiled of pent-up energy.

"Now, the decision is final and inexorable, and it will not do well to attempt to rebel against it. I understand your vexatious behaviour, but your exams are far more important than the Tournament, and we will not have a student complaining they did not take their NEWTs under appropriate circumstances!"

Orion muttered a taunt towards the seventh years as Dippet paused, causing Lia's gaze to cut straight through his soul. Just because her brother was allowed to the Tournament did not mean his lewd behaviour would be excused.


That one word sparked hope in all the students, each wishing to be allowed a glimpse of the Tournament.

"Everyone from year five to year seven will be allowed to watch all three tasks, as well as attend the Yule Ball. You will be escorted to Beauxbaton for each event, and taken back to Hogwarts after its end."

A chorus of groans, screams, giggles and cheers echoed around Cordelia, the former two being younger students protesting. Dippet, on the other hand, didn't seem phased by this and calmly awaited silence.

"To be considered as one of the lucky twelve students, your academic prowess will be tested by a quiz; the top twenty result holders will be taken to the Tournament, as competitors. That is enough information for tonight, off to bed with the lot of you."

Chaos set out in the hall as everyone broke out in whispers, giggles and shouts, prefects and professors attempting to quieten their respective houses.

"That settles it, Riddle, Nott and Cordelia are going to Beauxbaton for the competition," Phyllis called out happily, latching onto Cordelia and Druella.

"What makes you so certain?" Cordelia questioned, quickly making her way towards Riddle to escort their house towards the snake's pit in the dungeons.

"You three have always gotten perfect grades! I bet you'll do splendidly in that test too!"

"Thank you, Philly, but we'll have to wait and see."

The common room was a room akin to a dungeon, the hanging green lights and candles adding to the uncanny yet homely effect. The fire was set ablaze, the logs burning a bright red contrasting with the green, silver and black decorations. An aroma mimicking the sea wafted through the air, its scent not quite pungent enough to cause unease, but not mild enough to be unnoticed. The scent, however, was expected and welcome, for the underwater view made up for it.

Mermaids hoarded the glass, each conversing with Slytherins big and small, eager to learn and pass on new information. Some of the portraits of grand wizards and witches who had occupied the common room before us were mimicking the mermaids as they too traded valuable information while most silently dozed off, having witnessed enough endeavours through their portraits.

A collection of various green and black couches were being occupied as dozens of snakes lingered for quick conversations with friends (and occasionally family) about their vacations. The dark wood tables were already cluttered with scraps of paper and chessboards as the insomniacs (which happened to be the greater part of the house) prepared for a long night. Cordelia craved to join them, but her duties were prioritised over a bit of relaxation.

"Do the welcome speech, unless you're not proficient enough and require me to carry out yet another task."

Riddle's body moved closer to Cordelia's frame as he hissed his taunts, not wanting to be heard out loud by the various students surrounding them. His words had no impact, however, his sudden closeness certainly brought forth a strong pang of loathing and disgust as she broke away from his body.

"You have all been bestowed with the honour of wearing and upholding the Slytherin title." Cordelia started as she glanced at every child stood in front of her. "Do not, under any circumstances, take this position lightly. We are Slytherin, we are cunning, resourceful, loyal and above all ambitious thus we know what the world expects of us, and what is to be presented to it."

The speech was made easier due to the pureblood children being used to the harsh treatment they were dealt with. Always one for dramatics, she drew closer to her increasing audience, glancing at her group of friends before continuing. "We are all aware of the unjust accusations dealt upon us from the moment we are sorted, which is why each of us has to watch out for one another. The older students will pass on their trade, whether it be sign language for the mermaids or tips regarding certain students, but your future lays in your hands."

"For above all, as Slytherin, we are family, some quite literally-" this earned a series of chuckles, lightning up the mood "-and family don't turn their backs on one another, neither do they let each other down. You can be whoever you want to be inside these four walls and up those stairs, but out in the castle, your vulnerability will be your downfall, and we don't do well with failures. Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness only if you choose that path, choose wisely."

The message rang loud and clear: they would have to look out for one another while also upholding their house's prestige. A light rain of applause followed her speech, eliciting an eye roll from Lia as she explained the staircase rules and handed out five maps of the castle, as was customary to ensure no Slytherin got lost. The maps weren't detailed a lot, but enough to inform them about their classrooms and main areas.

"That wasn't completely unfortunate."

"Compared to your prefect speech mine was extraordinary."

Riddle frowned at this, his annoyance evident. "Next time you can entertain a bunch of ravens, badgers and lions. But you neither have the authority nor the badge."

Her vision burnt red as she thought up ways to incinerate him on the spot. "Unlike you, I have more important things to do than kiss Slughorn's hairy ass."

The brunette turned on her heels before he could form a retort, smirking at his angry expression.

"Riddle getting on your nerves?"

Ignatius questioned as the prefect settled down beside him. "Has he ever done anything but?"

"For you, no."

Phylis retorted with a laugh, glancing at the heart of their conversation. Cordelia too threw a glare at him, unsurprised by his position around his posse of pureblood sixth-year males. Alphard and Cygnus Black, Abarax Malfoy, Evan Rosier, Mulciber, Antonin Dolohov and Avery. But contrary to every other day, today Orion, Theodore and Rodolphus accompanied his little circle.

She had only realised she was staring when Riddle shot her an exasperated yet angry glare, turning back towards his companions. Perhaps if they had stayed in their area and continued their conversation Cordelia wouldn't have felt an urge to investigate, but when the gang trickled out of the common room inconspicuously (clearly not enough to evade any watchful eyes) she couldn't help but follow after.

"I forgot my ring in the Great Hall, I'll be right back."

The Black-McMillian heir muttered a quick excuse before gracefully walking out the common room. She cast a quick disillusionment charm and a Muffiliato before quickening her pace, creeping behind Avery and Orion.

After several minutes of following after them, their route puzzled her. Cordelia knew the castle better than most, and was aware of the seventh floor's special room but hadn't expected Riddle to transfer his meeting over there.

What is so important that he needs to use the Room of Requirements? What's Riddle hiding?"

"I know he said to wait outside to see if Cordelia followed, but she couldn't have possibly done so."

"Do you want to get punished?"

The two Slytherin boys shuddered at Orion's question before quickly casting a disarming charm as well as a presence indicator. Quiet as a mouse Cordelia ran back down the corridor, successfully evading the spell's range. After minutes of waiting the boys finally slipped into the door, continuing their queer discussion.

I should head back, there's no way I'll get into that room unnoticed and this is enough exploring for tonight.

Lia nodded and turned around, heading back down to the common room and slipping inside the bustling room in less than no time, or at least attempting to, for she had been yanked back by her arm right before she uttered the password.

"Next time Black, cast the charm before you leave the common room."

"Let go of my arm Riddle."

The aforementioned male creeped out of the shadows and positioned himself in front of her, ignoring her demand.

"Or what? You'll hex me?" The challenge was tempting, but why waste the energy when words did enough to spite him?

"I reckon Dumbledore will be pleased to hear about your late-night endeavours, after all, he does have a special spot for you."

The sentence coated his face in a sneer as he stepped closer, wand at the ready. "One word and I'll feed your tongue to the Thestral."

"Go on, I'll just write to Dumbledore instead. I can already picture the headlines 'star student sent to Azkaban for mutilating pureblood witch.' How do you feel having the whole Wizengamot against you?"

In the end, her threat had more weight in his, causing him to let her arm slip free.

"One day Black, I'll Crucio you to the brink of death just to have you live and endure more of the curse."

"I look forward to that day Riddle, for that's when you'll end up in Azkaban and lose all the respect you've gained."

It was peculiar trading threats with Riddle when she knew his threats were certainly not empty, but Cordelia was always one for a challenge. Perhaps if she hadn't been so keen to go against this one she wouldn't have landed herself in her future predicaments.

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