
5. First "Fight", If You Can Call It That.

As I was walking along the neighborhood, heading to my favorite convenience store, I was wondering on what food I should get.

Walking past a few stores, I was hit by the oily scent of fried noodles, and I had the sudden urge to eat some Chinese food.

Perfect. Chinese is just what I need. Lots of oily goodness. The epitome of unhealthy food.

I walked inside the empty store and was greeted by a pretty auburn haired asian girl.

Surprisingly, the smell of oily fried goodness wasn't as strong as typical Chinese restaurants. It was actually quite bearable.

"Hello, welcome to Fu Hing! How may I help you?" The girl asked.

"Hey. Yeah, I'd like 5 orders of chow mein and 10 orders of roast chicken." I said, giving my best smile.

I've always preferred asians. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I like anime or something, and I think they're cute. It also helps that this girl is comparable to a model in my previous life.

Sure, the women in the Marvel comic universe are unbelievably beautiful, but that only makes the regular girls way above average when compared to women in my last life.

Of course, unless the author of the comic makes characters ugly on purpose.

(A/n: Looking at you, Author of 'I Am Not Starfire'. I mean, wtf is that? Starfire is a beautiful alien girl. Her daughter would be as pretty as her and have powers to go along with it. She would also be half alien. Not some powerless human who is a fat, ugly, beluga whale of a goth-like feminist. Also, she's lesbian because 'muh inclusion', and of course the popular, better looking lesbian classmate has an interest in the MC, as well. I know lesbians. They don't like fat bitches. Sorry, little rant over.)

"Hai. Your total will be $111.83, would that be in cash or card?" The girl said with a smile.

"I'll be paying in cash. Here." I hand the girl a few 20 dollar bills.

While the food is getting cooked, I decide to make some conversation.

"So... Your not Chinese? I heard you say 'Hai'." I asked.

The girl looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh, no. This restaurant is run by my father's friend that moved here from China. My mother was from Japan and I learned japanese from her. My father is Chinese, but he was born here, so he didn't know the language." She explained.

Let's impress this girl. I studied japanese since I've always wanted to speak it. Since I had another chance at life, learning another language using my younger, developing brain, was a piece of cake. I also used that to learn other subjects.

"Ahem... Shigoto o tanoshinde imasu ka? (Are you enjoying work?)" I asked in Japanese.

The girl just looked at me in surprise, then smiled brightly, showing off her white teeth.

"Oh! Anata wa nihongo o shitte imasu ka? Ī ne! (Oh, You know the Japanese language? Cool!)" She responded excitedly.

Since it wasn't a very busy day, it being a Monday afternoon and all, I continued chatting her up in japanese.

"Namae wa nani? Āsā suteishīdesu. (What is your name? I am Arthur Stacy.)" I asked, putting a hand to my chest and bowing slightly.

"Watashinonamaeha korīn'u~ingudesu. (My name is Colleen Wing)" She responded, saying her name in the Japanese style and likewise bowing in return.

Colleen Wing, huh? Isn't she the one training kids to be assassin's unbeknownst to them? I'm not too familiar with the Iron Fist comics. What organization was it again? The Hand, I think. I know Colleen is a good girl, though. I'm pretty sure she soon realizes who she's working for and defects later.

"Doko de nihongo o manabimashita ka? Anata no hatsuon wa yoidesu! (Where did you learn Japanese? Your pronunciation is good!)" She asked.

"Boku wa intānetto kara nihongo o manabimashita. Onrain de dore dake manabu koto ga dekiru ka wa odorokubeki kotodesu. (I learned japanese language from the internet. It is amazing how much one can learn online.)" I explained.

"Suteishī-san wa wakaku miemasu. Chikaku no gakkō ni ikimasu ka? (Mr. Stacy looks young. Do you go to a school nearby?)" Colleen asked, resting her head on her hands and leaning in closer.

"Boku wa kyō middotaun kōkō de hajimatta saisho no toshidesu. (I am a first year that started today at Midtown High School.)" I said.

"Watashi mo middotaun kōkō ni tōtte imasu! Watashi wa saigo no toshidesu. (I go to Midtown High School too! I am in my final year.)" Collen exclaimed.

"Five order, Chow Mein! 10 order, roast chicken!" An accented voice can be heard in the back, interrupting our conversation.

"Oh, that's yours! I'll get it immediately." Collen said, switching back to english.

Colleen came back a few seconds later with two large paper bags of my oily goodness, along with a receipt stapled to it.

I spot some scribbling on the receipt and turn it over to check. It's a number, along with a heart symbol.

I looked at Colleen with a raised brow.

"Oh? What's this?" I asked. I knew damn well what it was.

"It's my number. I'd like to chat with you some more in Japanese. Maybe over a cup of coffee this weekend?" Collen suggested, gazing at my body with flirtatious eyes.

I'm still in my gym outfit, by the way, so the outlines of my torso are in full view. She can see my abs clearly, and she's been glancing at my arms since I walked in.

"Sure. I'll call you later to confirm the details. See ya then, Kawaī. (Cutey)" I said, grinning boyishly.

"See you, handsome." Colleen said as she smiled, a tiny blush visible on her cheeks.

I turned around to exit the store just as the door opened and a man walked in.

When we passed by each other, I heard the guy whisper some unintelligible words while shuffling something in his pocket. Suspicious behaviour.


I went beside the door, but instead of exiting, I put my precious food down on the closest table and waited to see what will happen.

Just as I suspected, Colleen seemed to know the man and had a look of disgust and anger on her face.

"I told you, you are not allowed in here! Get out, now!" She yelled.

"I'm tired of waiting for your response! Why don't you love me? I always see you talking with other guys! I'm better than them, so that means I deserve you more than them!" The man yelled.

"You are 40 years old! You're a disgusting pervert!" Colleen yelled as she grabbed a phone and the chef from the back came up with his knife.

"Geh out, mada faka! You no welcome! We call police!" The chef threatened in his thick Chinese accent, pointing the knife at the gross man.

"If I can't have you, no one can!" The man said, pulling out a .38 revolver.

That's my cue.

I dash forward bring my hand forward, grabbing the revolver on his hand and blocking the hammer of the revolver from making contact with the primer, preventing it from discharging.

I pull his arm back, grabbed his opposite shoulder by his clothes, and perform a judo technique called the hane-goshi.

(A/n: Search it up, you'll get a better mental image than what I can write.)

l grabbed onto the assailants wrist, twisting it so that he lets go of the revolver. He drops it and I step on it to keep control of the weapon.

"Oh, my god!" Colleen shouted in surprise.

I look over the counter to see the chef already phoning the police. He sounds angry.

"You okay, Colleen?" I asked. I knew she was alright, because the attacker didn't actually hurt her, but it's customary to ask a girl you saved if she's alright.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." She said, looking at her stalker in disgust. "I didn't think you'd be the type to know judo. You looked very cool. Where'd you learn it? Let me guess, the internet?" Colleen continued.

"Haha! How'd you know?" I said, laughing.

"Well, for one, your form is amateurish, and second, it looked like your first time actually doing that move to someone." Colleen explained.

"You sound like you're experienced. You a master or something?" I asked.

"Actually, I am. My uncle, the one who owns this restaurant, also owns a dojo in New York City. I teach young kids there Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Tai Kwon Do, Karate, and Kendo. I'm a black belt in all of those and a few more." Colleen bragged.

"Oh! Should I call you Shishou? Or would you prefer Wing-sensei?" I teased.

"Haha, very funny... But... if you want, I could teach you fighting techniques." Colleen suggested.

"Sure, why not? We'll be wearing a gi, right? Maybe I'll get a glimpse of your cleavage when we spar." I said, giving a suggestive look while smiling.

"Haha, anata wa hentaidesu! (you're such a pervert!)" Colleen said, laughing.

It's such a privilege being so handsome. Because only handsome people get to be perverts and not be hated by women. It's almost like I'm an anime protagonist.

"How about Mondays and Wednesdays starting next week?" Colleen asked.

"Sounds good to me. Where should we meet?" I responded.

"Hmm, since I can't take you as a student right now, the dojo can't be used... oh! How about the abandoned building on 156th street on the second floor! I go there sometimes to meditate since it's usually quiet and homeless people don't often gather there." Colleen suggested.

"Alright, I'll meet you there next Monday." I said. I hear some sirens outside and the door opening. Two police officers come up and take the stalker from my hands and cuffs him. A third officer greets me and Colleen.

"Hello, I am Corporal Anderson. Hello again, Colleen. Sorry about this mess, we should've jailed the guy the first time, but the Judge only gave him a restraining order." Anderson said.

"It's okay, Mr. Anderson. Luckily, Arthur was here to protect me." Colleen reassured.

Anderson looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks for stopping that asshole, kid. What's your full name?" Anderson asked.

"I'm Arthur Stacy, sir." I said.

"Stacy? Oh! Are you Captain Stacy's adopted son?! I remember him saying he adopted a kid ten years ago. No wonder you risked your life to save someone. As an adult, I'd tell you not to do something like this again, but I see that the Captain raised you right. Good job, Arthur." Anderson said as he patted my shoulder.

Another officer, a young woman, walked up to speak with Anderson.

"Corporal Anderson, sir. We've detained Mr. Erikson and retrieved the firearm he carried. We ran it through the database and found that it traced back to the Maggia. They might be dealing in firearms now." The woman whispered. I'm sure Colleen couldn't hear her, and she probably thought I couldn't either.

"Not now, Private Watanabe. Go take this Mr. Erikson guy to the station, I'll meet you there once I finish collecting statements. That's an order, Private." Anderson commanded.

Watanabe... Hmm, where have I heard that name...?

I take a look at the woman's face before she turns around.

...Oh! It's Captain Watanabe from Spiderman PS4! Well, she's a Private now, but still. So she's here huh?

At first I thought I was in a divergent 616 universe, but I had some suspicions ever since Gwen went to Midtown High, when she only first appeared in university, and that suspicion only grew once I met Jean Grey, who should've been in the X-Mansion already and not in a public school.

Anderson asked us to provide statements and pulled out a small pad to jot down what Colleen and I told him. He left without asking to much questions from us, since we are minors, and after that he collected the CCTV footage from the chef.

I waved goodbye to Colleen and picked up my bag of food. I then went to a corner store and picked up Gwen's tea and protein shake.


"I'm back!" I yelled.

"What took you so long? Those short legs holding you back?" Gwen teased. Wow she's teasing more and more these days. Girls tend to tease the person they like, but I thought that only applies to little girls. I guess Gwen's still growing so that mentality is still there.

"Here's your tea, ya asshole. I'll put the shake in the fridge for you, since I'm such a good brother." I said.

"Thank you, dear brother of mine~." Gwen said sarcastically.

Since my food had cooled down considerably, I put the roast chicken in the toaster oven and eat the chow mein while it's still lukewarm.

Cold noodles still taste great.


Ah, good old google translate. Arigato!

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