
The traitor part 1

Solomon glanced at Liam and smiled feeling grateful to have such a friend : « Luckily for us, Liam managed to find me and when Kerry searched the warehouse where they had kept me, he found the evidence that there was one or more traitors among my men."

Solomon took his brother's magic bag and he took out the sheet of paper that Kerry had found and the file that Alice had given to them and that he hadn't had time to study yet.

He said to Kevin showing him the sheet of paper first : "As you can see, the one who provided this information is someone very close to us."

Kevin motioned for Alan to come and read it with him and when they both got to the part that said Solomon had feelings for the Queen and that they should use it against him, Kevin glanced at Alan who clearly had an expression on his face that said 'What the fuck'.

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