
Chapter 39

- Ahem, to be honest, this news was a surprise for me,-I said awkwardly, - Earlier all the stories about the gods seemed to me only fiction, although it turned out to be partially true.

- Well, yes, the gods even for my brother and me seem to be fiction and only some higher beings can be considered as such — - said the Grandmaster — - One, by the way, can claim such a title, because his strength allows it, - he added.

So now think about what other creatures the ruler of Sakaar had in mind. It would be nice to know those at least a little, so as not to screw up and somehow annoy those. Looking at the two brothers, I tried to understand what kind of power they have, because from the very beginning I felt a little pressure from them, and it was clear that they were not even trying to put pressure on me.

- James, I didn't notice that you were so surprised by this news, — Brunhilda said with bewilderment, than she drew attention to herself, — No, I don't want to offend you, but your reaction was not what a creature should have, which for the first time learned THIS about its place of residence.

I think, if you look at it from her side, it looked like this: some Midgardian, who should not be so knowledgeable in space affairs, accidentally appears on another planet, but does not look lost, rather interested. And then he calmly plays a board game in the company of the ruler of this planet. I would also doubt the identity of such an individual.

— And it's true, — I nod, - Only I assure you, I really have never met with beings from other planets and I'm really surprised by all this, but for certain reasons I was able to easily accept it.

— Which ones?" — it was obvious that the Grandmaster was very interested in learning this, although I can no longer claim it one hundred percent with him, because he has proven himself to be such an eccentric person with a quick change of mood.

- Well, first of all, I am not an ordinary person, I mean, a Midgardian — - I correct myself — - I can say that I am more perfect from the point of view of science, since I have superpowers. I can, for example, do this, "I put my claws on public display —" I'm also very persistent and can't be killed by conventional methods, well, and something else for small things, " I finish, because I don't want to show more, you never know.

- Great! The ruler of Sakaar suddenly exclaimed, and his brother somehow looked at me piteously.

— Is something wrong? - I'm asking.

— You got it, James, that's what — - the girl answered affirmatively, - The Grandmaster loves to arrange fights between strong representatives of various races, — after her words, the gears in my head spun, in search of a way out of this situation.

- Okay, I'm leaving then, brother, - the Collector began to gather, — I've already been rather late, and I still have to fly somewhere else to pick up a very interesting thing.

- Can you stay for the upcoming battle? - The Grandmaster asked, — And then you can fly wherever you want.

— No, this transaction cost me very much, and I only stopped by to see you because I was on my way — - he said and went to the exit.

And while they were conducting their dialogue, I used my brain to the maximum, immersing myself in my consciousness so that I had more time to think about the situation. And after a while, I came to some conclusions. The first is that for those present here I am just a toy, a doll with which you can play. And I didn't like it. Although I'm not sure about Brunhilda.

Secondly, I managed to feel an alien energy in my body and, most likely, this tesseract energy, which to some extent was able to be unconsciously absorbed by me. But I still don't know how to react or think about it, because I don't understand how it will affect me. But if this energy really allows me to move in space, then I have a risky, but a chance to escape from here.

And the third — I definitely have no desire to participate in any battles. It's like I still have unfinished business on my planet, so I don't want to linger here. But it would not hurt to find out information on new technologies.

— Well, my guest! - the Grandmaster turned to me, - Very soon we will hold a very interesting event and you will take a direct part in it!

- You can at least explain — - I sigh — - I will not resist, honestly. It's just that, as far as I'm concerned, it's not polite to force guests whom you personally invited to participate in something that they don't even know.

- Is it true, or what? — is he serious or is he just playing the role of surprised? — And exactly... - the man really thought, - I know! Since you're my guest, they won't put any collar on you, "and he nodded to himself," My assistant will help you with everything, and I think I'll go and organize.

I was seized with a brief stupor after his speech. But after he left the room, leaving me and Brunhilde alone, I came out of this state. No, well, such a person can't take someone's word for it! It can't and that's it! I wouldn't have believed it if... I couldn't read minds. Then I was seized with fear.

"Wooh," I sigh.

Stop, you need to calm down and think. Let's say he can read minds. Then why didn't I feel his presence in my head? But the system could still warn me. No, it's something else, as if this creature can determine whether he was told the truth or a lie. Otherwise, I simply cannot explain his complete credulity.

— And you're lucky — - the girl grinned, - Not everyone manages to win over this monster.

"A monster?" I was surprised.

"The Grand Master is an ancient cosmic being who was born together with his brother more than thirteen billion years ago, shortly after the Big Bang. He is very eccentric and hedonistic, as he loves pleasure and enjoys life, and also brings it to everyone around.

Interesting information, but it does not explain its capabilities, although this is understandable, since a creature that has lived for so long, by definition, cannot be weak or ordinary. Already from this we can conclude that the ruler of Sakaar is an extremely powerful being. I'm even afraid to imagine what the gods are to him.

"Brunhilda —" I said to her, " can this one of yours handle the Grandmaster?"

- Hmm, it depends on what artifacts the two of them will use, - she answered after thinking, - If you are interested in their naked personal strength, then One with a slight advantage will be able to defeat my employer, but this is unlikely, since this will never happen. Simply due to the fact that each of them constantly goes with his strongest artifact, which equalizes the chances of both.

Since for that matter, and the girl answers my questions without any tension... then I can continue this further.

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