
Harbingers of the Apocalypse, Pt 4

Nyvrass II, Nyvrass System, Imperial Domain of the Boundless Drogar

The space above Nyvrass II was in absolute chaos. The burning wreckages of half-destroyed Imperial ships rained down onto the vast city-scape of the industrial planet. They came tumbling down from lower orbit, and crashed into the massive industrial complexes below.

The entirety of the planet’s surface had been completely converted into a single industrial city, and was jam-packed with manufactories, fabrication bays, material depots, munitions storage, recycling plants, and so on.

Absolutely everything needed to create weapons of war was built on the planet itself. The planet was home to an entire wartime production chain, starting with containers filled with raw materials to crates filled with fully-furnished naval guns.

And because the planet itself was covered in these industrial buildings, no matter where the ships fell, they did tremendous amounts of damage.

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