
The Seven Disband

All over the compound, heavily armed and armored Federation Marines escorted dozens and dozens of Prophets. Most of the defeated Prophets looked sullen and dismal, with or without magnetic bindings around their necks and wrists.

Those who fought back only met a quick and brutal end from the bloodthirsty and unflinching marines. Many of them had lost friends and family to the Prophets, and so took their anger and aggression out on any who resisted their arrest.

The Prophets were brought out to the wrecked hangar, where they were shuttled off to the destroyer and thrown into its brig.

Deep in the compound’s Central Command, the nine gathered together along with Commander Aurora and a couple of her lieutenants. They were in hushed silence as Raijin recounted the data she found on Commander Anatoli Drenn, aka ‘Father’.

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