

The servant succeeded in turning on the alarm, sending signals across the city.

But according to the protocols, only the closest households would take action. And if it was anything related to the Imperial family, the Imperial family would send high level Sentries as well.

The Carsons were a Count family. The nearest Count family was kilometres away. Only three viscounts were on the Household's range. And all three of them decided to send reinforcements. And the previous viscounts would lead the charge.

After all, the Carsons were a Count family with a level 9 in it. If that family was facing problem, it was undoubtedly a strong enemy. Moreover, they housed the greatest of the Imperial family's auxiliary treasuries. 

And most important of all, the Carsons were really close to the Imperial family- as evidenced by the fact that they held the key to such an important place. How could they let go off this opportunity to win some favours?

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