
A King and his Servant (Worm/Fate)

A/N: A King and his Servant was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in April of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Plot Heavy


"P-Please… someone… anyone…"

Tears drip down her face, not the angry sobbing streams from earlier, but weak, pitiful things at this point. Just like her voice, which is hoarse and raspy from over-use. Not that anyone had come when she'd been screaming and hollering at the top of her lungs. Now, hours later, Taylor was left to wonder what the point of it all was. And yet, she couldn't bring herself to give up. She kept trying, even if her voice was so quiet now that it was unlikely to draw anyone to her.

It was dark, inside the locker. But much more horribly, it was dark outside of it too. The school hallway had been lit up when she'd been shoved in at the start of the day. Now though, now the lights were turned off, because the school day had come to an end and nobody had saved her. Nobody had come for her. And nobody was coming for her.

Taylor's eyes drift shut, as she rests her forehead against the cool interior of the door to her locker. She'd managed to turn around, an arduous task that had taken far too long, but had also proven to be one hell of a good decision. The top half of her locker door was… it was one of the only clean parts of her entire locker. She could lean into it without having to worry about smearing certain disgusting things across her face.

Not that she could avoid contact with those… things, altogether. The best Taylor could do at this point was limit her movement, staying as still as possible to ignore the fact that she was surrounded by what could only be termed biological waste. She'd only had a handful of seconds to actually take in what was making her locker stink to high heaven before Sophia (it HAD to be Sophia) had pushed her in and closed the door behind her, but in a dark, confined space like this one, Taylor had had plenty of time to process and categorize the horrifying things she'd seen in those few seconds.

Used tampons and pads, Kleenex and more… all festering, all likely left in here over the entirety of Christmas Break. It made Taylor want to hurl, and the smell certainly didn't help, constantly overpowering her nose. Not even breathing through her mouth truly blocked it. But at least she could say that much. She hadn't gotten sick yet, she hadn't thrown up. Partially due to the fact that she'd foregone breakfast solely from the nerves that had come about from returning to school after such a nice winter break, but even still…

God, she'd been so stupid. As nervous as she'd been about coming back, Taylor had also been somewhat hopeful. They'd dialed it back, and she'd thought they were done with her, that they were going to leave her alone. She would have gladly taken a complete shunning over the attention that she'd received this last year and a half. At this point, Taylor just wanted to keep her head down and graduate high school.

She'd been so dumb for thinking they were actually backing off though. She'd been silly enough to think she might be able to… she might be able to have a friend. Taylor squeezes her eyes shut at that, as fresh tears fall from almost entirely dry tear ducts. She's not just exhausted, she's thirsty too. She's hungry. She's… she's trapped.

It could be worse though. It- Taylor's eyes widen, as it gets worse. Her mouth slowly begins to open, as she feels something besides the sticky, disgusting biological waste all around her. Sound begins to build in her throat, as some THING crawls across an exposed bit of her skin. Taylor positively SCREAMS, and her struggling to escape the locker resumes in earnest, break time over now that she knows, KNOWS without a doubt that there's bugs in the dark with her.

"NO! No, no, no, no! Let me out! LET ME OUT!"

Her terror, her anger, her everything renewed, Taylor Hebert truly fights to escape. And perhaps in another time and another place, she would have eventually given up again, only to be discovered by the night janitor a couple hours later, forever changed in more ways than one. But in this time and this place, Taylor reaches out, practically beseeching the universe to help her. And the universe… answers.

"LET ME OU-oof!"

The door to the locker is quite suddenly wrenched off its hinges. Taylor had had her eyes closed at this point, so she hadn't seen the golden glow suddenly appear on the other side of the slats in her locker door. She opens her eyes now though, slowly looking up from her position sprawled out on the floor of the hallway, used feminine products and scurrying bugs all around her.

For a moment, she wonders if she somehow did it, if she developed powers that allowed her to break free. But no. As Taylor looks up, she finds herself staring at someone in golden armor, with sharp, handsome features, and eyes that stare back at her as if to pierce her mortal shell and gaze into her very soul.

"You… why would someone like you be my Master?"

That's the last thing Taylor hears, muttered under the breath of the golden-haired man, before the day's activities catch up with her and her eyes roll back in her head as she passes out right then and there on the spot.


Gilgamesh stares down at the unassuming, altogether powerless young woman, considering for a moment what to do. His head is cocked to the side curiously, and his brow is furrowed in consternation. He already regrets the words he spoke before she passed out. But it was entirely possible that she would not remember them anyways, so in the end, it was fine.

Looking around, Gilgamesh grunts. Summoned to a time and place like this… by this creature? He was baffled, to say the least. What gave her the right? Hell, what gave her the power? Staring down at his hands, covered by golden gauntlets as they are, Gilgamesh flexes and curls his fingers back and forth. This was… well, it bore investigation, that was for sure.

Of course, the biggest clue he had at the moment was unconscious on the ground before him. He could wake her up, he supposed, but he really had no desire to converse with her in a place like this, especially not smelling as she did. Nose wrinkling in disgust at the circumstances he found the girl in, Gilgamesh's eyes trace over the inside of the metal box she'd been trapped within, finding nothing appealing about her situation.

Why was she in there in the first place? Was there someone in each of these metal boxes lining this hallway? Stepping forward, Gilgamesh tears another one open, only to find books and writing implements and other things he does not immediately understand. Opening up another five of the lockers shows nothing at all like what the girl who summoned him was dealing with when he freed her.

It made little sense to him, and Gilgamesh was an impatient being by nature. But just because he was inherently impatient did not mean he couldn't exercise patience, when necessary. Flaring his nostrils hard at the smell that fills the hallway, Gilgamesh contemplates what to do next for a moment longer, before something happens that allows him to step back and observe.

A mortal man enters the hallway, though by the time he's done so, Gilgamesh is already gone, so to speak, turned incorporeal. He doesn't actually leave the area, of course, needing to keep an eye on the girl who brought him to this world, much to his immediate distaste. If this man poses a threat to her, Gilgamesh will probably have to intervene.

"What the-… shit! Holy fuck!"

But that does not seem to be the case. The man takes one look at the mess and the locker and Taylor's unconscious body, and then he runs off. Gilgamesh maintains his watch, and within twenty minutes, the hallway is lined with other people, people who seem to have his summoner's best interests at heart, if their actions are anything to go by. Gilgamesh almost does intervene when he sees them loading the girl up into a box, albeit a larger one, but then they enter it with her, and the wheels it's built upon begin to move, seemingly of their own accord, without any horses or other animals to move them.

Interesting, to say the least. For now, Gilgamesh follows along. Even as parts of the vehicle flash constantly and scream into the night air as it barrels through what can only be a city of the future, Gilgamesh is able to keep pace, easily enough. And as he does so, he turns some of his attention to figuring out exactly what's happened to him… and more importantly, what's STILL happening to him. This world… this is no Holy Grail War. He can tell that immediately.

And yet, despite the fact that there is no Holy Grail to fight over, Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, has been summoned to this place all the same. He would find out why. One way or another, he would discover the truth of things.


She's in a hospital bed when it happens. When HE appears before her for the second time. After the last week spent in recovery, Taylor hasn't been sure what was real and what wasn't. She'd been told that she'd been found on the floor of the hallway, with the contents of her locker strewn out around her. But also, apparently half a dozen other lockers had their doors torn off in the same way hers was when the paramedics came and got her.

They'd asked her what had happened, and Taylor had told them all the truth, or at least most of the truth. She'd been pushed in. No one had heard her screaming, because no one had come. And… she didn't know what had happened to her locker door, or any of the others. Needless to say, that last bit was partially untrue. Taylor… she remembered gold. She remembered light. Something had saved her, but it was hard to focus on that, the trauma of her experience leading her mind to shuttering such memories in an effort to avoid them.

But of course, the moment that he appears in front of her, resplendent in golden armor, with golden hair and those piercing red eyes, Taylor remembers him. She remembers how he saved her, how he pulled open the door to her locker and let her out. She wants to say something, anything, but nothing really comes out. She stares, and he stares back, but hers is much more of a gobsmacked sort of thing, while he's… he's very nearly glaring at her.

"You're an intriguing little thing, aren't you?"

Taylor flushes at those words. But him starting the conversation allows her to finally find the voice for her own question, one of which is burning now in the forefront of her mind.

"A-Are you my power?"

As soon as she blurts out the words, she can't help but feel like it's a mistake. Those red eyes grow flinty, and the golden-armored man's jaw clenches.

"I am Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. Remember it, whelp. I will not tolerate disrespect."

Taylor shivers, and bites her lower lip. She's afraid, yes… but at the same time, she can't help herself.

"You… you called me Master. B-Back at the locker."

She sees the surprise in his gaze, though its quickly hidden. A smirk spreads across the handsome, golden-haired man's face, and he shakes his head.

"I was wrong. You are not my Master."

Eyes widening, Taylor finds herself clutching at the hospital blankets covering her as she sits up in bed.

"W-Why not?"

In response, Gilgamesh gestures to her hand.

"You do not have the Command Seals that would mark you as a proper summoner and a participant in a Holy Grail War. There is no Holy Grail in this world, as far as I can tell. How you summoned me in the first place is still in question, as is the power source you used to do it. It is strange, what you have done. I will get to the bottom of it."

Taylor's mouth opens, but no words come out at first. What was he talking about? Summoning? Holy Grail? Power Source? She doesn't really understand. Maybe… maybe he IS her power. It's not unheard of, being able to summon constructs. Hell, there are capes in this very city that Taylor knows can master or summon creatures. Like Crusader of the Empire Eighty-Eight. Though, comparing herself to a Nazi didn't make her feel good, especially when her construct was probably the poster-child for the Aryan Nation, albeit without the blue eyes.

And yet… if he WAS her power, she couldn't feel him. Taylor didn't pretend to know how powers were supposed to work, but she would hope that she would have some control, some instinctive ability to work with what she'd made. If he is a construct, she should be able to… use him, or even dismiss him, right? In that moment, Taylor tries. She tries with all her might to mentally get rid of the golden man… but he goes nowhere, and eventually, she slumps back in her bed.

"You are a strange girl. You should be grateful though, that you are not truly my Master. Otherwise, you would probably already be dead."

Taylor flinches at that.

"W-What do you mean?"

Here, Gilgamesh smirks somewhat viciously.

"Put simply, a Master sustains their summoned Servant with their own personal prana, unless they have another source of energy. If we were truly tied together, you would likely be dead already. You are weak, and without magic. No, you do not sustain me, girl. Something else does… in fact, it does more than that."

He pauses for a moment, and Taylor finds her mouth is dry again. She's suddenly wondering if perhaps he's not her power, but a real man… a deranged man. Crazy capes aren't unheard of anymore than construct-creating capes are. Perhaps she is not a parahuman after all. Perhaps she's just been saved by a mad man. But if that's true, she should probably humor him.

"More than that?"

The self-proclaimed King of Heroes nods, though he's not really looking at her. Instead, he seems to be staring off into the distance as he brings gauntleted hand up to his chin and rubs at it.

"Yes. I am growing stronger, thanks to whatever is tying me to this world. My connection to this time, to this place… it grows firmer and firmer, more and more solid. I believe I will end up staying indefinitely, as the power that my existence draws from, while not infinite, will have bolstered me to such strength once it is gone that I will never fade. How… intriguing…"

Taylor bites her lower lip and tries valiantly not to squirm in her bed.

"That sounds… good. Right?"

Gilgamesh' red eyes finally slide back over to her again, and she almost immediately wishes he would look elsewhere. He stares at her for a long moment, before chuckling.

"I do not enjoy unknowns, girl. Regardless of whether this is a boon or a trap, I will get to the bottom of things. And you will help me."

"I will?"

Nodding, the golden-armored man spreads his arms wide.

"I find myself in a strange land. I will require servants. You will serve me to the best of your ability, girl. What I require, you will give to me. You will satisfy my wants and needs, whatever they may be. To start with, information on this new world will be critical. For example, why exactly do you have a needle stuck in your vein, delivering some sort of clear fluid to you from that bag?"

Taylor's mouth opens and closes like a gold fish, but eventually, she sputters out an answer, explaining what an IV drip as well as saline is. Gilgamesh simply nods, taking this information in, before asking more and more questions. Taylor barely gets a second to breathe, let alone think, though when a doctor eventually comes around, the self-proclaimed King of Heroes does vanish, as if he was never there at all.

But he is… he's there. And he always has more questions, leaving Taylor no time to truly contemplate how fucked up her life has become. At least in those early days, anyways.


As weeks go by and turn into months, Taylor finds herself with enough time to properly assess her situation and circumstances. But by the time she does, things… aren't as bad as they might have seemed, at first. Her theory that Gilgamesh might actually be her power, but even her power thought her weak and decided to bully her, is officially nixed when the brain scans come back, and Taylor is revealed to have an inactive Corona Pollentia.

It doesn't occur to her at first that the reason the hospital even did the brain scans in the first place was because they or the PRT thought that she might be a parahuman after the way the lockers in the hallway were all broken open. But no. Taylor is decidedly not a cape, and she has no power according to medical science. The locker wasn't enough to make her trigger, though apparently it was enough for her to summon forth the world's first King from ancient times, if Gilgamesh himself was to be believed.

And in the end, it didn't really matter if she believed Gilgamesh or not, deep down inside. Because on the surface, Taylor knew better than to disobey him. She'd thought about telling the authorities about the golden-armored, golden-haired man that kept visiting her… but in the end, her interactions with the administration at Winslow had scarred her. Gilgamesh hadn't HURT her yet per say, and she was afraid of what might happen if she tried to expose him. So, she'd decided to wait and see.

Things… things had, surprisingly enough, gotten better as the days went by and Winter turned to Spring. Taylor was stuck taking orders from an arrogant golden ass, of course, but at the same time, her life began to steadily improve in ways she knew had to be due to his actions, somehow. It started with the Terrible Trio suddenly avoiding her as if she was the plague.

Taylor didn't know what he'd done to them, but the fact that they didn't try to go to the authorities must have meant it was something… severe. Regardless, Emma, Sophia, Madison… they didn't so much as look at her anymore. No one else really interacted with her either still, outside of group activities that required it, but that was fine with Taylor. She didn't really have time for friends anyways, being Gilgamesh's servant was a full-time job.

Honestly, he probably considered it some sort of great boon that he even let her still go to school. Even still, because of whatever he'd done, Taylor was able to actually make strides in fixing her abysmal grades. For the first time in a long time, she was getting close to having As and Bs in some of her classes, and Cs in the others.

It was a good feeling, but it was far from the only thing that Gilgamesh had done. Like for instance, she couldn't imagine who he thought he was fooling, when dad somehow randomly came across several rare gems just sitting in their backyard. It had obviously come from Gilgamesh, perhaps intended to give them a source of income or something. Of course, Danny had immediately taken the gems to the authorities, who had held them for a month, before giving them back. No one came forward to claim them, no one had any inclination where the fuck they came from.

So, they became the property of the Hebert Family, because they'd been found on their property in the first place. Selling them had given Taylor and Danny a small fortune, which had gone towards fixing up the house, though when Gilgamesh 'first heard' about the wind fall, as if he'd not played a part in making it happen, he'd ordered Taylor to take some of the money and buy clothes more fitting a servant of the King of Heroes. Worse yet, when she'd talked to her dad about it (without the more specific details) Danny had been all for getting her a new wardrobe.

Things were… improving. At least, on a personal level. On a broader scale, Taylor didn't know what the fuck was going on in the world anymore. While Gilgamesh had pumped her for information in the first week or so of her 'service' to him, Taylor was only a teenage girl, she wasn't anyone special. Eventually, he'd had to leave and see to some matters personally, things Taylor wasn't left privy to.

But when certain S-Class threats abruptly went silent, such as Ash Beast, or the Three Blasphemies, right around the time when Gilgamesh was away for a night or so? It didn't take a genius to put two and two together. It could only be good, having such people no longer around, but at the same time, Taylor really wasn't sure how to feel about it all.

Still, it was impossible to remain the same meek, shy, paranoid girl that the trio had turned her into for a year and a half when they were no longer a factor, and everything was looking up. Over time, Taylor had slowly regained her confidence. Over time, she'd come to realize that Gilgamesh, even if he was an insane, powerful cape, wasn't really dangerous. Not to her, anyways. So long as she remained appropriately deferential at the right times, he remained cordial, if a bit distant.

Still, this latest development on the world stage… it demanded some sort of comment. Some sort of recognition.

"Your Majesty."

Gilgamesh looks up from the computer he's made her buy, before a sound causes him to look back down and curse. Taylor can't help but be a little unimpressed… part of having her view of Gilgamesh morph over time definitely had to do with the fact that she'd watched the oh-so-mighty King of Heroes play video games like a total shut-in more days than she could count. He was still who he was though, so her speech remained deferential, even as she sighed.

Turning away from the computer, Gilgamesh rises from the chair. He's not wearing his golden armor right now of course, but instead casual clothing, a T-shirt and a pair of pants. It's a simple combo… and yet, he STILL cuts a striking figure in it, looking absurdly handsome, and altogether regal, despite his rather basic attire.

"What is it, Taylor?"

That had been a challenge. Getting him to call her something besides girl had been the first step, but that had only meant he referred to her as servant, instead. Still, now he knew her name, at least. And now… now she was going to do something she might end up having cause to regret. But… she still had to do it.

"… Did you kill Scion?"

It was all over the news, the last couple of days. Scion, the golden man, the first hero… he'd been helping rescue people from a flood, halfway around the world, when quite suddenly, his glow had faded, his skin had turned pale, and he'd fallen, dead. His body was currently being held by the World Health Organization, as it was deemed no one country should have such a thing. What they were going to do next, Taylor knew not. All she knew was what everyone else knew… Scion was now dead. But she also knew a little more than that, didn't she? Because she wasn't stupid. She could put two and two together.

Gilgamesh's eyebrows raise and he studies her for a moment, visibly impressed.

"I suppose you could say that."

Taylor shudders at having confirmation, biting her lower lip as she clutches at her shirt for a moment before releasing it.


She had to ask. Because it was Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. It was her 'liege', if she went off how he viewed their relationship. She probably wasn't allowed to condemn, but it would be a hell of a lot easier to condone, if she knew WHY. Meanwhile, Gilgamesh himself just shrugs.

"It was inevitable. However, you brought me here, the creature behind the being you knew as Scion was my power source. My very existence on this world drained the energy from it over these last couple of months. What you knew as Scion was nothing more than an Avatar for a creature larger than this planet, larger than many planets put together. I suppose, if your civilization were more primitive, you would have called it a god."

Taylor's mouth is open as Gilgamesh explains. She senses no deception from him, but then, he doesn't lie from her experience anyways. He usually doesn't need to, just as she has no doubt he doesn't need to now. Not when the truth is so much more fantastical.

"Of course, he was not truly a god. I've dealt with gods before. Still, his power… it will sustain me for centuries to come, of that there is no doubt."

For a moment, there's just silence. After all, what is Taylor to say to all of this? She's speechless. But not forever. Eventually, the young woman knows exactly what to say, and she says it before she can think twice about her words or her tone.

"Kill the Endbringers."

Immediately, she knows she SHOULD regret speaking in such a way to the man who called himself the King of Heroes. The man who saw her as nothing more than a servant. But even as Gilgamesh lifts a single brow at her, Taylor doesn't falter under his gaze.

"Excuse me?"

Still, she probably could word it better. Swallowing thickly, Taylor bows her head, trying to find the right words.

"If… if you truly are the King of Heroes, if you've killed Scion or whatever was behind him and a dozen other threats besides… I would ask you to please remove the Endbringers from Earth Bet as well. I'm not asking you to replace Scion, or anything like that. But humanity deserves a chance, and with the Endbringers still here, we'll never have it."

For a long moment, silence fills the room. Taylor wonders if she's finally overstepped her bounds, if this is when the King of Heroes decides he's no longer amused by her. But as it turns out, that's not the case. In fact, it's the exact opposite, because the next thing Taylor knows, Gilgamesh is laughing. She looks up, startled, to find him chuckling as he stares at her, clearly amused.

"… I did you insult, back when we first met. You are stronger than I initially gave you credit for, Taylor. I have come to a decision. I will keep you by my side from here on out, as my eternal servant. You will give me all that you are, mind, body, and soul, and in return, whatever you desire will be yours."

Taylor is frozen in place, mostly because Gilgamesh hasn't been idle as he speaks. He's moved closer, and right now he's leaning over her, his hands on either side of her body, his face inches from her own, his red eyes staring into her own eyes as if he's peering directly into her soul. For all she knows, he very well might be. Still, his intentions, the meaning behind his words… he's made THAT abundantly clear.

Flushing bright red, Taylor can't help but have mixed feelings about the whole thing. On one hand, it's irritating, being treated like some prize, some toy, to be won to his side and kept forever and ever. On the other hand, given how arrogant Gilgamesh is, this was probably as close as he would ever get to admitting he actually cared about her.

"… A-Alright."

Gilgamesh smirks and cocks an eyebrow, and Taylor corrects herself with a blush.

"… I accept, your Majesty."

He's kissing her, a moment later. It's a surprise, to be sure, but not entirely unwelcome. Taylor's eyes widen, even as the golden-haired man's lips press into hers, his tongue slipping out to demand access. She gives it to him, and their tongues intertwine for a moment as he dominates her mouth, making his control, his dominion over this entire situation known.

Taylor lets it happen. Not just because she wants to see the Endbringers slain, or the world made an all-around better place by the power Gilgamesh could bring to bear on it. Though, she's enough of a self-sacrificing idiot that she would probably have been willing to do it for that alone. Unfortunately for Taylor, she's also, perhaps, maybe just a little… fallen in love with his majesty over these last two months.

Until that moment when Gilgamesh is kissing her, not even Taylor herself had realized she'd developed feelings for the arrogant man who'd barged into her life and taken over like he was owed her service or something. And yet, here they were, making out… and Taylor had never been more embarrassed or more aroused in her life. She wanted this. Not just for the power that would rest at her fingertips as Gilgamesh 'gave her whatever her heart desired', but because she wanted to be with him. She wanted to be beneath him.

His fingers slip into the waistband of her pajama bottoms. It was, after all, well into the evening, just about time for bed. Taylor didn't think she would be getting much sleep tonight though, not as his digits delve past her panties, and push against her slit. He's soon inside of her, fingering her, and it's all Taylor can do to keep her voice low enough to hopefully not wake her father. This would NOT be how Taylor would want Danny to find out about Gilgamesh's existence.

As if sensing her recalcitrance and immediately knowing the cause, Gilgamesh pulls away from Taylor's lips for a moment, though he never stops fingering her. Taylor has to bite her lower lip as she whimpers through it, staring at him beseechingly, all while her face contorts in honest, inexperienced pleasure. The King of Heroes just grins, all blazing confidence, all the time.

"You can let your voice out. It was a simple matter, making sure no noise would leave this room. No one will hear us. No one will disturb us. Let me hear you, Taylor Hebert."

Her name, purred on those lips… Taylor is the one who initiates the kiss this time, wrapping her arms around Gilgamesh's neck and smashing her lips against his. He quickly takes back control of course, but she can tell from his reactions that he's both surprised and pleased by her impetuousness. Regardless, she soon finds herself entirely on her back, and stripped of her pajamas as Gilgamesh exposes her body to his wandering gaze, before returning his fingers to her cunt.

Taylor can't help but be glad in that moment that Gilgamesh has not gone easy on her, these last two months. She still doesn't consider herself beautiful, per say… but the awkward gangly nature she'd dealt with for much of her teenage years is gone now. As is any flab she might have had before the locker. Taylor suspects that Gilgamesh used magic, as well as demanding much of her physically, because even though he'd worked her to the bone more than a few days over the last two months, as well as demanding she keep up a training regimen even when he wasn't there… the sculpted, toned body she now had still felt like she'd gained it unnaturally fast.

At the same time, however, it did not feel unearned. As such, Taylor moans when Gilgamesh runs his other hand over her toned abdomen. She moans, as he lavishes some praise across her nipples and her small, but not nonexistent breasts. And when the time finally comes that he moves all the way up her body, his fingers no longer in her cunt but instead replaced with the head of his cock… Taylor holds her breath, in anticipation.

He looks down at her for a moment and doesn't have to say anything for Taylor to instinctively know what he wants from her.

"Yours. I… I'm yours."

Smiling, the King of Heroes thrusts forward. Taylor cries out as he takes her virginity, claiming it and tearing through her hymen. But if Gilgamesh puts any value in such a thing, he doesn't show it. He gives her a moment to recover, a moment to adjust, and then he begins to fuck her. His cock, sizable and large, thrusts in and out of Taylor with deep, penetrating movements.

He's not gentle, but it doesn't hurt, not after the initial tearing. This too, Taylor imagines has to be some sort of power of Gilgamesh's. To make her strong enough to take him, to make her durable enough to enjoy how rough he's currently being with her. Words he was fond of saying come to Taylor in that moment, having passed through his perfect lips more than once over the last two months.

"Do exactly as you like. That is the true meaning of pleasure. Pleasure leads to joy, and joy leads to happiness."

It was quite the hedonistic outlook on life. It ignored things that Gilgamesh considered frivolous, such as societal standards and morals, or the laws put down by the civilization they lived in. But then, when you had power like his, perhaps it was easy to ignore those things. Still, it's those words that Taylor takes to heart now, as she wraps her arms around Gilgamesh's neck, not for the first time, dragging her King down into another kiss, pulling him somewhat into a lover's embrace as she wraps her limbs around him.

It's not long after that, that she orgasms for the first time. Clinging to the King of Heroes, Taylor cums HARD around his thrusting cock. The only sign that Gilgamesh even notices, is the confident, altogether cocky smile that he gives her as he keeps fucking her. Taylor can only blush and duck her head in response, but that's far from the last orgasm he draws from her body.

Eventually, another explosive climax causes her limbs to relax from around his toned, rippling form. Gilgamesh takes advantage of this to pull back, though he doesn't actually pull OUT. Instead, he sits up with his cock still inside of her, and shifts Taylor over onto her side, grabbing one of her legs and pulling it up over Gilgamesh's shoulder.

Taylor yelps and squeals and pants breathlessly as he fucks her from this new angle, pounding into her as her small breasts bounce and jiggle, as she clutches at the bedding beneath her. In a way, he's complimenting her long legs, one of the things she considers an appealing feature of her otherwise lackluster body. His hand on the leg that's currently resting on his shoulder slides up and down the limb, his fingers running over her creamy, pale flesh as he continues to piston his prick in and out of her cunt.

Shuddering her way through orgasm after orgasm, Taylor eventually loses count of how many times she cums on his cock. It's her first sexual experience, and yet… she knows instinctively that the King of Heroes is ruining for her all other men. But then, how could they all have compared in the first place to this man who'd barged into her life, who she'd somehow PULLED into her life. How could they compare to the one who was going to kill the Endbringers for her?

Taylor's not sure how it happens, but she soon finds herself bouncing up and down on Gilgamesh's lap, riding him as she repeatedly impales herself on his cock. He smiles at her approvingly, and their foreheads touch as she loosely laces her arms around his neck, resting them on his shoulders. Her hips rise and fall, but luckily, he's helping her, his hands on her ass, groping and squeezing it.

He seems to like her butt, if his actions are anything to go off of. Personally, Taylor feels like it's far too flat, and honestly, she doesn't like how her toning has caused it to get a bit too hard. But Gilgamesh delights in squeezing her buttocks with both hands, his fingers digging into her firm backside as he helps her bounce up and down on his cock, again and again and again.

And if he likes it… well, who is she to say what he should like or not, right? In the end, Taylor is but his humble servant. His eternal servant. If it's always like this though, if the sex is always this mind-blowing, this fucking fantastic… Taylor thinks she might just be able to enjoy herself. It's not like they're going to be fucking day in and day out either. After all, this was the first time in two months Taylor had seen Gilgamesh express even a hint of a sex drive.

Whatever their new relationship might be, Taylor knew she had many, many days ahead of her, filled with fulfilling her King's orders, not all of them sexual. Given the kind of man Gilgamesh was, given the kind of King he was… she could only imagine what he would do next. Kill the Endbringers per her request, sure. But after that?

"It's coming, Taylor. Do be ready."

Gilgamesh's words tear through her thoughts, and Taylor barely has time to refocus the majority of her attention on the cock buried inside of her, before he finally begins to cum. The moment his seed touches her insides however, Taylor's eyes go wide and then roll back in her head, and she experiences what she can only call nirvana. There's no other way to truly describe the pure, utter bliss that takes her over. It feels like she's orgasming not once, but multiple times in a row, like a chain of the damn things.

Needless to say, she passes out for a little while. How long, Taylor doesn't know. But when she opens her eyes again, it's to find herself staring into the face of her liege. Gilgamesh's red gaze looks right back at her, and he has a smug grin on her face as he shifts one hand from her ass to her back, holding her up even as the other hand comes around to press, palm down, onto her abdomen.

Taylor slowly looks down at where he's touching her. Her eyes widen at the golden glow coming from beneath her flesh, and her mouth goes dry. Was she… had he…

"As a common servant, you were acceptable enough. But if you are to stand at my side for eternity, Taylor… you will need some enhancements."

She can already feel it. What he's done in cumming inside of her, seems to be conveying some blessing to her. It's a little perverse, that he would deliver such a thing in such a way, but Taylor supposes she really doesn't have the room to complain. As his essence, injected into her core, suffuses out of her in all directions, all Taylor can do is moan and shiver in abject delight. It feels good, it feels… wonderful.

But more importantly, it feels like power. In that moment, Taylor can feel herself growing stronger. This isn't… it's not like the usual sort of power one might get on Earth Bet. But then, Gilgamesh isn't the usual sort of man. He's the King of Heroes, who Taylor summoned forth from the Throne of Heroes in a moment of desperation and inner strength.

Their foreheads touch again, and Taylor smiles at Gilgamesh.

"My King…"

Gilgamesh lets out a throaty chuckle at that, even as she squeezes her inner walls around his cock.

"My consort."

And though such a title might have disturbed Taylor two months ago, hell, even two weeks ago… all it does now is make her happier than she's ever been before. She's doing exactly as she likes right now. And she's never been more filled with joy.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

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