

All I remember is being hit by a truck, or as the weeb, I am (not an otaku, I count those as two different things), "Truck-Kun".

After that, I found myself in a dark place, and the first thing I did, embarrassingly enough, was to move around and see if I was in a cramped place surrounded by some kind of liquid; which luckily I wasn't in. Instead, I found myself in a space, completely devoid of anything. There are no stars, no wind, and especially no one else around.

While I figured that out, stupid me just keep checking if I was in the place I described, because I didn't want to be in what I think I'm in.

Then suddenly someone tapped my shoulder out of nowhere. I reacted and tried to elbow the person in the face, but they just blocked it.

I was about to try to hit them again when my body just suddenly stopped, like if I had no control over it. When I look at what stopped me, it was a shadowy figure of a stereotypical demon, but the body of a female. It then did something I was half expecting...

"Well, that's not a nice way to say hello, now was it?" 'she' said.

I said something that I was not allowed to say... but it felt good to say.

"I say I had a good reason for doing that when you sneaked up behind me without me noticing, so fuck you dipshit," I said.

"Wow, you got quite the mouth on you, don't you?" 'she's said.

"Only when my family isn't around, so I can fucking say whatever I want," I said.

"Okay true, but seriously why?" 'she' said.

"Aren't we going off track here?" I said trying to get us on track.

"Well, yes and no. Also, I am a girl and my name is Yami" she said

"Darkness huh, cool name. Okay darkness, why am I here and not in hell?" I said suspiciously.

"What, you weren't expecting to go to heaven? Though I guess it makes sense with how you act," she said.

"Why am I here, Yami?" I said annoyed at her.

"Geez calm down, don't get your soon to be panties in a twist-"

"Wait what, am I getting reincarnated as a girl?" I said surprised.

"Yes, and-" she started to say but I interrupted her again.

"Am I going to an anime world, I'm going to Naruto World, aren't I. Am I getting shadow powers, because you're here as a shadow? So am I, am I, am I, am I-" I said rambling until she interrupted me.

"YES, to all of those questions, but you are going to be reborn as a child, I won't be going with you, you'll keep your memories, and it'll be after Hamura went to the moon, but a few years before Ashura and Indra are born.

"I can work with that, also I'm both sad and glad that you aren't coming with me because I wouldn't have someone to help me along the way, but I also want a voice in my head that isn't mine. You know?" I said.

"I hear ya, I wouldn't want that either, and don't worry about it. Besides you're about to leave in...











And like that, I'm gone.

Chapitre suivant