
Welcome Home

Time flew by and before I knew it it was me and my babies' discharge day.

This last month had been hell with me milking day and night and for my breast has been over flowing with milk ever since I started lactating.

My family would call me whenever they could and Lia, Minjae and Miss Kang would often visit me bringing gifts and delicious foods.

My health has gotten better over this past month and I have been eating and sleeping enough and even gained a little weight.

I was showered and ready sitting in a wheel chair waiting on the doctors to bring my baby so that we could finally go home.

"Are you ready?" asked Minjae from behind me as he was in charge of pushing my wheel chair.

"Yeah" I answered nervously knowing damn well that deep inside I was nervous to actually go home and take care of two babies all by myself, but I new that I had my friends and adoptive and real family by my side.

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