
Underworld Negotiations VII

"In the end. It all boils down to how far we are willing to go in order to avoid war with Jun-kun. Like I said however, he is petty so any attempt at doing so will be a bitter pill to swallow if we're going to have any chance of success. I have thought about four different ideas regarding this" Serafall started.

"As for the other option . . . Well, it's war. Though I highly recommend not taking it." She added.


Sirzechs sighed.

"Let's call the others and try to come to a consensus." He decided.

And so the others were called through a method reserved for urgent matters. These others being of course, the two remaining members of the Four Satans, Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus.

"So what is the big emergency I was in the middle of something." Ajuka complained but his tone was not upset at all. He valued his friendship with his fellow Satans quite highly, specially Sirzechs and so, he had no issue with leaving his beloved hobby when said friend called.

As for Falbius, he looked half asleep as if if had just been woken up from a nice afternoon nap. Despite being the type to consider working as taking a loss, he was rather diligent with his duties once truly important matters came along.

"I called you because a bit of a problem arose with Haikami Jun." Sirzechs said, drawing some interest from Ajuka who was quite curious about the mysterious and powerful young man that rose from a talented child to a powerhouse in what felt like the blink of an eye.

After Serafall and Sirzechs explained the matter fully however, Ajuka put aside his interest while Falbius' sleepiness was nowhere to be seen. With the very real possibility of war coming along, as the Satan in charge of military affairs, he could not afford to laze about.

"Going to war with a complete mystery is never a good idea. Not if it can be avoided anyway." Ajuka commented after hearing about the whole matter and Falbius had to agree.

It was impossible to prepare for an opponent they knew next to nothing about. They only had a few snippets of information about a fight against a powerful witch that he participated in and that was years ago, a very significant gap in time for someone like Jun.

"I know that and it has always been the least favourable option in my mind. But the others have their own issues so we called you here so we can make the decision together and act accordingly." Serafall pointed out.

"Let us hear your thoughts on out options then." Ajuka bade her to continued. He was a smart guy, a very smart guy but, in the matters of socializing and diplomacy well . . .

Let's just say there were not really his field of expertise. For all intents and purposes, Ajuka Beelzebub was a bit of a hermit, completely absorbed in his hobby of creating new and interesting things or investigating things made by others.

"Like I previously said, if we want to avoid war, there are four ways I see that we can go about this." Serafall started by reiterating her previous words.

"We can use our power and authority to suppress every one of the representatives so that they stay nice and humble when this Morgan comes to visit."

"It is a humiliating thing to do and certain to drastically inflame the internal conflict we are already dealing with but it will avoid war and Jun-kun will see our resolve to attone, meaning not only will he forgive, the alliance will probably resume as well."

As for feasibility, none of them questioned it. They were the most powerful devils in the underworld with few outside their internal faction even standing a chance.

Suppressing the Great King Faction who was likely to be the one making trouble would be easy as they had no one capable of going against even the weakest amongst them.

"On the other side, we can just give the usual stern warning with soft and hard methods combined. There will be a significant chance that things might go wrong but if the representatives take the hint, we'll make it virtually unscathed and without worsening internal conflict." Serafall continued.

"If we go this route however, even if everything goes well, which in and of itself is doubtful, we can kiss any alliance with Jun-kun goodbye. At the most, he'll forgive Sirzechs' offence but that will be it." She added.

"Another way, is to send the representatives away. It will no doubt provoke them slightly but nowhere near as much as suppressing them certainly will. Internal conflict will slightly intensify but all we have to do is give an apology essentially behind closed doors."

"Like the previous option, this will void any possibility of continuing with an alliance but Jun-kun and his wife ought to accept the resolution." Serafall paused.

"There seems to be no good way to go about this . . ." Ajuka pondered out loud while Falbius did so silently.

"What about the last option?" Sirzechs inquired.

"The last option . . . It is the most simple and effective solution to make all of this go away without any sort of issue. The only snag is whether we are capable of such a thing." Serafall replied, making her peers and Grayfia who was still quietly in the room look at her with a bit of curiosity.

"We bribe our guests." Serafall seriously spoke.

Everyone else in the room however, froze with disbelieving expressions plastered on their unmoving faces.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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