
CH21 (385), The Professor Circle In Wonder

Date: 30.29.2181

Location: Pallet City, Kanto.

POV: Professor Samuel Oak (3rd person)

Well, the subject of our most recent research project had finally leaked, or rather he had allowed it to leak. It had been four months, nearly five since young Mikail had brought his discovery to him.

During this period they had completed the first phase of our research, which included most of the things that could be studied in the short term, and all that was left were subjects that took time, which was why they were called long-term projects.

Things like the breeding compatibility and aspired descendant probability project that Peter was heading. Well, at least Toedscool seemed not to mind the current situation if he was not misinterpreting something. Truly, Toedscool's willingness to cooperate was a Mewsent.

There were many cases where individuals were unwilling to be involved in what was factually a breeding program. Even if it sounded less nice that way. Most people in the research group preferred to call it the harem plan and he did not stop them from doing so.

Anyway, as he said, the first phase of research was complete, so they only had to properly compile everything before the preliminary report could be published. Doing so would take a week or two but that was mostly paperwork.

It was also because they were practically done with the short-term research that he allowed one of his assistants to leak the discovery of Toedscool and Toedscruel.

This way the interest of the academic/scientific community would be whet for their report, and everyone would know to be on the lookout for it once it was publicized.

Besides, it brought some excitement into the community; and if it made Richard as well as Marianne a bit envious? Well, he was allowed to enjoy a job well done with everything that entailed.

Date: 30.29.2181

Location: Sandgem City, Sinnoh.

POV: Professor Richard Rowan (3rd person)

So Oak Labs were working on two newly discovered species that made up an evolution line.


Richard could practically imagine the subtle smug smile on Samuel's lips during the next conference, where they would inevitably meet. Let it not be said that he, Richard Rowan, was a petty man. However, he could not help but be a bit annoyed that Samuel had once again pulled ahead in their personal little game.

Richard truly did not want to have to call Samuel "sir" whenever he addressed him, so it would seem that he needed to finish his latest project to equalize their score before the next event that would have them meet up.

They were close to unlocking the alternate evolution of Sneasel he had read about in the memoirs of his ancestor, and that would be enough to take the wind out of Samuel's sails.

Still, Richard would keep an eye out on that young man that had managed to find the Pokemon. Mikail had attracted attention before this, but the discovery of the two Toeds would be seen as a confirmation of their speculations by many.

Richard had obviously investigated how Samuel got his hands on Toedscruel and Toedscool after his assistant informed him about the leak from Samuel's side, something Samuel deliberately let happen no doubt, and once he read that it was Mikail Geo that had presented the Pokemon, even his thought drifted towards the boy's luck as a blessed one.

Date: 30.29.2181

Location: Wedgehurst City, Galar.

POV: Professor Marianne Magnolia & JP Sonia Magnolia (3rd person)

"Granny, have you heard about the latest news from Kanto?" Sonia excitedly asked after bursting into her grandmother's office.

"Sonia, dear, what have I told you about poise and propriety?" Professor Magnolia inquired of her beloved granddaughter and seeing the slight wince on her face, Sonia had noted her displeasure at how she had simply burst into her office.

"I'm sorry grandmother," Sonia returned with a slightly glum tone, "I should have knocked on the door before bursting into your office." She said the last bit a bit jokingly, the slight glumness at the start of her sentence nowhere to be seen.

"Make sure you behave properly during any official function. You are going to move on from being a Junior Professor to a full-fledged Professor soon and everyone will be expecting you to act like one.

Acting out will have to wait until you manage to become a Head Professor since everyone seems to have accepted that we are an eccentric as well as a quirky bunch. We have Samuel as well as his lot and their joking around as well as getting chased by young wild Pokemon to thank for that.

That is the reason Richard keeps acting like a no-nonsense guy during any official function," Professor Magnolia lectured her granddaughter about her outgoing and overly excited behavior for the nth time, while simultaneously complaining about her colleagues.

She loved her granddaughter as she was and did not mind Sonia's behavior in general, but Marianne had told Sonia countless times that she had to act more restrained when she was acting in her capacity as a Junior Professor and her lead assistant.

Considering how they were at the main lab, that was clearly the case. Still, seeing how Sonia was trying to keep herself from laughing at her complaint of her colleague's behavior, Marianne knew she would have to repeat her admonishment soon enough.

Anyway, she had an idea of what got her lovely granddaughter so excited, but it did not hurt to ask regardless. At least, it would make Sonia a bit happy.

"So, what have you found that made you rush to my office like this?" She asked Sonia whose excitement directly returned to peak levels at the question.

"Granny, word came from Kanto that old man Oak's lab was, or rather is, working on documenting two new species. It has been decades since the last time a new species has been uncovered and they managed to stumble upon two at once," Sonia excitedly shared the news she had come across just now, her grandmother's lecture already pushed to the back of her mind.

"Ah, yes," Marianne nodded her head. "I've been informed about that as soon as it has been leaked," she admitted, "perk of being the Head Professor of a region. The alliance goes out of its way to share any information that they think might be of interest to me."

She saw her granddaughter pout at that and had to chuckle a bit when she heard her grumbling about being unable to see her surprised face. Marianne decided to share something that Sonia had no doubt not yet heard/read about.

"Samuel simply got lucky," she disclosed, "one of the newcomers in his place managed to track those two down after following some rumors he heard."

"That's really lucky," her granddaughter mumbled and she decided to share another piece that would no doubt interest Sonia.

"You would have found out once the official report gets published anyway, but I don't mind sharing with you that the one that found the two Pokemon was Mikail Geo. I know that you are aware of who that is," Professor Magnolia told Sonia, who nodded with a surprised look.

"That boy really keeps coming across one rare Pokemon after the other. No wonder even Leon has shown an interest in him. Even I can't help but be interested in his future, thinking about what else Mikail will stumble across," Sonia admitted to her grandmother.

Granted, Leon had been more interested in the smooth battle of Mikail's Pokemon, the high number of Pokemon, as well as their general strength, which was nothing to scoff at considering his age and the fact that he had yet to start his official journey.

Sonia had heard him freely admit that Mikail had the potential to become a worthy rival of his, if not the greatest, in case he kept developing the same way he had been until now.

"Yes, the boy promises to be a boon for our community. Furthermore, considering how he participated in the research, and the number of co-project requests asking for him as a participant that I have heard about, he might manage to become a Junior Professor by the end of his internship," Sonia heard her grandmother say, causing her to focus back on her, and she immediately noticed the teasing smile on her grandmother's lips.

"Who knows, he might even become a full-fledged professor before you, considering the drive he has shown so far," Marianne teased her granddaughter who crossed her arms at her statement.

"I seriously doubt that," Sonia retorted while tilting her chin up in a show of fake arrogance. "I only have to complete a few more projects before I can confidently apply for my promotion," she said confidently.

"Mikail will start his official journey at that point at most," she finished before laughing a bit and her grandmother joined her.

"I believe you," Marianne acknowledged her granddaughter's claim since she knew it to be true, and she was confident that Sonia could back up her words.

Date: 30.29.2181

Location: Goldenrod City, Johto.

POV: Professor Bill Sonezaki (3rd person)

He had to stop himself from outwardly showing his frustration as his assistant told him about the two new Pokemon that Oak Labs had apparently discovered.

Only once said assistant had left after being dismissed did he let out a growl of frustration. He barely managed to keep himself from banging his fist on his table. He had wanted to be the one to break the dry spell the academic community had been under for the last few decades as far as new Pokemon species were concerned.

His current research project had given him the confidence to do so, but now, regardless of whether he succeeded or not, he would simply be discovering another new species.

Oh, it would still be an impressive accomplishment that would earn him a lot of respect and acclaim, but it was simply not on the same level as it would have been if he had been the first to do so.

No, that honor went to Samuel m*f* Oak and his lab, as if the old man needed any more recognition.


There was nothing he could do about it, he thought as he made an effort to calm down. He would simply have to do his best to complete his research as soon as possible, lest someone else came up with another discovery of the same vein before he could.

This meant he would have to increase the research budget once more, and that after already doing so less than half a year ago. His assistant did not say how Oak Labs suddenly came out with such a discovery, especially since none of their active research projects had anything to do with the discovery of new species, at least as far as he knew.

Either his informants and information network had seriously dropped the ball on this one, or a sudden variable had appeared during the last few months. Regardless of which one was true, he would have to investigate this further and admonish his informants for not alerting him before the news was leaked on Oak Lab's part.

Date: 30.29.2181

Location: Ashgrey City, Kanto.

POV: Professor Satoshi Masara (3rd person)

Oh, so his old teacher's lab managed to discover two new species. That was pretty interesting news, and he was interested to learn more about the two Pokemon that had been discovered.

Pokemon were always a passion of his and he loved them all, even if he had to admit that he had his favorites. Still, he saw no reason to wait a few weeks for the official report to be released. Satoshi was sure his teacher would not mind him paying a visit to his lab.

They could, in some fashion, be considered neighbors, after all, so he should have some neighbor privileges. Not to mention the student privileges he should have due to their teacher-protege relationship. Yes, he truly saw no reason why Professor Oak would mind Satoshi paying a surprise visit.

It was not as if he was going to steal his research. He simply wanted to get a peek at the new Pokemon in advance.

"Say Pikachu," he addressed his old partner, "what do you say, should we pay a surprise visit to the good professor?"

"Pika, pika, pi" he heard Pikachu agree before jumping on his shoulder and asking him what he was waiting for. He had to chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"You're right. No need to wait for later if we are going to do it anyway," he said before placing his trusty cap on his head and striding out of his office.


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I uploaded drawings of Aura Lopunny and Aura Medicham over on patreo'n for those interested only needing a push.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of December the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8. Those want access to them can find them on my patre*on.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, the lowest number of advanced chapters available will be 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 10.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/5 for this week.

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of December the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


Azrail93creators' thoughts
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