
CH78 (208), The Final Exams Are Approaching (2)

After that little scare, I kinda cruised through Dialday the next morning. At the end of the day, the time for new stuff/content was over and the reviewing phase had begun.

So, here I was in front of the pile of notebooks I had previously prepared. Well, actually, there were piles of notebooks not a single one, one for each course, with some stacked up higher than the others.

"Meditation III", "Emotion Sensing II", "Aura Sensing II", "Aura Speech II", "Internal Aura Manipulation", and "Combat Preparation" were the courses and understandably the last one had the smallest pile.

Today was Dialday, 27.14.2179, the final exams went on for a whole week and a half, from Arcday, 12.16.2179, to Mewday, 20.16.2179.

That left me six weeks until then, so if I was generous and assigned 5 days of reviewing to each aura-centric course, then I would still have 2 weeks to go over the first-year material for my regular classes.

I was obviously not going to ignore the reviewing were going to do in class, but the stacks were for my own perusal at home.

On a side note, the one and a half weeks that were still left after the exams until the end of the academic year were not only used by the teachers to grade the exams.

No, while the first and second years got to chill during that one and a half weeks, only having to show up at the Academy, the third years were being kept busy.

Well, at least at the start all of them were busy, but later on, it was only a select few that were still busy while the rest joined the chill squad. I had been pleasantly surprised when I heard about the events that took place during that time, but it seemed the Academy wanted me to wait until my third year before letting me participate.

There would be an inter-academy selection on Giratiday, 21.16.2179, where 4 students (third years) would be chosen to represent our academy.

That would be just the first phase, the second phase would be from 22.16.79 to 25.16.79. During that time all academies and schools of a region would compete against each other to select 16 representatives for each region.

Obviously, that was a competition in itself and not just a qualifier, so the competition went on until there was a winner. Anyway, a 3rd phase followed that which went from Arcday, 26.16.79, to Palkiday, 29.16.79.

The competition of the third phase was between the representatives of each region and the goal was to determine 16 students that would represent the continent. Just like with phase 2, phase 3 was a competition in itself as well, so it also went on until a winner was determined.

After phase 3 was over, phase 4 the final phase began. The representatives of each continent competed against each other to determine the strongest middle schooler (secondary student) in the world.

Funnily enough, there were two categories for the whole series of events. Number 1 was personal combat and Number 2 was a regular Pokemon battle. It was possible to participate in both categories, so for some people, it could get pretty hectic.

I had thought there would be a third category for mixed battle, but apparently, that was only added to the competition for high schoolers (tertiary students). However, it seemed that those guys and gals only had an inter-academy/school competition at the end of their third year for extra points.

Yeah, I got pretty hyped when I learned all that some time ago and went straight to Mr. Burns as soon as I learned of it, but he told me I could not participate yet. He gave a few reasons but it boiled down to my age, global fame, and waiting till my third year.

Well, at least I could cheer on Ace and Weiss without being their competitor. Not having to kick their butts was going to make my turn much more enjoyable.

Besides, in two years the strength of my Pokemon would be much higher and my getting Global Number 1 was all but guaranteed. See, I was not even scared of provoking Murphy or raising a flag. I was going to wreck the show in two years.

I might even get Global Number 1 in the personal combat category as well. However, I was much less confident in my chances for this one, so I dared not provoke Murphy.

Now, where was I before I went off tangent again? Ah, yes, my sweet little piles of knowledge. I decided to start with the "Aura Speech II" stack. I had a total of 12 notebooks that were completely filled with each one having 32 pages/sheets.

I also had a 13th one that was partly filled, that one was the latest one. Now, normally, faced with such a huge amount of information, more than 380 pages lettered on both sides, I would say that it was impossible to go over everything in just 5 days, and I would be right.

Thankfully, I had an enhanced memory and thinking/processing process, so it turned from an impossibility to a choice of how many hours are you willing to invest per day.

I was spending roughly 7 to 8 hours per day at the Academy if we added the travel time. I also slept 7 to 8 hours per day, so I was left with roughly 8 to 10 hours of free time in general.

That time included the time I spent training, with my friends, with my Pokemon, or just relaxing. Oh, not to forget eating and bathroom breaks. Obviously, it was more than that during the weekends, but that was only 2 days out of 7.

After some consideration, I was reluctantly willing to part with 3 to 4 hours for studying. That should be enough to go over 2 notebooks per day, which would mean it would take me 6 days to go over everything I have from "Aura Speech II".

While that was one day more than planned, the fewer days from courses with smaller stacks would make up for it. Satisfied with my study plan I pulled over the first notebook with the title "Aura Speech I, Term 1".

I cracked open the notebook and saw the headline of the first topic.

"Why PokeSpeech contains more information than the sound/words uttered." I leafed through the pages to check the other topics and saw two more.

One was "How different species and typings influence PokeSpeech." The other was "Similarities between PokeSpeech and AuraSpeech." I returned to the first page while thinking that at least the content was not boring, and with that happy thought, I began seriously studying.

It took more than an hour, roughly 80 minutes, to go over everything and be confident in having internalized it. To see how true that was, I would have to do some mock tests but I had none, so I made a mental note to ask Mr. Smiles if he had some test papers for each topic or term.

I would be happy with directions on how to get reliable tests as well. While I was sure I would find some on the web, I did not trust them one bit as long as I did not know if they were verified or not.

Anyway, I placed the notebook beside the yet to study stack and pulled out the notebook with "Aura Speech I, Term 2" on it. I leafed through it first and saw that it only had a single topic heading, "Aura, Intent, and how to apply it to speech."

A pretty broad topic, so it filling a notebook by itself made sense. I began to read through the notebook making notes on a separate sheet whenever I felt like I should go over a certain portion more than once due to its volume/difficulty. You know, just to be sure, I did not misunderstand anything.

Around two hours later I was done and placed the notebook atop volume 1 on the finished stack. Taking a look at the clock I saw that it was nearly time for dinner, and decide to allot the time after dinner for studying on weekdays and the period after breakfast on weekends.

After that, I entered Utopia and prepared some food for myself and everyone else, instead of taking some of the premade stuff I stored for everyone, before moving to the pond of Abzu/Milotic and Tiamat/Milotic.

I set up a few blankets since one was not enough for everyone. I placed all the food I made on the blanket, and took out some juice as well as soda, before calling everyone over for dinner.

At least those that had not already arrived while I was setting up everything, which was around half of them. After everyone arrived we ate our dinner in a happy atmosphere.

Once everyone was done Mothra/Butterfree, Nyx/Umbreon, and a few others came over and pouted asking why I only visited now instead of visiting a few hours earlier like I normally did.

I told them what I had been up to during the last few hours. Everyone nodded, saying things like "Oh, I see!" and the like before remembering they had a plan. They quickly adopted their pouting looks once more and "forced" me to pat as well as rub them for leaving them hanging without informing them.

That escalated quickly when everyone else joined in and it started another grooming session that took two more days since the were quite a few of them and I was not willing to do a quick work instead of being thorough.

Still, I made sure to do that after I was done studying, so I spent Kyoday and Grouday, eating breakfast, studying, doing a quick training session, grooming a batch of them, eating lunch, and grooming another batch. Followed by dinner, and ended with playing round/relaxing with everyone.

By the end of Grouday, everyone had been perfectly groomed, and I had spent nearly two complete days just bonding and relaxing with my Pokemon. All in all a good way to spend my time.

On Arcday I went up to Mr. Smiles during one of the breaks to ask him about the mock tests. He told me he had some for all topics and that he would prepare them for me. I was told to come back at the end of the day to pick them up.

I thanked him and returned to my lessons, and after my last class, I went to the teacher's office to collect the mock papers. Each paper had two copies, one that was empty and one that had the solution on it for me to compare the answers. I thanked him once again for helping me and left for home.

I went through the day and after dinner, I went through the mock tests for "Aura Speech I" from term 1 to 6 since I had gone over the whole material during the last 3 days.

There were 3-4 tests per term, so it took me three whole hours to go through all of them. I aced nearly all of them, except for four tasks where I misinterpreted something, so after going over those portions again. I place the tests on the completed stack.

Taking a look at the clock told me that it was nearly 10 p.m. I debated whether I should still go over the two notebooks I had planned to finish today but decided not to overdo it. So, I moved them to the next day instead.

I went through "Aura Speech II, Term 1" to "Aura Speech II, Term 4" on Mewday and Giratiday. Leaving only the content of the 5th and 6th term for Palkiday. So, I went to Ms. Brown on Palkiday to ask for some mock tests for all terms of the "Emotion Sensing" course.

She had them on hand as well, so I came home with a stack of tests that I was going to go through during the next few days. I placed them on my study table and went about my day. After dinner, I went through the content of the last two terms before finishing the mock tests as well.

I must have been extra motivated because I made zero mistakes, which was a first so far. The next day I decided to go out for lunch with Ace and Weiss.

We went to a branch of "Aldini's Delightful Meals" for some classic pizza, and talked about random stuff, like the study workload and our Pokemon.

Ace complained that he had to spend too much time learning and Weiss humble bragged that the amount was not a problem.

We stayed there for more than two hours and I was sure the only reason we were not thrown out was that the personnel was too polite. That and the number of fizzy drinks as well as snacks, biscuits, and stuff, we kept ordering.

Once we left "Aldini's", everyone went home, and I spent some time with my Pokemon. After dinner, I began working on the stack of "Emotion Sensing" notebooks, and at the end of my study session 3 hours later I had gone through the first and second terms of "Emotion Sensing I".

I went to bed happy with myself for being on track with my studies. The next morning after breakfast I sat down at my study table to start on the notebook for the third term. Only one hour into my study session the doorbell rang, and I had to stop.

I remembered that mom had told me that they were going to show up sometime around 10 a.m, and I quickly moved towards the door to greet my parents.

I hugged them both and mom kissed me on the cheeks. She held my hand while we made our way over to the couch.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat some breakfast?" I asked them after we had settled on the sofa.

"No need, we already ate before coming home." Mom denied and I nodded in acknowledgment.

I asked them how they were and they told me they were fine. I saw mom being really excited and asked what that was about. She told me it was because of the surprise they had for me.

"We got you an egg of a Pokemon that can't be found in Kanto, at least not in the wild. Scratch that, it is really rare to see a member of their species anywhere in Kanto or anywhere else on our continent for that matter." Mom said in a proud tone, and I briefly froze.

"You got me an egg?" Unsure where that had come from.

"Yes, it is one of the yields of our last mission. Your mother and I decided to give it to you," Dad answered in a happy tone.

"How did your last mission end up with me getting an egg?" I asked in confusion, and they began to explain how the situation came about.


I wish Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim readers.

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Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/6 for this week.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on. There is also a patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series that I have started.

If my second patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate will be increased to 7 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


Azrail93creators' thoughts
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