
CH42 (103), Coast City (2)

After thanking my boy Xatu, I called him back and made my way towards the Performance Theatre. Luckily, the Theatre was in the inner area as well so it took me only 20 minutes to reach it from the PokeCenter.

The building had a classy look to it that gave off a refined atmosphere but without feeling snobby. Upon entering the nice establishment I went up to the trusty help desk and asked the employee what the Performance Theatre is all about. All I can say after that experience is wow.

The guy talked for more than 20 minutes to deliver information that could have been communicated in 2-3 instead. I thank the guy for his help and walk over to one of the visitor seats to organize what I had just heard in peace.

I got a lot of interesting extra information because of it, but it all boiled down to a few important points. First was that about 20% of all Tier 5 and 6 Cities had Performance Theatres. Then came the fact that Individual Performers or Group Performers were assigned to 1 of 3 Divisions, which were Humans, Pokemon, and Mixed.

Depending on their popularity Performers would be assigned a level, which ranged from C-Level as the lowest to the S-Level as the highest. Performances themselves were divided into 2 categories, Action and Music.

Those in the Action category were generally assigned to 1 of 4 groups. Performers, here all kinds of performers were included like Magicians and Mimes. Artists, here Painters, Sculptors, and Artists of all kinds are included. Live-Actors and finally Dancers which also included Choreographers.

Lastly, the Music category was divided into 3 groups.

Those were Singers (regular), Singers (purely vocal), and finally Instrumentalists. This was great since it gave those a platform that wanted to simply perform in a way that had nothing to with fighting.

The funny point was that all Theatre Directors were assigned by the alliance, and they were all either top ACE-Class trainers or Elites that did not necessarily have any understanding of the subject. Their role was mostly to ensure the smooth handling of everything and safety.

The director had a group of trainers under him that made sure there were no troubles and kept the safety of the Theatre. In case the Director truly had no experience on the subject, the operation, and running of the Theatre were left to other subordinates that directly reported to the Director.

From what the guy said Viridian and Cyan City had a Performance Theatre as well. On the topic of performances, I was pretty sure my Mothra would be super popular if she ever participated in any of them. Now that I thought of it the same was true for Contests. Her big size and additional traits would help her stand out and become popular.

Actually, I wanted to check up on the knowledge on genetic traits I had in my head before but I forgot about it. Let's amend that. Wow, that's a lot of information. Let's see what I can already access. Still, a lot of info, but for now let's take a look at one of the lists of modifiers I have available.

There are Shiny, Giant, Tiny, Royal, King, Emperor, Ancient, Primal, Origin, Mutant, the Blessed, Descendants of the Blessed ones, and finally Children of Minor or Major Legends. There are probably more, but this one is already pretty extensive.

I'll look up some more if it becomes necessary. I already knew about Shinies, and it seemed to give an overall 15% bonus. Giant and Tiny were obviously size-related modifiers. I already knew about the Royal Gene, since Mothra had it, and that it gave a 25% boost overall. I also had heard about the King, because of Mera's Seaking.

It obviously was an upgrade of the Royal Gene, and the bonus it gave was 50% instead of 25%. It also replaced the Royal Gene on the status screen. Emperor was the final upgrade of the Royal Gene-line and gave a 100% bonus instead of 50%.

Ancient was the modifier/variant the Yanma that run from me possessed. It belonged to a chain as well, that had the same percentages as well. So, Ancient gave a 25% overall bonus, Primal 50%, and Origin gave 100%.

Next up was the Mutant Gene/Modifier, and it was an interesting one. Mutants were Pokemon that for one reason or another evolved or mutated into something new, the first of their kind. The Mutant modifier gave the same bonus as the Emperor and Origin modifiers, which was 100%.

After that came the Blessed. Under the blessed category fell every individual that received the blessing from either an element/type or any of the legendary categories (Minor, Major, First, Creation, Arceus). The Descendants modifier only showed up for the 1st and 2nd generation after the blessed individual and gave a smaller bonus than the original.

Lastly were the Child of Minor Legend and Child of Major Legend modifiers that only the children of Legendaries in these categories could receive if they were not part of their legendary parent's species. Child of Minor Legend gave a 300% bonus and Child of Major Legend gave a 600% bonus.

Some of the modifiers made unlocking others easier, especially the blessings. What was also important was that the bonuses stacked as long as they were not part of the same chain as for example the Royal and King modifiers were.

The most important thing to note was that unlocking genetic modifiers/traits, besides blessings, may cost the individual unlocking them some of their potential, if it happens outside of an evolution supported by supplements.

Only an evolution was able to support the unlocking of genetic modifiers without negative repercussions, and not even that was guaranteed. Not all environments were energy-rich enough to support the evolution and genetic unlocking without potential loss, which was why it was better to supply supplements as support as well.

This explained why the phenomenon during Mothra's evolution was much larger than the one during either Butterfree's, Seb's, or Gaia's evolution. Anyway, once I was done with the information on genetic variants I decided to leave to check out the temporarily final point on my checklist, the Stadium.

I was not sure how I had managed to overlook such a large structure despite the southern area being in the direction I had come from. Well, actually I was always running through the fringe and a large part of the outer area when I entered a Major City to quickly get to the parts I generally explored, so my focus in reaching that point could be the reason.

I mean the size of Major Cities was massive and if I did not run through the less interesting first half it would take me about another half-day of regular walking to reach my goal. The diameter of a Major City was 100km, so from the center of the city to one of the edges was about 50 km.

From outside the city inwards, the first 15 km were the fringe area. After that came the outer area, which was 25 km long. So, the main parts of the city were the last 10 km until the center point, and this was just the distance one had to cover for one direction in a straight line. This was the same for all 4 directions, so it should be obvious why I said that Major Cities were enormous.

I always slowed down once I reached the last 5 km of the outer part and changed to a more relaxed pace while calling out Nyx to accompany me. Anyway, the stadium was about halfway through the outer area, slightly on the southwestern side.

So, I made my way through the city, occasionally asking for directions to make sure I was going the right way. About 45 minutes later I was able to see the stadium from afar and it took me another 5 minutes to arrive near its site.

The reason the Stadium was in the outer part of the city was brilliant on the alliance part. Any organization, company, group, or individual that wanted to buy large properties in Major Cities for whatever reason (research centers, factories, villas, farms, and so on) had to do so from the outer and fringe area.

This made sure that there was a presence of strong trainers in those areas since the owners needed them for security. The genius part was that they voluntarily/involuntarily served as the first line of defense in case of Pokemon attacks/tides. However, that they did not want to give away large tracts of land in the inner area of the city was naturally the main reason.

I briefly stopped at the PokeCenter that was built near the Stadium and called out Xatu to have him memorize the location since it was one of the important ones in Coast City, and I didn't want to have to walk all the way here if I wanted to visit the place again.

You know the large number of PokeCenters in a Major City had surprised me when I heard about it for the first time, but it did make sense that 1 or two or any small number of PokeCenters wouldn't be able to support such a large City. All Major Cities had 101 PokeCenters. The core area had 1, and one of the Nurse/Sister Joys was overseeing it. She was also the big boss of all other PokeCenters inside the City.

Naturally, more employees were working in a PokeCenter than a single Nurse Joy, but she was the boss and everyone else was working under her. The other PokeCenters did not necessarily have a Joy family member as the manager, but as I said all PokeCenters in the city reported to the Nurse Joy at the core area anyway.

That family was in charge of the PokeCenter globally, and this actually translated to them really leading or more like being at the head of the health care system of humanity. The same was true for the police force and the Junsa family, commonly known for their Officer Junsar's/Jenny's.

Anyway, besides the PokeCenter in the core area, the center had 4, the inner had 16, the outer had 64, and the fringe area had 16. This made 101 in total and it was the same for all Major Cities. Other settlement types had fewer PokeCenters, their number depending on their size.

Cities had 37 PokeCenters on average, Small Cities had 28 PokeCenters,

Towns had 16 PokeCenters, and Villages had 1-4 PokeCenters. Damn, I started to digress from my main focus again. Back to the reason I came here in the first place, the Stadium.

I started doing what had become my go-to routine and began collecting any information I could get on Stadiums. First of all, I learned that about 40% of all Tier 5 & 6 Major Cities had a Stadium. This meant only Major Cities were allowed to build Stadiums, excluding Tier 4 Major Cities.

Some Stadiums had a main theme going such as a water field, ice field, and so on, but that was not a requirement and depended on its location. The Coast City Stadium had a water field, but they had platforms they could position on the water if necessary.

Now, Stadiums were generally used for 1 of 4 things. Sport-Events, Concerts, Exhibitions/Matches (Pokemon or Human), and large Events/Shows (Art, Magic, and so on).

All Stadiums were also used as one of the evacuation points in case of emergency. Stadiums were divided into different sizes with different holding capacities. The Permanent Seating Capacity was 25.000, 50.000, 75.000, 100.000, 150.000, 200.000, and 250.000 seats. This was only the number of seats on the stands.

If necessary one could add seats by using the field area. The Added Seating Capacity was 40.000, 80.000, 120.000, 160.000, 240.000, 320.000, and 400.000 seats. Once an emergency happened, people could be simply housed in the inner part of the Stadium as well. This way the Maximum Housing Capacity increased to 60.000, 120.000, 180.000, 240.000, 360.000, 480.000, and 600.000 people.

The Alliance naturally did not miss the chance to deploy some more strong trainers to help bolster the safety of Major Cities, so the Stadium Managers were either top ACE-Class or Elite-Class trainers. They naturally had trainers under them that were responsible for the security during any events.

No wonder Coast City could afford to not have any Gym or Halls, despite being outside the Route-System and near the coast to boot. The (Contest) Hall Chief, (Performance) Theatre Director, (Water) Club Supervisor, and Sea Ranger's Commander were really strong trainers that protected the city, especially when their direct subordinates were added as well.

Unfortunately, no events were happening right now, but I still went inside the Stadium to take a look and it was pretty cool. The Coast City Stadium had a Permanent Seating Capacity of 150.000, which meant it and its plot were pretty big.

*Gurgle* Suddenly my stomach released hungry sounds and I remembered that I had skipped lunch because of all the sudden surprise I was confronted with. That I had to run/walk around the city so much to reach the places I wanted to check out certainly did not help as well.

Looking at the watch my father had gifted me after we sold the Smeargle, I saw that there was still more than an hour before dinner, but I decided to return early so I could laze around until it was time to eat. Tomorrow was Kyoday and I would stay at home during the weekend.

So, I would have to take my first trip down the coast on Arcday. I took one last look at the Stadium and called out Xatu to Teleport me home.


***A Big Thank You to GhostXYZ for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Gladish for becoming a Patron***

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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/5 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to GhostXYZ for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Gladish for becoming a Patron***

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate is increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


Azrail93creators' thoughts
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