
Chapter 140

I reached the castle after what felt like thirty minutes of flight, floating down to the snow ground in front of it as I began looking around.

Immediately, several guards noticed me and promptly began walking towards me with hostile expressions. "Halt! You are trespassing on Drum castle, home of Wapol, the ruler of these lands!" said one guard while brandishing a spear.

"Not for long..." I calmly replied, causing the guards to frown in confusion.

"What nonsense are you speaking, intruder?!" said another guard as he walked up to me. "You better surrender and come with us for interrogation willingly, or else!" he added, pointing his spear at my face.

"I know you're just doing your job, but I'm in a bad mood right now..." I said in a cold tone, gripping the sharp tip of the guard's spear and holding it in place. "So you better get out of my way before I lose my patience," I added, uncaring as the guard panicked and began wiggling the spear, trying to free it from my hand.

"What the hell is this guy?!" the guard said with a red face, pulling on the spear. "He's holding a sharp spear tip like it's nothing!" he added as he let go of the spear, retrieving a flintlock pistol.

"You've had your chance..." I said as I snapped the spear in half over my knee, causing the guard to panic even more and start shooting.

I reacted quickly, catching the bullets with my hand, and began squeezing. "I'm sorry, but you'll be my punching bag," I said as I opened my hand, letting go of the deformed bullet in my hand.

"But I'll make sure you don't die, at least," I concluded as I took a step forwards, punching the guard in his guts, causing him to go flying and crash into a tree in the distance.

The other guards looked at their friend crashing into a tree, the accumulated snow almost burying him beneath it, and they paled.

"We can't fight this guy!" exclaimed another guard. "Quickly inform king Wapol," he said as he turned around and started running away.

The rest of the guards looked at each other and followed suit, scattering in all directions. "So much for that..." I muttered with a shake of my head.

"Might as well wait here for Wapol to bring his fat ass here to me," I shrugged my shoulders, deciding to wait right here, as I closed my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest.


It didn't take long for me to find myself surrounded by countless soldiers, four people among them distinctly familiar to me.

"Johnny Silverhand..." said an overweight man with an unusual appearance, almost comically so. He had dark violet hair and a cylinder-shaped jaw made of tin plates.

"You know about me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, smiling in amusement at the man's comical appearance.

"Not only do I know about you, I even knew you would come to cause trouble for me sooner or later," the overweight man said in a leisure tone as he took out a knife with a piece of meat stuck in its blade.

"I was even considering whether to leave the island for a while until you left," he added with a lazy smile, biting the piece of meat and blade along with it, breaking the knife in half as he began chewing with a loud clanking noise.

"But to think you'd show up here alone," he remarked as he swallowed with a loud gulp, only to start chewing again as he threw the rest of the broken knife into his mouth.

"Well, if you already thought about escaping the island, then you're not as dumb as you look, at least," I replied with a chuckle, uncaring about his little display.

"Because I'm here to cause trouble indeed," I added with a shrug. "So if you'd be so inclined as to get your ugly ass out of the island, then I just might reconsider breaking all of your bones," I added while gesturing with my hand as if shooing away a stray dog on the street.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, your bastard!" said the overweight man. "If you had come with your entire crew, then I might have been afraid!" he added in a shrill tone, unabashed by his own cowardice.

"But your own your own, and I have an army here!" the overweight man said while gnashing his teeth. "I'll just cripple you and force your crew members to surrender!" he concluded, waving his hand to the side.

"Well, I guess you are as dumb as you look after all," I replied with a sigh, shaking my head in mock disappointment, causing a vein to bulge on the overweight man's head.

"Don't let the filthy pirate's words get you, lord Wapol," said a man with a big afro, wearing a long, orange cloak, with white lining, and black afros at each end, and white afros hanging from the front.

"There's no need to keep listening to his gibberish any longer as well," said a man who is a bit taller than average with wavy lips and a sad expression, wearing a checkered jester-like green-blue costume.

"Just give the word, and we'll take care of him for you, lord Wapol," the man in a jester outfit said as he took a step forward and stood in front of Wapol with the afro man doing the same.

"That's right! Maaaaaahahahahaha," Wabol said with a particularly loud and obnoxious laugh as he looked at me with a smug expression.

"Chess, Kuromarimour, Cripple this commoner and throw him in the castle's dungeon for insulting your king, Maaaaaahahahahaha," he instructed with another obnoxious laugh while pointing at me.

"As you wish, lord Wabol," Chess said in a solemn tone as he gripped his bow and knocked an arrow, aiming at me.

"Take aim, soldiers!" Kuromarimour said with a smirk. "Prepare to defend your king!" he added as he raised his fists in front of his face in a boxing stance.

"I will stay here to protect you, just in case, your majesty," Dalton said from the side, briefly turning to look at me with a complicated expression, while Wabol merely nodded at him carelessly.

"Do it now, get this commoner and make it as painful as possible, Maaaaaahahahahaha," Wabol instructed in aloud voice, and his goons immediately obliged.

Kurumarimou was the first to react as he punched the air, releasing several black fluffy balls that slowly flew towards me. Chess looked at this and began rapidly firing flaming arrows that would hit the afro balls, igniting them and increasing their speed.

The soldiers standing behind Chess and Kuromarimo didn't waste any time as well, as they began firing their rifles, sending a hail of bullets flying towards me.

"I said cripple, not kill him, you imbeciles!" Wabol said in a panicked tone as he waved his hand in panic, only to freeze as all the projectiles came to a halt in front of me.

"Forget about killing or crippling me. This much won't even tickle me," I said with a chuckle as I returned the density of the air around me back to normal, causing the bullets and arrows floating in front of me to fall on the snow ground.

"It's my turn now..." I added with a predatory smirk as I disappeared from where I was standing with a quick application of Sorus, causing Wabol to pale, as his goons began panicking as well.

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