
The Magical examination exam?

Countless people sat on their brooms, trying to channel their mana into it.

magic brooms were complex, requiring mana to run and how high you fly is determined on how much mana you put into it

if you stop supplying mana in the air, the broom will fall and so will you, leading to some tragic incidents when some peasants use magic brooms for the first time

luckily, it seemed like these brooms were made out of very mana responsive wood, so even that wouldn't be a problem today.

sitting on it and injecting mana, Zakai stood up on the broom and floated towards yuno with a smirk

"Want to see who can go up the fastest?"

Yuno looked towards me, before nodding.

the people who could barely fly moved out of the way as Both Yuno and Zakai shot up like a bullet to the sky , causing the magic captains to nod

"Both are nice additions to the clover kindgom." William vengeance nodded, causing most of the magic knights except Yami to nod

"Aw, shit I just want to go home." He slowly pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and said, putting his feet onto the stand

Charlotte looked at Yami like a fool

"Have some respect." She said externally as shot a harmful gaze at him. but internally, she was blushing "Aw, Yami-san is so cool!"

her fangirling didn't show , as she slowly watched the 2 human boys race towards the sky , both trying to get the edge over another

Dorothy was simply sleeping causing Yami to look at William

"you telling me to be more focused when she is sleeping?"

"Oh please, we all know why she's sleeping." Charlotte looked at the sleeping witch

William was silent as he watched the rest of the contestants

"Anybody interested in a certain person?"

"No." Nozel silva said, looking towards the group of boys racing each over "Are they really peasants?"

"You nobles and your pride." Jack the ripper said with a freaky smile "Nobility doesn't matter under my blades."

Yami rolled his eyes hearing this before looking towards the recruits. a girl r hidden in the shadows on the colleseum caused Yami to look at Nozel, who looked at him back

Not a word. Nozel said in his stare, causing Yami to sigh and pretend nothing was going on

although hes a quiet kid, Yuno certainly had a competitive nature as he quickly tried to get the edge

Although Zakai had quite a bit of mana, it was still hard compared to Yuno. he didn't falter, however, as both went the height of the large coliseum

"You wanna call it a tie?"

Yuno nodded, panting

both flew down, saving their mana for the upcoming challenges

"You know, for both coming from the Boonies they're both ok."

"The genius chose by the 4 leaf clover.... who's the other one?"

"Never heard of him. he must be an illegitimate child of a powerful noble."

hearing a grunt behind him, Zalak watched as Asta couldn't get a foot off the ground, surprising even him

"He has mana.....right?"

the captains all had the same thought as they were all confused

"What's the meaning of this?" Fuegeleon asked, looked towards the boy up in the stand "no matter how much talent one may have you can at least float" He said with a puzzled expression looking towards the struggling boy

Nozel looked around the stand and said "If you will excuse me, please"

the captain's eye's followed him as he went towards a girl hidden in the stand. although none of them could hear what they were on about

William Vangence stood up and clapped his hands, causing everyone to float down

"We will be moving onto the next exam, the Magical ability exam." He looked towards at a man in staff uniform

"If you would please."

the man chanted

"[Brick magic: Self-healing brick wall]!"

countless brick walls appeared, 6 brick walls all spaced 6 metres apart

"The point is to test your Magic's combat ability. if you have a non-combat magical ability, step out of the contestant's way and go to the left. a good solid chunk moved to the left. It's most likely the ones with those kinda powers will be never chosen.

Zakai was at the front of one line and sighed

"Why me." he hated being in the centre of some powerful people

opening his grimoire and summoning a piece of paper, he poured a large amount into it

"Paper magic?" Wiliam said, "My my, what a rare magic."

"No." Yami said, "That book holds more than one magic based on its ki."

Turning into a large shuriken, he flew it to the brick and cut through the 6 brick walls like paper

(Get it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

no pun intended.

Zakai stepped on the right and closed his eyes, recovering the mana he used for the attack which wasn't enough

countless people came and went, the best only managing to Peirce 3rd wall

Yuno came and put his hand up, Grimoire open and chanted

"[Wind magic: Crescent Kamaitachi]"

a wind blade a lot stronger than Zalak's came out, the crescent bigger and stronger than 5 of his, not to mention that it took a lot less mana to chant it than Zalak's wind blade

"You can't be the best at everything." He shrugged, watching as the wind blade tore through the 5 brick walls with ease

Asta was next, alongside this guy that couldn't help but scream "Bah-ha!" every 2 seconds.

Asta couldn't produce a single shred of mana, causing the judges to click their tongues

"How peculiar," William said, staring at the boi below who was trying to summon magic but falling

After everyone did the test, it was time for the next exam, the Magical ability control exam

A series of targets are thrown towards a person, and they must hit it with their magic.

Zakai easily passed al of his with a bullseye as he could control where they went

"A true talent," William said, his eyes scanning the crowd

"That bronze kid isn't bad." Jack the ripper said, his tongues licking his lips

"Isnt he that little brat from that corrupt noble family?" Yami said, lighting up a new cigarette

"No noble is corrupt." Nozel said "Only misguided."

"Yeah yeah." Yami rolled his eyes

The next exam after that was Creation Magic Exam when the name of the game was to create an object with enough attention to detail and it means you could do anything you wanted aslong as the target is met

although creation magic would be fairly hard for paper magic, it wasn't hard for him if he used a technique

"[Paper magic: Wings of the Demonic Angel]"

he could control the paper better in this form as he had full access to his hands, which he could use to shape the magic better

"Let's make a large tree."

Paper from his wings slowly fell, only to be regenerated by the next batch of full paper that regenerates on his wings

using his mana control, which he had lots of experience with due to his 9 years, he quickly shaped a large tree, causing even Dorothy to wake up for a second before dozing off

All the magic captains nodded their heads at both Yuno and Zakai, who both created trees of their main magic types.

next, it was the boring Developmental Magic exam, and Zalak quickly made a couple of animals with his paper magic and sighed, obviously a bit bored

after that was over, Fuegeleon stood up passionately

"The next one will be your final exam!" He said, in the heat of passion "You will be battling!"

murmurs filled the crowd as the people who paired up looked towards each other over

"You will pair off and fight with your partner. you may use your grimoires to attack!"

the murmurs intensified

"Fighting is our duty, show is your true ability!" Fugeleon's charismatic side showed as the crowd cheered, making them feel prideful of living in the clover kindgom

William took over as he said

"As soon as one of you yields or becomes unable to fight, the exam will be over."

countless people were looking for potential targets when a bunch of Power drunk nobles came up to him, causing him to sigh as he looked towards them

"You boonies don't know your place." The Noble said, "You must feel blessed to be in my presence." the man said, looking at himself in the mirror

"Who are you?" Zakai said, picking his nose before looking towards yuno "You wanna fight?"

Yuno walked past the arrogant noble and straight onto the battlefield,causing Zakai to smile

"Let's go."

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