

It was a test. That was all Hiro remembered being told. Hiro had been so shocked with Paimon's presence that he had completely forgot about eating. But eventually when he had collapsed while Paimon was about to introduce herself, he had been finally brought to a 'safehouse' and was fed properly, Hiro had finally able to pay attention to something properly.

Hiro had thought Neoverse had only consisted of anime worlds but here he was proven wrong again. If the game Genshin impact was included, Hiro didn't like what's to come. It opened up possibilities for MCU and DC to also exist here.

[This could turn into a huge mess if I somehow ended on the wrong side of these heroes...ha....I already feel tired again....]

But he was woken up from his thoughts by a tiny hand grabbing his shoulder. Hiro had been sitting on the floor ever since he was brought to the safehouse, he needed to get some footing and calm down. But it seems Paimon couldn't wait any longer. Hiro had only seen the characters and had never really played the game, or more like couldn't play the game as it wasn't exactly designed for poor people like him. One of his younger coworkers had tried to get him into the game but ever since he had heard how much that coworker had to play to get a character, he had given up any and all hopes of playing.

Though he wasn't exactly poor, he was too reluctant to let go of his conserved lifestyle he had learned in the orphanage. It also boiled down to the fact that he didn't want to be a money waster(Ahem! A whale! There you go somebody had to say it) and give in to self-induced game-addiction(Gambling-addiction).

"Are you ok now Traveller?"

Hiro was still unable to answer as his mind was adrift in the realm of possibilities and dangers his journey could contain.

Unable to keep her patience, Paimon gave Hiro's shoulder a firm shake. Hiro immediately flinched at the sudden touch. "Gah! What were you saying?" Hiro was half expecting Paimon to become angry and lash out at him but instead when he turned he was greeted with a pout, and a cute one at that....

"Look, I know I have been rude to you but your mere existence is raising too many questions in my head", Hiro stated as he waited for her to say something.

"Paimon's universe along with many different game-verses exist within Neoverse. Paimon's just here to help you organise your stuff", said a nonchalant Paimon and rather smugly.

"Why you, and not anybody else? I am sure anybody could help me with these simple stuff..."

"Well it wasn't exactly a choice. I was summoned from a luck-roll. Those two decided to wing it and leave things to fate. When my name popped up among many others, I was chosen to guide you on your journey."

"And wat happens to your universe now? Your are important for the progression of the story right?", Hiro cringed at the idea that her universe could get destroyed if she was absent from it.

"Oh don't worry about that! Paimon's a copy of the original Paimon just like your Unimatrix and Fire Dragon magic."

[Whew...Isn't that such a relief!]

"Now onwards, Paimon wants to show traveller all the amazing stuff we have here", and the little fairy sped up ahead. In fact she flew so quickly that Hiro had to make an effort to catch up to her.

<Latter that day>

"See how much stuff we have got? Isn't it awesome? Paimon's quite proud of her collection. ", and she rambles on, typical Paimon annoyance.

But Hiro was too awed to notice Paimon had gone completely off-topic. He was still processing how much stuff he had here. The raw materials were indefinite in supply. He had everything he wanted right here. So, he set his thoughts straight, he had a plan and he had what he needed to make the plan successful, what's left was to actually follow through.

"Let's get started"

<Time skip: 10 years>

"Pass me those will you?", Hiro said as he pointed to a blue stack of papers that lay littered on large metal table inside the room. For the past years he had trained profusely and had suffered greatly at the hands of those who were training him. At present he was inside the main residence. He was lying on the floor under a huge piece of machinery. His current predicament had been his mistake, he had attached a piece to a different place and couldn't figure out how to fix this.

"Here", Said Grey Matter as he handed the piece of paper. Who knew Ben could still turn into aliens here. "You know that yo should start calibrating the watch right?", asked Grey-matter as he hopped about while fiddling with different things.

"Yeah, Yeah, I hear you... All in good time Ben...All in good time....", replied an annoyed Hiro.

"Why do yo even need this thing? First that Tuxedo now this suit. I get the first but this...this is just too much....", Ben curiously eyed the hulking piece of metal.

Hiro ignored him as he paid attention to the other two individuals sitting on the floor a little far from them. Ugh, they were even more annoying that Ben.

<Crunch><Slurp>"Would you two stop eating so loudly!!", Hiro was getting tired of those noises.

"Can't do buddy, the food's too delicious to give away", the bigger food demon said as he munched on the piece of chicken in his hands.

"Paimon agrees with what he said", said the little gremlin.

Hiro decided to not let those sounds bother him. His eyes fell on the thing he was making and his mind was filled with the memories of the day he found out he could make this.

Ever since he had moved in, Hiro has had his fare share of headaches. A few years earlier he had been introduced to a special room in his domain. He had been told that the 50 individuals he had asked for his training would hold 1 on 1 sessions on the room.

However he had been made known of one major detail about this training course. He wouldn't be able to remember anything they teach him.


"Come again? It seems I have been hearing things.", said a very confused Hiro as he looked at the nervous face of the little fairy. He had heard a lot of things in his life but this was utterly ridiculous.

"Paimon didn't do anything! That was what they told Paimon!!", Paimon had had better days than this.

Hiro immediately started to massage his temples as he tried to hold the urge to scream in frustration. He had been very, and put stress on 'very', hyped up about getting trained by the random trainers that would also pop up according to the luck roll. He knew what he was doing when requested that as his wish. He was tired of training by himself as Ben and Natsu could only give him advice and not physically train with him. But now it seems all this fuss was of no use after all.

'Your won't remember a thing they will teach you. Only your body will and you will only be able to unlock these skill in a specific moment when specific conditions are met and for only a limited amount of time'. That was the exact thing quoted by Paimon. Ugh, he was getting a headache again.

"But why? Why like this? Don't I need to prepare properly?", Hiro kept asking Paimon and as expected the cute fairy couldn't answer. Figuring out that he was going to get an answer, Hiro started walking to his personal training area.

"That's because it too risky.", came the all too familiar male voice. Hiro stopped in his tracks and listened carefully. "Zero is a masterful warrior, almost completely unbeatable. It can copy any fighting style, build any weapon, equipment before you could blink your eyes and then use your techniques to beat you to the ground and then some. We all wouldn't be standing here if it were to take the initiative to attack us head on. We are still safe because it is too lazy to search for us ."

"You can train for the next Five hundred, Thousand or Ten thousand years but you still won't be able to defeat it, Hiro. Only thorough recollecting all the scattered pieces of The One across the Neoverse and with the help of allies can your ever hope to defeat that monster.", said a female voice he was already missing.

[But Vi and Infi are so powerful yet they regard Zero as a monster. How can I ever hope to face that thing and overpower it??!!!]

"If worse comes to worse and it releases all it's power, me and Infi will only be able to give you 15 minutes before we are destroyed.", Vi chuckled as he said so.


</Flashback End>

But that very same day he had discovered something very useful as he walked around in a bad mood. He had at first thought that he had stumbled upon a piece of steel littered around as he visited the storage room. Hiro had tried picking it up but as he did so, he realised this was no steel. For first, steel didn't vibrate and secondly, it didn't change shape constantly as if.... as if it was....

Like a very familiar metal from which Cybernetic warriors were made of.

Like Transformium.

Turns out there were even more metals like....Vibranium and Adamantium....I wonder what can you build with these stuff?

Chapitre suivant