
The Debt

Outside the barrier, Ryu never ceased his glares at the Owner while the latter was all smiles at him.

Ferris was counting and gauging the people on the Owner's side. The only problems were his two Rank-A bodyguards and the Owner himself. 

Ferris deducted that the male bodyguard was a great knight while the female was a mage based on their weapons. And the Owner . . .

Ferris's eyes dilated when the Owner looked at her. 

He was a . . . 

"Where are you going?" Ferris asked when Kai tiptoed away from them.

"Gah." Kai gulped, and he looked over his shoulder. His smile was skewed in an awkward angle. "J-just . . . going to pee?"

Ferris raised an eyebrow, but Lucian and the others faced the Owner and his group before she could say anything.

"We've agreed to pay her debt," Lucian said, "But on one condition."

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