
Chapter 16: Battle of Orleans


Just your everyday Blackbeard


(Mael's POV)

The final day was upon us.

On the hill near the bridge opposite the direction of the city of Orleans were standing a small army lead by Jeanne d'Arc.

The army was not very big as we were given only three hundred soldiers in which only a hundred were mounted while the rest were just common foot soldiers. Even among them, most of them were commoners or farmers who were just there to fight acting only as meat shields.

However, Jeanne was unfathomable by such a gap in power between two forces.

She was wearing full body armor with a metallic helmet revealing only her face to raise the morale of her army and boast their dedication.

She was also carrying a silver-colored flag tied with a pointed spear called Luminosite Eternelle along with the St. Catherine sword.

She raised her sword and opened her lips, "Men of my country…. I know that I may have not the strength to take back my country to those enemy English men but fear not as I have the message from our Lord. France shall regain its independence from here on, at this moment! Tell me, are you willing to fight with me?!"


All soldiers cheered and hailed for the victory.

She then waved her hands towards me.

I nodded and took four more mounted archers with me and started to move towards the bridge of River Loire.

River Loire was the main reason that the British Army was still unable to seize the whole of France as it divides the country into two parts with a single city Orleans and its subsequent bridge connecting two parts of the country.

Our first plan was to ensure a safe route towards Orleans by clearing the British troops stationed on the edge of the bridge.

The enemy also detected us but before any of them could take any action, I immediately shot the first two archers in no time followed by my two underlings.

I prayed for forgiveness since it was my first kill. Even though I didn't mind killing but it was still hard for me to just kill anyone however I want.

Anyway, since they were still struggling to conquer Orleans, soldiers stationed at the bridge weren't as much.

I then gave a signal to Jeanne who commanded the other two troops to cross the river from two sides led by Gilles de Rais. Since the water level was low so they were somehow able to cross the river.

Obviously, those were for distraction as she led other soldiers through the bridge.

"Mael, what's the situation?!" She came near me and asked while shielding herself from upcoming arrows.

"We have successfully taken them with surprise. I think main there main command towers are on the other side." I said while pulling another headshot.

My job was to ensure her safety at all costs.

I just killed any enemy who approaches Jeanne while she was in the middle of giving commands.

Even though she had some combat experience, both Gilles and I insisted on her command the army and leaving the fight to men.

"Blow the bridge!"

She then signaled the soldiers who were able to take control of city walls. They load cannons and fired. Three round shots hit the bridge and destroyed it successfully, blocking the escape routes of enemy soldiers.

Seeing the arrival of the army, city guards immediately opened the gates to let the soldiers enter the city.

"Retreat to the city!" Jeanne called the army to retreat into the city which was our main goal.

Our task was not directly to attack the British army but to supply resources to the city, reinforcing the army and then attacking them again.

And by destroying the bridge, they would have no choice but to sit only and wait for their support as well.

"Jeanne, hurry up and go!" I shouted while killing another approaching enemy.

I was also using my Emperor's Eye continuously and after so much fight, my stamina started to run out again. Except for Jeanne, nobody knows about my weakness and I feared that if this information falls into other ears, it would only be a matter of time before troubles began to pile up.

"No! I can't until Sir Gilles also arrives." She said with firmed eyes deflecting an arrow with her flag. She was not only commanding the soldiers but also defending herself.

She then snapped out from her thoughts and realized what I was implying. "Mael… You should retreat first and wait for me."

I looked at her as she was an idiot. "Are you stupid? Forget it, I might as well die here rather than abandoning you." I snorted and then climbed her horse to take better aim as well as also protect her.

"Mael…" For a moment she looked at me with a warm smile and then nodded.

She then continued to command the army while also slowly retreating into the city.

It was going according to our plan but the red light began to blink as I began to lose my energy. My vision also started to blur as my eyes were getting exhausted from the continuous use of the ability.

'The hell with this!?' I cursed in my mind and just prayed for our safe retreat.

It was at that moment, my danger senses began to howl loudly.


I detected a single arrow coming right towards Jeanne's head and I knew that she won't be able to defend.

"Jeanne, watch out!" I yelled and pushed Jeanne away but that stray arrow, instead of hitting Jeanne, penetrated my left shoulder through an opening gap between the armor.

"Mael!!" Jeanne shouted when she noticed my injury but she didn't panic as she immediately retreated inside the city while holding me.

She then slowly put me down and began to remove my armor.

"Mael! Stay with me!" She was doing what she can to treat my wound. The arrow was still stuck in my shoulders and was bleeding.

Gilles also ran towards me and carefully removed the arrow before tightly closing the wound with a cloth. As a professional, he knew what to do in a critical situation.

"Mael! Mael! Please hold yourself!" Tears began falling from her eyes as was caressing my forehead and cheeks trying to make me not lose consciousness.

I smiled weakly and called Jeanne, "Jeanne…"

"What is it, Mael!? Just say!" She bent down closing her ear to my mouth and in meantime, burying my eyes with her gigantic watermelons.

"Don'… shout, you idiot… You are hurting my ears… let me rest for a bit…" I smiled weakly closing my eyes.

"Oh sorry… I didn't know it is your THAT time…" She apologized and wiped her tears.

Why the hell she sounds like that I was having my periods? Anyway, I then fell into dreamland to rest for a while and replenish my stamina.

After sleeping for I don't know how much, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself on a cozy bed.

My head was in pain and my eyes were also tired due to excessive use of the ability.


I then noticed Jeanne who was sleeping right beside my head while holding my arm. However most fascinating thing, apart from her adorable sleeping face, was one of her soft and mesmerizing tit that she had placed on my palm. I didn't know whether it was intentional or not but I thanked God for giving me such a huge opportunity to be able to touch a girl's boob for the first time and Jeanne's on that!

Slowly and steadily, I started to squeeze my hand and fondle her milk jug.

'OH MY GOD! So that's how it feels to touch a woman's sensitive part?! I am so lucky!!' I cheered in my mind and smiled satisfactorily.

However, just as I turned around, my eyes fell on Jeanne who was staring at me with dry eyes.

"Mael…. Are you done fondling my breast?" She asked with rosy cheeks pointing at my hand.

"Not really… But I am now all good." I smiled and reluctantly released the mild bun.

"You pervert…. You should know that activities like these are forbidden before the marriage." She said while rolling her bangs with her fingers.

"Once a legend said if you see an opening go for it."

We both stared at each other before bursting into laughter.

She then informed me about their victory. Apparently, I was asleep for the whole day and since my wound was deep, they didn't try to invite me again in the fight and were successfully able to attack enemy defense towers and free the Orleans.

By the way, I was one of their vice leaders alongside Gilles and since my performance was quite heroic, they didn't blame me for not participating in the war.

Hence, everything went quite well.

However, my mood was solemn since they didn't even wait for me to participate.

"Humph, Jeanne I am not happy. Tell me, is my weakness that much of a hurdle?" I asked with dry eyes.

"I… I am sorry." She apologized with her head down and continued to speak, "I don't want to make you look weak but your wound was serious. You had lost too much blood."

It was true. The arrow penetrated quite deep into my muscle and even cracking my bones. I was still feeling quite severe pain but the fear of anything happening to Jeanne was all over in my mind.

She then sat beside me and placed my head on her lap while also wrapping her arms around my neck and burying my face under her boobs in my head.

"I am sorry… Please forgive me, Mael."

"You pervert, do you think seducing me like this gonna chance my mood?" I asked dryly but didn't move from the heavenly spot.

"Oh, I am sorry. I should move."

"No! don't! I didn't mind though…"

Even though I was angry, I ain't gonna pass this opportunity to enjoy legendary lap pillow. After becoming adults, we hardly have such close interactions so I didn't mind touching her here and there a bit.

She chuckled evilly before began to caresses my forehead gently.

We didn't speak or quarrel afterward and enjoyed each other's company that night.

However, my uneasiness didn't get away as I could feel a big catastrophe would soon hit my life.

(AN: The battle was long where Jeanne got an injury instead of Mael but I didn't want to go deep here since human war is irrelevant to the story.)


Just like I said, the battle was long but I didn't want to write useless war arcs of which results are predictable so I just explained the general view.

Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.



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