

As the sealer ninja started to transfer the bijuu inside Yui, she felt her vision waver for a moment before closing her eyes and when she reopened them she was no longer in the room but I was in a dark place with water in the your feet.

" Where I am?" She stood up and asked herself as she surveyed her surroundings, "Is this a genjutsu?" Yui wondered again and prepared to try to break the illusion but at that moment the place began to shake fiercely.

Right in front of Yui a rip appeared in the ceiling and a gray light began to permeate inward at first slowly but it started to accelerate soon after and spilled out faster, "This is Chakra!" Yui activated her sharingan and looked at the mass of Chakra that began to take the form of a slug in front of her.

"Hoho so you're my new jinchuuriki." When Saiken finished forming his body he spoke to Yui as her eyes glowed red from behind the water that was raised when he appeared.

" What a powerful Chakra " Yui stated and placed her hand on the hilt of her sword ready to draw it at any time but Bijuu's next action surprised her, " Well I'm already very tired of the transfer so until they finish we can talk, besides, it's the first time I've been able to get in touch with my new carrier during the transfer. That's interesting."

Saiken wasn't angry or surprised much less filled with battle thirst, he lowered his head to look at Yui closely and his two eyes began to circle around her watching her.

"Are you going to stand there or introduce yourself?" He asked Yui who was still shocked by the situation but she calmed down and put away her sword, "Nice to meet you I'm Yui." She said and reached out towards one of the slug's tentacles that greeted him back.

"Well aren't you going to tell me about being an Uchiha?" He asked startling Yui who questioned him how he found out and Saiken pointed to her glowing eyes, "You've had them activated since I walked in here." He explained and Yui was a little embarrassed before deactivating her sharingan.

"But you are really an interesting and different jinchuuriki, you met me during the transfer, you are an Uchiha, and you showed no fear when you first felt my Chakra, very interesting." Saiken started to watch Yui closely trying to get some response from her but the last one just looked away and was quiet.

They just stood there with Saiken watching her and making her uncomfortable, "Could you stop staring at me please?" Yui said trying to tear his eyes away from her but Saiken didn't care for her protests and kept looking at her.

"What are you looking to discover by looking at me like that?" She questioned somewhat annoyed, "Well I'm discovering another surprise watching you, your yang is much bigger than a human being could be able to get at your age plus your yin despite being smaller than your yang it seems to be quite thick as if was being suppressed." Saiken didn't wait for Yui's expression to change and continued speaking forcefully.

"The way your Chakra veins are shaped in the body is pairing your blood vessels so that every time you breathe they expand, your Chakra reserve is also very large for your age and ....." He began to dump a lot of information he was getting by watching Yui's body so much that she even got dizzy.

Several minutes later the opening that was made in the ceiling was closed and a large gate fell in front of Saiken separating him from Yui, "Ah the seal is ready, well it was fun talking to you." Saiken said and lay down behind the gate with a sad little face.

Yui stared at him for a while before opening her mouth, "I don't think I need to hold you back." She said surprising Saiken and the newly finished seal on her stomach Yui opened it at the same moment raising the gate.

"Hey you know that now I can fight you with all my form and take control of your body don't you?" Saiken who was surprised at Yui spoke but her answer was very simple, "Since we're going to be together for years I'm counting on you, besides I think the seal is not well made so you would break it sooner or later. " She explained before preparing to return her consciousness to her body.

When she disappeared Saiken looked around for a while before uttering, "What an interesting girl."

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By the time Yui opened her eyes she saw that only a few seconds had passed and the seal was ready, besides a slight burning sensation in her stomach and a constant Chakra discharge in her system everything was pretty normal.

To control the amount of Chakra that was nauseating her, Yui started to take a deep breath and send heaps of steam into the air, startling the sealing ninjas a little, "Don't worry, I'm fine." Yui said and got up from her chair before walking out of the base without a problem.

The ninjas at the site kept looking at each other for a while as it was the first time a Bijuu had been transplanted using a bad seal and the host had left without any problem or reaction.

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